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Posts posted by Arquet

  1. Well, I'm glad you asked @LittleMe Jewell, because I very much want a home on Bellisseria, and I'm not a member of the group yet, will definitely make sure that I join (and check the chat).

    Here's to hoping that the next announcement Patch will make will be in the same group, and not, ooooh, the Bellisseria Riding Club or the Bellisseria Senior Citizens or the Bellisseria Coast Guard or... Surely that would be a little bit too cheeky? Not that I want to give Patch ideas... 

    • Haha 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    Leave it to Patch to always surprise us

    I'm sitting in front of my computer right now laughing somewhat hysterically. You know when you laugh through gritted teeth? That.

    Oh well, at least the demand for new homes is getting filled, one grain of sand at a time.

    • Like 2
  3. 6 hours ago, Arquet said:

    Could be any time during SL working hours (so 9 SLT to 18SLT or thereabouts), and it's unlikely to happen first thing in the morning or just before they go home, so personally I'd bet on any time between 10am SLT and 3pm SLT.

    Yeah...OTOH, I could be entirely wrong!!! LOL

    • Haha 2
  4. My experience is that if you use the auto refresh plus extension on Chrome, Bellisseria will appear first, even if you have named your parcel already.

    If you name your parcel and refresh manually, no, it won't i.e. even if Bellisseria is available, the drop down box will show Meadowbrook as the first option, but you can select Bellisseria manually when clicking on the down arrow that expands the drop down list.

    If you don't name your parcel and refresh manually, I'm not sure, but I believe Bellisseria appears first.

    At least that's how it works for me in Chrome.


    • Thanks 1
  5. On 6/22/2019 at 6:21 PM, soulsofree said:

    I love decorating mainland! Before I learned about the new homes, I would find small parcels by points of interest and make them public or cute for a visit. Now I'm looking forward to my retirement home. 😂

    Here's my latest redesign- a mountain home and park on Fucosa. It's on the side of a tall mountain, overlooking SLRR, adjacent to a fun trail that almost spans the continent. My neighbors are awesome and there's cafes and such along the trail.

    I'm still decorating my home but you're welcome to frolic in the lavender and visit the park- there's a bike rezzer for you to bike the trail if you'd like! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fucosa/24/55/127 ❤️




    I went to visit - it's absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!

    • Like 3
  6. Could be any time during SL working hours (so 9 SLT to 18SLT or thereabouts), and it's unlikely to happen first thing in the morning or just before they go home, so personally I'd bet on any time between 10am SLT and 3pm SLT.

    • Like 1
  7. Well, I for one welcome the new strategy - if I don't get a home in "today's" release, I can hope to get one in the one after that. Still, at the moment, it feels like it's going to take years before everybody can get a home. Especially if they keep making them as nice as they do, thereby increasing interest in them (I wasn't keen on the first campers I saw - well, I thought they were adorable, but would not have wanted to grab one to live in - but I do like the newer ones…)

    "And as the Second 50th Life Birthday Celebration approaches, Patch Linden is widely rumoured to announce the final 500 Linden homes! Stay tuned for more info!"

    Totally agree that it would be great if they were released at various times, too....

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, kiramanell said:


    Hehe, that audio alert wasn't working for me either, at first... until I realized you need to actually enable the feature first. Doh on me. 🤪

    As for retaining the name, fill it in once, and then press 'Next'. Then just press the Back button, and from there on in, the name will survive a refresh even.

    ha! Yes, I've made that mistake too... Also it took me a while to realise that once it has sounded the alert, you need to restart it, it doesn't keep going on its own. Still, I'd rather find out now...

    As for the name surviving a refresh, thanks,  but...I'm not even sure if that's possible, but I was looking for the opposite trick. Reason for that is that - on my system at least - I used to have to manually click the arrow of the drop down choice menu to select Bellisseria even when Bellisseria  WAS in the list ( so I was hoping to save ooohhh I don't know... 2 seconds... three maybe? It sounds utterly ridiculous when written like that...😃)  ...all that because I had named my parcel already. But that seem to have solved itself (maybe because of auto refresh itself) so it's all good. Well, apart from missing out on a boat just now, but hey... not long till the new batch, right?


  9. On 6/2/2019 at 7:36 PM, Marianne Little said:

    They are visible for 5-10 seconds before they are snatched up. Only way you can see them is with an auto-refresh that alerts you with popup and sound as soon as the word Bellisseria appears. Even then, you must be very, very fast. 

    I use Chrome and Auto Refresh Plus.

    Yay… I was going to come back to this and say the sound alert doesn't work for me*, and never mind, but it does. A house came up and I got the alert. Didn't get the house but I'm pleased that I've confirmed to myself the set up works.

    Now I have a question (not sure if I should start a new thread?): I had pre-filled the parcel name, to gain time, which means that I had to click on the drop down arrow to select Bellisseria (it doesn't appear as the first choice when the parcel name is prefilled). Now I'm thinking that it would probably be faster altogether if the parcel name was left unfilled, because then Bellisseria would become the default option when it appears, at least that's my understanding (please somebody let me know if I'm wrong…)

    Is there a way to go back to the status of the page as it is when you first land on it? I'm thinking that even if I delete the parcel name now, that's not the same thing? Does anybody know?



    *I had tested it with "Meadowbrook", and didn't get an alert at the page  reload, so that seemed a reasonable conclusion…


  10. 2 hours ago, RaeLeeH said:

    People asked for an airport (air strip) and got it. People asked for rez zones and got them. People asked for more houseboats and got them (though yes, that was always going to happen, just maybe not so quickly ahead of original schedule). All this is a win for many and yes it brings more to the land than just some nice houses and well landscaped streets and beaches. But I really fear that adding ANY commercial aspect to Bellisseria is a slippery slope that leads us straight back to Mainland 2.0.


    I was thinking this morning...I'd love to have a railway line (with working trains!) to get round Bellisseria. That would have been really cool.

    (Yes, yes, I know, not a realistic option, and would have been a headache to implement, but hey, one can dream...)

    • Like 1
  11. THANK YOU! That's incredibly useful information. I'm GMT so not that far off, timewise, so that makes it even more relevant to me. I have been refreshing the page on a semi regular basis, but so far no luck. Never mind, I can wait...

    I'll have a look at Auto Refresh Plus.

    Thanks again!

    • Like 1
  12. 28 minutes ago, BJoyful said:

    The houses and houseboats are just the bait!  Come and visit and explore in the meantime and you’ll find all the other reasons why this new continent is awesome!  Maybe join the refugees who have created their own place in Bellisseria as stray animals and vacationers and fake part time workers and having great fun! 🐿😻🥳👻🐶🦇🦆🐹🐋🐓💃🏽🕺🏽🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏼‍♂️🧜🏻‍♂️🧜🏾‍♀️👨🏽‍🍳🕵🏾‍♂️👮🏻‍♂️👮🏽‍♀️👨🏼‍🏫👩🏼‍🏫👩🏾‍🚒👨🏾‍🚒👩🏿‍🎨👨🏽‍🎨👋🏽

    Oh, I do, I do, I'm slowly making my way through the home parade - it's wonderful! And I went sailing for the first time a few days ago, and loved it. Next - bicycles! I might even go to a party at some point, though I don't know what my computer will say to that...


    • Like 4
  13. Wow, that's really interesting, never heard of point-lights before- I'll have to try that in the old Linden home! And experiment with them in general, it sounds really interesting, so thanks for that! I'm learning a lot, reading these threads.

    I saw the pics you posted of your place - it's really impressive. Very different from what I'd do 😄, but very very impressive.

    I'm enjoying seeing what people do with their homes so much - thank you so much to all those who are happy to open their doors!

    • Thanks 1
  14. 1 minute ago, Mollymews said:

    perhaps instead of a jumble sale for the benefit of individual residents there could be like a little street fair, with cake stalls,  cups of tea, pony rides, etc with donations going to say Relay for Life

    I like that idea. I'm thinking it would be nice to have a small monthly thing, with donations to a different small charitable organisation each month. I would think there are many many small charities out there that anybody could support (animal rescue? a charity that helps children? a charity that helps people with various health issues, like arthritis or something?), surely?

    • Like 4
  15. On 4/24/2019 at 6:05 PM, kiramanell said:


    Perhaps on your homes page. On mine it says stuff like "Skylight Prim Limit: 117 prims | Space: 512 sqm".

    Also, while we're at it, preemptively, 'crappy' might have been a mite too strong. Nevertheless, by today's mesh-enhanced standards, these old homes, if not crappy, certainly look like they were built for a simulator belonging to something existing 20 years ago. If it were up to me, I'd phase 'em all out (and give ppl nice replacement

  16. On 4/24/2019 at 6:05 PM, kiramanell said:


    Perhaps on your homes page. On mine it says stuff like "Skylight Prim Limit: 117 prims | Space: 512 sqm".

    Also, while we're at it, preemptively, 'crappy' might have been a mite too strong. Nevertheless, by today's mesh-enhanced standards, these old homes, if not crappy, certainly look like they were built for a simulator belonging to something existing 20 years ago. If it were up to me, I'd phase 'em all out (and give ppl nice replacement homes).

    That's interesting - I got a house yesterday (old style - might as well wait for the next batch of new homes in relative comfort...) and the capacity is definitely 175 for me (I checked inworld). It'll be an interesting challenge, though it helps that my taste leans towards minimalism...

    • Like 1
  17. 39 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

    suppose we do the math tho

    say there are 2000 houses. Say there are 500 that we consider desirable. 1500 that we consider undesirable.  Desirable/undesirable is subjective to each person but lets go with 500:2000. Simplified this is 1:4

    1st roll:  Our chances of getting a desirable property is 500 in 2000 or 1 in 4. We hit on the 1st roll, so stop and happy
    2nd roll:  same odds. 500 in 2000 or 1:4. We hit, we stop
    3rd, 4th, 5th roll.  same odds again. 1:4, Hit and stop

    what is the probability of not getting one of the 500 desirable properties in 5 rolls ?

    3/4 * 3/4 * 3/4 * 3/4 * 3/4  = 243/1024 = 23.7%

    We have a 76.3% probability of getting one of the 500 desirable properties within 5 rolls. Within 10 rolls our probability to get a desirable house is 94.3%

    that we have this probability is no guarantee that we ourselves will get a desirable house. What is guaranteed is that somebody will

    Ooooh, I like this. Probability is so much more fun when it's applied to something "real". I actually wish we had true numbers to play with. Of course, there's still the issue of the definition of "undesirable", but we can get around that by deciding for example - and it's somewhat arbitrary - that "desirable" means "by the water". Or "with a view". Or... whatever. I would imaginethat the probability of getting a house/boat with those criteria will dwindle faster than the probability of getting a house/boat in an area that's more surrounded by other houses/ boats. But that may be because of my own preferences...

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