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  1. Regardless of who the money goes to it's MONEY regardless. I don't care if it's used to fund your adopted chimpanzee in an Africa sanctuary for Primates. The point is that these people paid for it. And honestly I don't know about your "core product" because I've never bought from you. I viewed your store and saw the collars. So no, not everyone knows that. Don't think so highly of yourself that everyone knows about your product. I had never heard of you until today.
  2. Imagine paying 1.2k Lindens for a collar only to have the maker turn into into a spam machine. Troll or no troll, you've got to see how that's messed up, @Wendy Starfall
  3. Optional entertainment doesn't count as a necessity, though. A company like Second Life is under no obligation to change anything, despite the times we are living in. It will only hurt them and us in the long run if they go bankrupt.
  4. I'm sorry for interjecting something completely useless, but since this entire thread is useless I guess it doesn't matter. *eats popcorn*
  5. Thank you! Resizing the eyes (I failed to click both L & R last time) and it worked.
  6. You were exactly right, thank you! Such a simple answer yet I would have fumbled with it for hours more probably. Bonus question: any idea why my eyes are sunk in? It's not ridiculous but the eye depth is a bit more than I would like. Is there a way to fix that?
  7. No idea what I'm doing wrong but my avie looks odd with black hair and white eyebrows. Can anyone tell me how to fix this? They are the shape I want, just not the color. I thought maybe I needed to pick hair base color (since I don't see an eyebrows option) but if that is the correct method then I'm not doing something right because that's not working either.
  8. I can't help OP with their request, but I completely understand where it comes from. Just like it's nice to have friends who are interested in the same television series as you it is great to find people who have similar lives as you because there is just a connection there that others won't get. I fully support the LGBTQ community but I don't live it so in that sense I'll never fully understand the some things that many LGBTQ people just accept as a part of life. My frame of reference can only relate so far, as does everyone's. Some people here are really misconstruing what OP meant. I didn't read it as she's adverse to being friends with anyone, or visiting a place because of race or orientation, just that they would like to know/find a place that's 100% inclusive to their identity. Nothing wrong with that.
  9. Last night, far later than I should be up, I saw the forum being spammed to hell and back by this person. It was enough to make my sleep deprived brain go "that's enough internet for tonight." I can't tell if they are a very unfunny troll trying to annoy/freak people out while confusing them into a coma, or if they are legitimately insane. I'm leaning toward a bit from both section.
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