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Everything posted by Anilyse7

  1. Is it possible you simply ran into someone with some amount of ownership of the land?
  2. My personal shield/pnpv does not have these limitations. Only what I described.
  3. Some pnvps can be rezzed outside the no-rez, then worn tp back in the no-rez and will still mostly work. Anything that rezzes something else in response to being bumped won't however, for example if your pnvp rezzes objects in response to bumps and THOSE objects would push, it would not work if rez and push were off. That being said, if you have rez rights but push is off, you can circumvent that and it is to my knowledge not agaisnt the TOS as it is a feature of the land that the sim owner dictates and not a LL RULE.
  4. Mob mentality, lack of intellect and narcissistic immaturity.
  5. Thank you for the explanation and sane response, good to see a few people here with RL sorted out enough to reply like a mentally healthy adult.
  6. The pills you are seeking are blue and yellow. Probably a good idea to take them as directed and not whenever YOU feel like you're having a hard day.
  7. Wrong. It is not against TOS to utilize orbits. Only if they are used FOR GRIEFING. Know the difference.
  8. Reported for falsities, defamation and slander. Bye Felecia.
  9. Yes, I meant perms. This was not DONE but discussed with intent. Can one file a report/contact a linden via other methods than the terribly worthless in game report filer?
  10. I was recently witness to a long discussion involving PLANS and methods to create chairs that will not only SPECIFICALLY skip asking for permissions but automatically steal prims from the sitter without them knowing. The discussion was about HOW to do so and involved confirmed future plans. One of these people is a succesful creator. I have screenshots. What can be done? Is this reportable?
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