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Everything posted by AibeeSeedee

  1. Radegast is good. Installing it on later MacOS is a bit troublesome, you need X-Quartz (X11) and a very specific version of Mono, 2.10.9_12 to be installed first. Get Radegast from source forge. http://radegast.sourceforge.net/wiki/Radegast_Download For Mac, first install Mono: http://download.mono-project.com/archive/2.10.9/macos-10-x86/12/MonoFramework-MDK-2.10.9_12.macos10.xamarin.x86.dmg and then, for Mac, XQuartz: https://www.xquartz.org It also works on Linux, you may use the same install as Mac, but you may not need the X-Window system noted above, I'm not certain about that. and finally install Radegast That's not running it from a command line, but is probably the lightest weight viewer that you'll come across!
  2. personally, I find both types of search useful for different reasons. I like the web search cause it's a bit more "fuzzy" like a google search. (I've heard it uses a google-built engine) and when I know more of what I'm looking for I use the old classic search tabs because they are more precise and focussed. Which is why you get narrower results like the OP discovered.
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