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Posts posted by ItHadToComeToThis

  1. 6 minutes ago, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:

    Bunch of typical responses from people here in the forums. Sarcasm and rudeness to anyone to ever says anything disparaging about sl or about leaving because sl is no longer what they liked.

    Well. I think I’m this occasion it has to do with their post. Some of it is contradictory, other parts of it are referencing either user errors or errors from moving to the cloud that will get ironed out at some point. For the instance the sensor issue, it could very well be a simple fix and a small error in their code. Then there’s the standard claim of paying for premium and impression that it should entitle them to something more. Then they insult forums users. Etc etc. Comes across as a  very “knee jerk” reaction. I appreciate their frustration but,  their post comes across as a tantrum.

    • Like 10
  2. Okay imagine you have a health bar and to display health you are simply using PRIM_SLICE with the y value of HP / HPMAX.

    Is it possible to get the current local position of the end of the health bar after it’s been sliced?. If so, how would I do this. I want to add some fx onto the end of the health bar each time it depletes and need to position a texture prim over the end.

    Basic text example as on my phone

    Health Bar ==========

    Bar Shrinks : =======[FX]

    Shrink Again : =====[FX]

  3. On 9/28/2020 at 5:35 AM, GarnetVampDiva said:

    im new to blender _________ how to start the the basics?

    Youtube....YouTube.....you tube.....y o u t u b e.....YOUTUBE......y ou t ube....


  4. 8 hours ago, Sassy Kenin said:

    Some advice given to you has been factually incorrect. things to consider, they do not announce new last names. you have to go to your account, press the change name button then review the list.

    Except for this blog post from the last change where they did in fact announce new last names including telling you which ones were being replaced


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  5. Just now, Sister Nova said:

    Are you talking about a display name? Account second names (and first names) have only been changeable this year so how could you have changed it over three years ago?

    Let’s hope not. Because otherwise he just paid over $50 (inc premium) in place of a service that was free 😅

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  6. Before I start. Anyone who thinks “If you want these features code a viewer yourself”. I don’t have the time, I am already working on starting up my own RL app development business. And this is more a query than a request.

    Okay so, viewer developers. What is it exactly that stops you from innovating improvements to the SL script editor. I see all kinds of neat and fantastic ideas coming out of the third party viewer community for artists, bloggers, fashionistas and the like. But I rarely if ever see anything innovative developed for the coding community in SL. I am not criticising you here btw, I appreciate the amount of effort that goes into viewer development. As I said above, more a query.

    For example, one neat feature that I am surprised no one has attempted is some form of auto complete on functions. If that could be expanded to custom functions and variables that would be even cooler. 

    Or a custom code library. The ability to save snippets of code to a file on your local drive that would act as a simple library would be really handy for organising and storing regularly used snippets of code. With perhaps a drop down box of some form to insert them similar the one that already exists for built in functions. 

    A file viewer built onto the side of the editor that pops out and shows all of the scripts inside your object and clicking on one opens it in a new tab.

    I am not saying that I think you should run out immediately and create these things. Although it would be kinda neat. But, it’s more a query as to what stops you from innovating for the coders as much as you do for other developer communities. I understand the level of work involved but when put in comparison with some of the other innovations that been applied to the various TPVs the level of work doesn’t seem all that high.

    As I said though, query and not a request. I understand and appreciate all the work that you put into your viewers. I am just curious is all.

  7. 2 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    if people who want private estates were interested in mainland there would't be a lot left.. but also as long it's to limited to own mainland regions, you can hardly do anything else than what a tiny parcel owner can... it won't get more interesting either.

    Can you imagine if we could only own mainland parcels. No private regions at all. That would be hella crazy and so much cool stuff packed together

  8. 2 hours ago, Pixie Kobichenko said:

    I don’t recall ever seeing premium “on sale”?  I just know if you pay a year or quarterly there is a discount. 

    They did. You used to get either the first month or the first three months discounted occasionally but they haven't done it for about a year or so now.

    • Thanks 1
  9. And thus September was halfway gone

    Updates from the lindens there are none

    Four months have passed and we do not see

    Any sodding land that's available to me

    I could buy private, yes that's true

    But the current owners...are charging through the roof

    But this is bad poetry so what do I know

    Not too much longer

    Because this s*** is slow


    Thank you, thank you *bows* *bows*. That was my contribution to "God Awful Poetry Friday"


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  10. @Mollymews @Kyrah Abattoir

    What do you think to this as a signing idea. Can you offer any improvement on this or does this seem satisfactory?.



    integer sChan=-214762581;
            key user=llGetOwner();
            string sign=llSHA1String(llMD5String((string)user+(string)(llGetUnixTime()/10),10));
            llOwnerSay("Sending : "+sign);



    list pStr=[];
    integer sChan=-214762581;
    key user;
    string cMsgSign;
    string lMsgSign;
        listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message){
            llOwnerSay("Checking against\nFirst : "+cMsgSign+"\nSecond : "+lMsgSign);


    Edit 1 I should probably add...dont mind the two if statements for cMsgSign and lMsgSign. They are just to check if each signing is registered

    Edit 2 : I should further add that, incase anyone wonders, this is just my concept at the minute so I dont mind sharing the signing method xD

  11. 14 hours ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

    Sounds like encryption isn't what you need, message signing is.

    sender -> message + sha1(message + secret)

    receiver -> if( sha1(rcv_message + secret) == rcv_signature) then...

    Yes this is one thing. Signing a message in such a way that it can't be used multiple times


    12 hours ago, Mollymews said:

    we can validate who a message is from with:

    listen(..., key id, ...)
       if (llGetOwnerKey(id) == key_of_our_correspondent) ... we are good ...

    what I think is happening with ItHad's app is that people are trying to listen/learn what message needs to be sent to the game server object that will fool the game server object into believing they have completed the task/level when they haven't

    with this kind of attack the villain doesn't have to decode the message, they just have to know which encoded string to send as it relates to them

    And also obfuscating the message so that it also can't be read.

    I think so far from what I have gathered on this thread and looked at myself. I think that...

    Creating a value from server time (that obviously isn't just direct server time) to sign the message maybe

    And then obfuscating the message through one of the methods listed above, perhaps using a value obtained from an avatars key, perhaps not.

    I think the most important thing is the message not being able to be used more than once or at least for more than maybe 10 seconds.

    Maybe with the server time idea I could have two "buffer" variables that the old code rolls onto for 10 seconds, making a message only viable for 30 seconds at most. Maybe even less time than that.

  12. 5 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

    a problem with strings is that they are relatively short and being short they lend themselves to be broken by brute force attacks

    the only thing i can add to a feistel like algorithm is for each player to have their own password, which has to be derived in whole or part from some constant info unique to each owner/player  that the decoder just knows. So that should a encoded message be intercepted by a man-in-middle attack (by a channel scanner) then presented by the attacker when decoded it doesn't match the owner

    the only constant info that both the encoder and decoder can know independently is the owner's key. From which a unique password can be independently constructed

    That’s not a bad idea. Combined with what you linked above. Thank you for that btw. One other idea I had a few mins ago was creating a hash from a number generated using server time. Do you think that would be a good addition to the key or would a value taken from the key be okay on its own?

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  13. What I am wanting to do is encrypt messages sent from one hud object to another worn by multiple people. I know I can bury the message in one of the two billion chan els available to me but the community I develop for are a tenacious lot and have broken past HUD’s by channel scanning for weeks on end. I need a way that gives some security to messages and some kind of authentication so a single message can’t be used more than once

  14. So I want to encrypt messages so they quickly encrypt and decrypt. I am using Base 64 with a randomly generated nonce added onto the end. This is kinda where my experience with encryption ends.

    From what I have read a nonce is supposed to be a random number to help pad out a message and also prevent MIM / relay attacks. But in terms of what im doing its there just to make the message slightly harder to decrypt.

    So my question is this. Besides adding a nonce into the encrypted message, what else could you add to Base64 that would increase its security and also keep the message encryption and decryption as fast as possible?. Is there a way to create a nonce that is only valid for a certain amount of time so even if the message was decrypted it would be useless?. Or am I thinking wrongly about this.

  15. Usually when I have both headphones in I can hear voice pretty evenly from everyone even if they are stood behind me further away. Today however, if I turn my back on people I can't hear them yet I have both headphones in. I have checked my sound balance settings on my computer and they are fine and I can't find any option in the viewer. I am positive there was an option in the viewer to do with hearing sound equally around you, or am I tripping this?. 

  16. On 4/26/2020 at 6:48 PM, Buttacwup Float said:

    I have always wondered why Linden Lab keeps this rule "To own a Homestead Region, you must also own at least one standard Private Region." Homestead pricing is super approachable and I think a lot of people would pay the 150 setup and 109 a month to have a private estate with just one or maybe a few homesteads. I know these can be rented, but the ease and convenience of having it all in one estate and billing direct (vs converting lindens) is just preferable to me. I thought i would put this out there for discussion, see what others think. I would love to see this added as a feature of the premium plus tier when it rolls out.

    Linden's if you read this, please consider this change  : )

    The basic history and jist is this.

    -Homesteads were introduced with the same avatar limit as a full sim

    -Everyone bought a homestead

    -The lindens realises no one was buying full sims anymore and were using homesteads for large scale purposes

    -The lindens changed the rules

    -Mo money mo money mo money

  17. 4 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

    Individuals can buy full regions from Estates, too, where the Lab transfers ownership (for a fee) to the new owner, who effectively becomes their own "Estate." This region transfer market very much favors the seller right now because the Lab isn't an alternative. I have no idea how one best finds these regions for transfer, but there's a subforum with a few examples.

    Skimming a few of those listings, I wonder... once Uplift is over and the Lab looks again at how to improve the Land product, will it really retain the huge tier discount for grandfathered regions, or will all regions get those same lower tiers? And, of course, there's long been speculation that they may make Homesteads available to individuals who don't already own a full region, but that's still only speculation. Seems good timing for some changes, though.

    I would like to see new different sim types and sizes.



    4x4 size @ 40000 prims

    8x8 size @ 80000 prims

    Probably never going to happen but i think just the 4x4 would kinda neat

    Could be priced at the same cost as a full region is currently with full region pricing moving down to that of grandfathered


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