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Everything posted by Bagnu

  1. So to everyone who knows me or doesn't...I'm Pearl lol!!!
  2. i will always stay Pearl though. I definitely will improve my AV over time, but I personally wouldn't be able to change my appearance drastically. Of course I change my dresses and shoes.
  3. I still want know as how I met you. Or some variation. Not judging a book by it's cover is a good thing though. I feel our identity is a combination of our appearance and personality. I won't change my AV too much, because my psychological identity is linked to that. LMAO NO!!!
  4. I find it very confusing when someone drastically changes their AV. Disturbing actually.
  5. We approach this from different angles, but I can understand yours as well. You really should have still kept the AV names lol!!! It would add something!!!
  6. It's not necessarily true that the RL person is unattractive, but we are what we are here in SL. Even if I met the hot guy I know in SL, and he was hot in RL. I would still feel confused.
  7. Exactly!!! And that's my entire point!!! I know your a dragon in SL, and that's how I want to know you. One of my best friends inworld found it strange when I changed my head, and I really feel somewhat uncomfortable when a good friend changes as well.
  8. I find I get very immersed, and I think of people as there AV's. If I met the person behind the AV in RL I would find it somewhat disconcerting, because to me, it's not really them. Other thoughts?
  9. Maybe an alt sitting back and laughing right now reading all of this.
  10. I thought I answered this, but maybe I referenced something I shouldn't have and it got removed. I don't have placeholders, and like spend time with my friends. Just like RL, we are our own people, and friendships drift in and out according to what we happen to be doing at the.time. I find I spend time with people according to that, from both our ends. I have only ever known one psycho beast, and I blocked them.
  11. Most of us girls never had issues finding someone willing lol!
  12. I have found SL to be a very adult community, so I personally would prefer people under 18 to not be here. There really is nothing we can do about people lying about there age. Even with ID verification, ID's can be faked or borrowed. Same with credit cards
  13. i brought a couple of my friends here and they never returned. One of them is my close friend and roommate inworld.
  14. And we never had sex before 18 in RL? I definitely do not want anyone under 18 in SL though.
  15. I have no disagreement. It is a little difficult to go outside of my community when my display name is Pearl Sextoy lol!!!
  16. Not the slightest clue. I didn't know the brand and merchant names were different.
  17. Wow!!! You really know your stuff!!! I understand some of what you are saying, but I'm too new to understand everything. I have to start implementing things you've written.
  18. Lol, I already have my hands full, and other things as well!!!
  19. You know how much I dislike angry ranting. It could happen to anyone of us though. We are all human.
  20. It could eventually become detached, but not anytime soon i don't think. This seems to be a good thing for SL at this point.
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