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Everything posted by Bagnu

  1. Apparently advertising here is considered to be a bad thing from my experience. Maybe it's just me lol!!!
  2. The truth of this statement is irrelevant in this thread. Writing prejudiced and ignorant is relevant, and IS highly uncivil.
  3. Lol!!! Patrick Swayze was hot though!!! And I read the fight was actually real!!!
  4. I wish i had the same opportunity. My friends seem to be in different timezones though. And I don't always have the privacy to do what i do,. Lag is another issue with my slow internet.
  5. Come and meet me inworld!!! It;s so much easier to chat there and truly get to know each other!!! And anyone else who wants to as well!!!
  6. I've stayed because I love interacting with people, and I can't always be inworld. Right now my lag is so bad I can't work on my AV!!!
  7. We are definitely not free. We are all in economic slavery. Only those that don't rely on money can be truly free.
  8. I came into the forums because of curiosity when I was looking up things on the internet to help with issues I had with my AV. That was my starting point. What about everyone else??
  9. I obviously expressed myself incorrectly. The only people I would purposely offend are those that deliberately hurt others whether it would it would be here or or RL. Then I can be quite vicious .You are not in that category by any means.
  10. Which culture are you from??? I would guess native North American from your profile pic.
  11. Then what were considered savages in Robert E Howard's day are the more civilized ones.
  12. Sorry for my misspelling. I read on him earlier. I meant that his blindness DID make him a great musician!!! When we lack one of our senses, the others become stronger.
  13. This why we have a penal system in every culture. It wouldn't be required otherwise.
  14. I loved Roadhouse!!! Jeff Healy's blindness would have made him a better musician!!!
  15. I tend to stay in areas where people have the same interests as myself, so that is likely why I haven't seen much of this inworld. I have experienced uncivilty there as well though. Disagreeing is not uncivil. A debate is a way of searching for the truth!!!
  16. I never said you have been uncivil to me. And yes I am listening. I do know disabled people in RL, and of course we are all people. We all have different limitations, and we work around them. A disability is just a limitation which can be worked around. I think of Jeff Healy and Ray Charles. But saying I live in a vacuum based upon nothing is not within my perception of civility.
  17. This thread was never meant to be about what it became.
  18. I have honestly have never experienced anything inworld as truly uncivil as what I have seen here in the forums.
  19. What really is offensive here is the lack of civility.
  20. I never said I am what I am purely in SL to help anyone who is disabled. I want to help anyone who needs or wants my help, and to satisfy my fantasies.
  21. I have been honest about what I know and the interactions I have had with people. I could have lied!!!
  22. This one lost me. Being a a part of the "invisible minority" makes me me understand what prejudice is like. Not as well as someone who is is visibly different, but I can empathize.
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