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  1. I noticed that one of my neighbors left, and someone else snagged the spot.
  2. That was quick? Are people abandoning more houseboats now? I am fine with my spot, but just curious.
  3. Ok logged in and sent a msg to Quartz, and it was indeed the duplicate house that was causing an issue with the access panel, so I derendered the extra and was able to fix it. I however do still have a duplicate house that needs to be removed.
  4. I'm off for tonight but I will try that tomorrow and see if that's the issue. Also, rezzed security etc. but it's not letting people open doors. It keeps saying the doors are locked and I'm the only one that can open them. Not a huge deal I just wanted to know if there's something I can fix in the settings re: "doors are locked" message.
  5. This is happening on my houseboat as well, it has two doors on the side.
  6. After missing like 3 alerts because I was either afk or in another window, I got a houseboot!!!! *happy dance*
  7. "If you build it, they will come."
  8. Maybe someone needs to report them. 😂😂😂
  9. Where is that, I couldn't find sspe106 but I found sspe104.
  10. SSPE72 where I'm standing there's a bunch of greenies.
  11. Hops over to have a lookie loo. Also I just missed an alert, I was in the other room when it went off. Someone just got a houseboat!
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