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Snow Frostypaws

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Everything posted by Snow Frostypaws

  1. A T-shirt that says "Don't make me return you to your inventory!"
  2. Yes, exactly. I'm not demanding that it needs to be immediate or anything of that nature, just have some simple politeness and give me some sort of response at some point so I know what's going on.
  3. Well, I never made any comments saying I ever expected anyone to respond immediately so I really don't know what you are going on about with all this.
  4. Alrighty so apparently I need to do this SIGH Okay everyone, why don't we take a look at my original message together okay? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Friend is online! Me: Hi friend! Some time later.... Friend is offline. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Do you see that bold, italicised, underlined text? I didn't want you to miss it. This indicates a fair amount of time passing. I was never talking about instant anything. I was speaking of a indiscriminate amount of time, in some cases even hours. Now, with all that being said, who cares? This only my personal peeve and once again I am not trying to tell anyone what to do, just participating in the thread. Okay, are we clear now? Sheesh....
  5. You're right, it isn't my choice. Thats why its a pet peeve, not a rule of law. What message are you trying to say here? I simply stated that I don't like a particular behavior. That's what this thread is about last time I checked? Am I not allowed to have an opinion because some random person is going to take it personally and make it all about them? What is your problem?
  6. You are missing my point entirely. In your situation not responding to messages because you have hearing loss and therefore do not get the same amount of queues as someone else... That is far more forgivable obviously because you can't do anything about that condition. Geez. What is with people these days. Its a pet peeve of mine, not an assault on who you are. Get a grip.
  7. Still, for me, I'm a bit oldschool and I really do not care for subscriptions or microtransactions or even non substantial DLC. SL is the ONLY exception for me and even then it took me some 7 years to come around. Now, I don't mind at all. I love giving money when I can to LL because I never want SL to go away, I don't even know how I would handle it if that happened. I also am fine with paying on the marketplace because I love that it helps small creators. Say what you will but for me, it's a win win all around. Hell, I'd own stock in LL if I could.
  8. Wow, didn't know there were so little in Premium Plus. Cool, it's kinda like a exclusive club haha ^w^
  9. That's cool to hear. I wonder how the Android version will differ. What kind of frames are you getting?
  10. That's no worry. I'm sure I can figure it out. I have a ROG Phone III, it's a few year old gaming phone but should be quite fast still. I guess I'll just have to see.
  11. Crossing....Crossing.......... Oops!!! I'm really bad at this saving money thing. The intrusive thoughts won lmao. Guess I better go apply for access to mobile!
  12. Here's hoping! Il be crossing my fingers! Or paws.....or pawfingers.....
  13. I think you underestimate how much I love everything LL related! x3 I also just love tech and game betas and so on, I would happily be a tester.
  14. I wish LL would let us in regular premium try it out. I pay 99 a year and 20 something a month on top of that and I'm fine with that but you would think that would be enough to get access to things like this. I just bought a house IRL and I wont have any Premium Plus kind of money anytime soon. A bit disappointing if only because I love SL so much.
  15. Well, I don't really mean it that seriously. I just mean if I'm logging on and playing a video game, clearly I'm not that busy.
  16. Turn the ding on then, that's what it's there for! I would never want to do this to my friends because it's such an easy fix, they are worth hearing a ding from time to time.
  17. A photo I took not too long ago. Made a pixel art version after.
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