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Drakonadrgora Darkfold

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Posts posted by Drakonadrgora Darkfold

  1. I would have to disagree that it would be ok to do. Just because you enter a group or sim does not mean you are giving consent to anyone in that group of sim just by being there. If anything that club needs to provide an opt-out option where anyone that doesnt want to be monitored can be asked not to be. In fact you can contact the sim owner and tell them you dont give consent and that you revoke any implied or assumed consent that they have tried to take from you. The worst case is they will kick you or ban you from coming back to the sim. If they dont and they continue to try and monitor you, You can report them for breach of ToS at that point.

    No individual outside of LL has the right to arbitrarily modify anyones right to consent for any reason, be it in a group or sim. You cannot force consent to be given or imply consent is given or assume consent is given just because you entered an area or group ever, that is not how consent works and never was.

    Sign or not post or not local message or not consent doesnt legally work that way. You always have the right to revoke consent to monitoring, at most all they can do is tell you to leave and not come back. At which point you tell all your friends and anyone else about the group/club/sim and what they do so less people go there.

    Once it gets around word of mouth that people are being monitored against their consent less people will go there over time and the place will die out.

  2. Its quite simple how I manage mine. If you have not made any efforts to talk to me in more than a month you get deleted. If I am the one that always has to initiate the conversation every time you will get deleted in a few months. If I keep trying and you dont respond back ever, you get deleted sooner. Its called a friends list for a reason, its for friends to keep in contact with each other. if either side of that equation is not holding up to their end of the deal then there is no friendship and they no-longer deserve to be on the list anymore.

    • Thanks 1
  3. If you get annoyed by necro posts, you seriously need to get over yourself and learn to just deal with it, these forums are not here just for your enjoyment and do not have to function how you want to keep you happy.

    if you dont like it then dont read the forums anymore, stop thinking your views or desires about how the forum should work is any more important than anyone else, they are not and never was or will be. tough luck, grow up stop acting like an entitlement minded little child upset that something is not going your way.

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  4. You can only set yourself as offline to your friends. Any group you are in will still show if your online. So no there is no complete method to hide your online status. Which I do think should be possible. I think you should be shown as offline even from the server or groups to prevent anyone from using a script to track if your are online if you choose to show as offline.

    The only way to hide it is to hide your groups so only those in your groups can see if your online or not. But any online notifier system will still let them know when you are online because the server will still show you as online.

  5. I first read it and thought 'oh a forum for submissives seperate from the adult section? wont the dom's be annoyed they dont have one..*giggles*'

    but yeah use the jira, and dont hold your breath it might be a hundred years before you see it. :P

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  6. there is one other side to this, the op bought it and has it but just didnt like it and wants their money back so they get something else instead now. and the plea of having so little lindens is a pity plea. they could always go to some sims that have sploders or trivia or linden realms to farm up some extra lindens in their free times.

    On 2/3/2019 at 10:16 PM, Lindal Kidd said:

    Besides leaving a negative review, you should go in world and Abuse Report the seller.

    Next, make your own halo.

    • Rez a prim.  Click the Object tab in the Edit window.  Set the object type to Torus
    • Give it the following dimensions
      • Size X 0.019
      • Size Y 0.217
      • Size Z 0.217
      • Hole Size X 1.0
      • Hole Size Y 0.10
    • Click the Texture tab.  Set the texture to Blank
    • Set the color to approximately R 235, G 236, B 105, or to your taste
    • Set Transparency to 34, or to your taste
    • Set Glow to 0.20
    • Check Full Bright to ON
    • Click the Features tab.  In Features,  check Light.  Set Intensity 0.6, Radius 5.0, falloff 0.75
    • Set the light color to a pale yellow, or to your taste.
    • In the General tab, change the object's name from Object to Halo

    Next, Take the halo into your inventory.  Stand on a pose stand.  Right click the Halo object, select Attach To/Skull.

    Right click the halo, and edit it into position above your head.

    That'll show 'em!

    now to this.. that was just awesome you took the time to write that out to explain to someone how to make their own. and they could always probably find a script in the scripts sections of the forums to add particle effects to it for added bling if wanted.

  7. either contact the creator to see if they would be willing to make some sort of deal with you to buy one at maybe a higher price. a lot of gotcha items are meant to be limited amounts to make them more valuable so if lost they are lost, so I wouldnt hold my breath on the creator actually making one available, if they did for you others would harass them about it too, making the item less rare and less valuable to others who bought it. so you might just be out of luck and cannot ever get it and will need to move on.

  8. unfortunately as a few others have said; short of the seller being willing to help you out, which dont hold your breath on it, you will have to wait for ll to sort it out. a friend had this same problem a few weeks back. they tried to buy me a new avatar and send it as a gift and it got sent to them. so its happened before. best idea is contact both the seller and ll about the issue then wait and see what happens.

  9. 20 hours ago, Nalates Urriah said:

    Well, I think you are missing the point and RL courts have disagreed with you...

    It densest matter what rl courts think. here in sl.. ll is the courts and has the final say what is allowed or not. this is a private run service, not a public service. they have the right to remove anyone or set the rules of what is allowed to happen here or not. just like your statement would not mean anything on any other forum or service either that was being run by a private entity or company. trust me if you tried that on some of the forums I was on they would have banned you and not thought twice about it. and you being a blogger would have meant nothing either.

    you cannot imply consent was given by any type of message here in sl. shrink wrap is completely different its a physical barrier. an away message is not. for logs here cannot be used as any sort of evidence because logs can be falsified easily because they are stored on the client computer and can be opened and edited at any point in time.

    so trying to use a log of is not really a valid or verifiable means of claiming consent was given. honestly a snap shot is not even really valid for even that can be photo shopped.

  10. On 2/22/2019 at 7:45 PM, Syn Anatine said:

    The thing is, if naming and shaming was allowed, a lot of folks would take advantage of that and do a smear campaign on whomever they please regardless of it being true or not. It would be impossible regulate who deserves a verbal lashing and who is just being griefed.

    To address the bolded part of your statement, please do not make such a blanket statement. You admit to knowing a couple who are like that, yet it makes you throw out sentences that include 'most developers'. Don't judge the whole batch by a few rotten apples. Many creators will go out of their way to be helpful.

    There's a miniscule minority that arAe truly rude, then there's the creators who never reply to an inquiry because they have left SL years ago but left their products up for sale, then there's the language barriers. SL is used by people from an immense amount of different countries and a lot gets lost in translation, misunderstandings can get both sides up in arms and they point the finger at each other calling the other party rude. Which is what I think happened to the OP.

    Does the dev deserve a smear campaign for that? I don't think so, especially since if you read the OP's responses close the creator clearly misunderstood the request, even asked other creators if 'its done like that' and upon receiving no's she/he told the OP that.

    Actually I know more than just a couple who have are that way. I was just not going to take take the time to try and tally them all up then list the number. It would probably take at least both hands and one foot maybe both or even more; but it was not the point of what I said. the point is that there are a lot that are actually this way in sl.. not a minuscule amount, stop trying to minimize it by making it seem it doesn't happen that often. once any creator becomes to popular their ego begins to grow too far and they become full of themselves. power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely and this is what they have because they dont have to worry about any negative feedback or shaming on their listings.

    in the real world such behaviors would not be accepted by real consumers. and they would not be stopped from shaming someone that had given them poor customer service.

    toward the possible smear campaign that would all sort itself out over time when the facts were presented by both sides. anyone with any common sense can see right through a smear campaign when its tried. its not that hard to do really. even a high school graduate can tell a con job when its being presented to them with enough facts from both sides. it doesn't take a high level of iq to figure these things out. just some basic common sense.

    if a creator fears a smear campaign the maybe they need to grow a thicker skin before selling on the mp.

    • Thanks 1
  11. unfortunately in sl you are not really supposed to rate the creator or the service provided only the product which I find to be a flawed system it allows some creators to be total jerks about what they can do and get away with no possible repercussions because you are not allowed to shame them for how they act or treated you.

    believe me if i bought a car and it was in bad condition, it would let the seller know and everyone else going to that seller know, so they were not duped or scammed too. I would also let everyone know if that seller treated me with common decency or respect as well or not so people could decide if they want to deal with such a person. the seller would be held accountable for their actions and behavior as well as the condition of the product.

    there is way too much hand holding in sl to protect the ego's of some of the content developers. if I was selling something I would prefer to know the good and bad about the item, and the good and bad of the personal interaction between me and them. that way if there was any need to improve on customer relations which would possibly help get more sales it could be addressed as needed.

    but most developers have their heads up their own rear end so far and think they are so special and should be treated special and cannot take any criticism about them or their products. I know of a couple that are like that, but because of the no shame rule cannot even directly mention them here as a warning to others about their behaviors. it shouldn't matter if its a hobby or not. If you are going to sell something here, you should be respectful or expect to be slammed for not doing so or perhaps you shouldn't be looking for an easy sell with no negative responses..

    • Like 2
  12. On 2/21/2019 at 2:26 AM, Nalates Urriah said:

    Wow... Everyone seems to have forgotten the court cases over shrink-wrap and basic EULA website agreement acceptance clicks. Even the Linden ToS is a click to proceed to show acceptance.

    If anytime you attempt to talk to the person you get the Busy Response with a disclaimer-notice and then proceed, you have given consent. The ToS and Shudo try to define how consent is given. Courts have decided how consent can be considered given. That is what we live with. In Shudo's example their is no visible action recorded that can be offered into evidence. With broken shrink-wrap and EULA clicks the requisite evidence is is there. In Shudo's example, if a combination followed in the text below and that combination were used... it might hold up as use of the combination would be proof of having read. The attorneys on both sides would likely have a field day with the combination use matter.

    Having the same notice in the profile simply won't count. You can talk to anyone and never see their profile. As shrink-wrap and EULA's are things to get past that leave a recorded action and stand between the person and the software/whatever they are different than a profile notice that is likely never seen and simply does not stand in front of the one required to give consent. I think most are aware that posted speed limits and stop signs have to be visible to the average driver. If they are obscured by foliage or construction, the law can't be enforced. Profiles would seem to be in the obscured realm.

    Basically, Nathrebel did ask... or more accurately warn and place a condition. Courts have decided that consent can be considered given if it can be shown the user saw the notice/warning/challenge and took some action that shows acceptance. So, opening the package, clicking Agree or OK on a ToS/EULA, and/or using the software.

    It doesn't work that way, the TOS is the final authority and cannot be circumvented by any disclaimer posted by anyone in any manner. an a-f-k message does not have the authority to override the TOS. a profile disclaimer does not have the authority to override TOS. A nc does not have the authority to override TOS. A group charter does not have the authority to override TOS. A sim covenant does not have the authority to override TOS. No one but LL has the authority to change or override the TOS. It is a legal binding agreement for anyone to access the service, you dont get to change any part of that agreement just to suit your needs or desires. You have no rights but what the TOS and EULA give you, none.

    There is a distinct difference between opening a peice of software and reading some bs message someone put in an away message. That is not legally binding by any means for that person is technically not even allowed to ask for any user to waive TOS at all. TOS binds everyone that comes to SL and is final. Anything done against TOS is a reportable and punishable offense.

    So no, stating that in a away message is not asking for or gaining consent by the person continuing to talk to that other person. NO ONE can just take consent from anyone or imply consent was given just because they responded or joined a group or entered a sim or turned on rlv, or worn a collar or a relay and set either to auto. 

    plus any consent given can immediately for any reason be revoked. So the OP could simply state at the end of every message consent was revoked and the other person would not have consent to do anything with anything that was said.

    but the user cannot revoke or override the TOS ever and be expected to be allowed to continue be here. no one is entitled to be here or has any rights to be here but what LL gives them. LL reserves all rights to end your allowance to be here if you break the TOS. It is their choice if you are allowed here not yours.

    Same as how any other service provider like a bank or a isp or any other forum can end the agreement allowing you to continue to use them if you break the rules. Trying to claim that you can ovveride the TOS is breaking those rules. NO user has that authority ever.


    • Like 1
  13. hmm.. as the topic was 'what could we bring to sl' not 'what could ll or another tpv viewer bring to sl'. I think it would be tolerance and acceptance on differing views and opinions. that no one way is the best or true or correct or right or only way for things to be done in sl.

    towards many of the other things that were said they are all good too; but are sort of off topic, since the topic was what we as users could bring to sl in the new year, not necessary what ll or tpv developers should bring to sl.

    for if that was the case there are lots of things that could be added, but it would be pointless to list them here since its highly doubtful some of them would be added because unless they were part of the majority wanted features, then it means very little. And face it the forums make up the minority of the players not the majority.

    • Like 1
  14. 53 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    So...are you referring to “votes” on answers posts, or our “post count and like count”?

    actually both the votes and like count. both can easily be abused and are often in most forums even here by some people.

    the other problem the votes has is it rearranges the thread based upon the votes making the comments out of order in which they were posted which can affect the stream and how people see or understand what was being said by everyone in the thread.

    like counts are kind of used as ego strokers by some and by others as means to try and maybe get some people to think they are important or special in the forums, when really they are not. its used as a cliche system of who is part of the in crowd or not and can become intimidating to some when being faced with replies by people with high like counts, and can be a reason why some do not reply back after their thread is invaded by someone with a high like count.

    reputation systems in general usually bring out the worst in people not the best, this has been seen in lots of places I have been that used them.

    It shouldn't matter how many likes a person has, or a rank about what they say and if its important or not, or more or less valid on many things. but some like to think it does and want others to think that way too. its a form of mental/psychological/emotional manipulation in a way.

    on the voting system up votes would be fine if they didnt move the posts, down votes shouldn't be allowed on any post that has 0 votes to begin with or any more when reaching 0. it just becomes a bullying/shaming system then. the lowest score a answer thread should be allowed to have is 0 with no reactions; for that alone lets people see that no one agreed with them.

    if anything the like count and post count should be made private for only the user to see.

    • Like 2
  15. 5 hours ago, Shudo said:

    Generally "points down" systems only end up reinforcing the echo chamber. Maybe more so then the second meaning a 😄 might carry.

    Say something wrong and the clique will vote you down into oblivion.

    reputation/point systems never work well in forums and never can. they will always be abused by someone in some manner. which is why I sort of think it should be removed from sl forums. and the emoji's should just be an added in reaction to the over post, with no benefit or drawback to them at all all.

    • Like 2
  16. 5 hours ago, Bitsy Buccaneer said:

    Avatars have always been an extension of RL people for me. The RL people continue to exist whether they're logged in or not. There's someone I was friends with while she was ill and in and out of hospital who's still on my friends list. When I see her name, I send her a good thought. I don't know if she's still alive or how she's doing if she is. There's another friend with mental health issues and, last I heard from her, dreadful internet. She'd come and go, and then LL imposed a mandatory viewer upgrade and she had to stop logging in. I wonder how she's doing too. Another friend I met in SL, I stay in touch with over Skype. His mum is in hospice so I think about them every day and check in regularly to see if he's around and needs a virtual hug. I still remember what their avatars look like.

    If I'm not seen inworld for awhile, two dear friends worry about me. One will sometimes send my avatars small gifts to brighten my day. Well, my main mostly. If my building alt gets something, I know he's really worried. :)

    These are the people who've stayed by me through the worst of my own illnesses. Their avatars might blink out but the friendship doesn't.

    Maybe this is why I can become completely immersed in a conversation in SL. It's no less real for me because it's typed.

    I understand what you mean and to me its about the conversation in sl, not the avatar. It doesnt matter if someone is wearing a furry avatar or human or even just being an object like a chair and actually having me sit on them while we talk. Its that conversation that matters to me.

    I come from the age of text only, then moved into simple 2d chat systems, then early 3d like furcadia, then imvu then second life. so for me its less about how someone looks and more about the chat itself and how they behave and treat me.

    I have a few close people that have stayed with me through everything. they actually chase me down to discord if I suddenly log off because I am not doing well that day. And a few that sends me messages and waits for me to come back to reply to them. Its these people that make me come back to sl when I do, not the avatar, not the pixels, not the looks, not the sims, not the groups of random people who dont know me or care if I am there or not.

    That is why I dont really get immersed with sl, other then the chatting. all the rest of sl is just add-on's and not the main reason for me to be here. honestly if I had all my friends on discord or something else, i might not even really have a reason to return most days.

    the comment you quoted was about how some people are in sl. to them its just a book, when they log out they are closing and putting down that book and moving on with their daily life and not being concerned about the book anymore. for some its like going home from the local club or bar where you were just hanging out with friends. that is why I started out saying that its different things to everyone. there is no right or wrong about why you come here. we each have are own personal reasons for doing so.

    • Like 1
  17. I think it really just depends upon each person and what they are seeking or desiring from it. To some its just a movie or book to read and enjoy and relax with and waste time not thinking about the troubles of reality at that time. A means to escape time and reality and responsibilities for a little while. To others its an interpretation of what they wish their real life was a like, a fantasy a dream a desire of what they cannot have or cannot be or cannot do for one reason or another. So they invest a lot of feelings and emotions trying to make it feel as real as possible.

    For me its about the people behind the avatar, how they act, how they speak, how they behave towards me. I dont care if their avatar is dancing, or laying on a log about to be cut in half.  Just like I equally dont care about that character in the book that just died or lost a family member. I know its fake and not real and not happening, just a story made up to entertain and nothing more.

    Its not that I dont have emotions, I do but I chose how they are affected and by what. not some pixel animated character in an online media source. For as long as there is no tactile interface beyond a keyboard or controller, as long as their is no olfactory interface, no taste interface, no temperature interface.. no neural network interface it will not ever really be truly immersive. imagination is all great and wonderful but it can only take you so far before reality will step in and remind you its all just fake, not real, not important. That there is no real danger of anything happening to you other then your head/heart/emotions being played with if you let them.

    at the end of the day when you log out, it stops it ends, its over, it doesnt continue, your avatar does not exist, it cant even be seen or interacted with by anyone else.

    I see the screen before me, I hear the click-clack of me typing on the keys, I watch the letters dance across the screen as I do and stop when I dont. im on the outside looking in, just like when reading a book or watching a movie. Its not happening to me, but to the character within, which is not me.

  18. One cannot ever imply or assume consent is given at any point in time without actual physical written or spoken consent by the other party. Just responding back is not giving consent to what they expressed or said or claimed.  Even then that consent can be revoked at any point in time in the future for any reason spoke or unspoken and that person then has to abide by that revocation or face the consequences while here in SL. the disclaimer of the other person via a busy message means nothing; it has no legal grounds to stand on at all. It is a scam a blackmail an or coercion and extortion attempt by those who think they can fool those who are not aware of their rights under the TOS. If they try and use anything you told them you have the full right to report them for breach of TOS. No group or sim or person may take away another persons consent unwillingly by anything they say or state or claim ever. Joining a sim does not give implied or expressed consent. Joining a group does not give implied or expressed consent. responding in an im does not give implied or expressed consent. talking in a group does not give implied or expressed consent, talking in local does not give or imply expressed consent especially if there is only two in local which then does imply partial privacy since no one was around to hear what was said. the TOS  though only applies to what is done in SL and on the forums though. They can actually take what ever you say without your permission and share it outside of SL because LL has no jurisdiction on what people do outside of SL. So if they shared it via an email or posted it somewhere else, or on another service there is little you can do about it but make a complaint to the admins of that service and if they would do anything about removing the content or punishing them for their actions. Which not every place will.

    I have known of several groups and sims and users who have used this before. They are all trying to use the users gullibility and lack of knowledge and fear of asking to find out the truth.

    Seen lots of groups that say joining this groups gives consent to blah blah blah being done. I have seen sims that make the same claims in their sim rules or covenants. But none of it is true and never was. the only real authority they have is they can kick you from the group or sim and ban you. that is all.

    If you are ever really concerned, talk with them them add at the end of the conversation, "I hearby revoke my consent of you using or sharing anything that was said beforehand without further consent being asked from me again." then they can no longer claim you gave them consent because you just revoked that consent at the end.

    • Thanks 1
  19. there is really too many to choose from and if they should add points or not or for some people who wish had the power take points to maybe take a poke at the over-sized ego's of those with high point values.

    Honestly I think only the cup should add a point, none of the others should. the rest should just be reaction emjoi's to show a reaction or feeling about the post.

    • Like 2
  20. On 2/18/2019 at 1:36 PM, Gopi Passiflora said:

    When people play video games or explore virtual worlds, they often talk about the feeling of immersion. I suppose what it means is how much they feel they are actually in the virtual world itself.

    I think Second Life has pretty great immersion. It's hard to describe, but when you log into Second Life it feels like you are your avatar and you are actually living his/her/its life.

    hmm.. for me there is no real immersion. I know I am not my avatar because my avatar is a furry dragonness and I am not in rl. I know the difference between fantasy and reality in this regards. my avatar is just a sudo vessel for me to interact with people here. Its not alive, it doesn't really have a life or feelings or emotions, they are all mine. 

    I have often blown my avatar up, fried my avatar, grinded up my avatar, microwaved my avatar, drowned my avatar, shocked my avatar, froze my avatar, turned my avatar in to a statue or some other piece of furniture. did I feel like any of those things were happening to me in rl. not at all. Oh lets not forget having my avatar tf'd into dozens of other things and even turned into a rocket with a head on it that then pops and floats back to the ground with attached to a balloon.

    they are all just other visual expressions and really dont cause any feelings besides mild amusement because I can undo any of the changes, none of them are any more permanent or lasting then I really want them to be.

  21. Oh, I might want to add that there is a new hud out that if you have rlv on, it can allow people to take control over your avatar and talk as you, and all you need is a relay. It basically allows someone to posses your avatar; but this doesn't really sound like that. it sounds more like a follower from an attack/spell/combat aka griefer  hud, lots of those on the mp. they can be pernicious to git rid of but it is still possible.

    And i believe CoolVL does allow you to turn off rlv. its just not a simple click one button setting like in fire storm. some viewers hide it to make it harder to turn off. I will have to install it and check again but if I remember correctly I remember being able to disable rlv in it before.

    • Confused 1
  22. On 1/24/2019 at 12:53 AM, Ethan Paslong said:


    Not tried it, but perhaps set your chatlog location at a cloud? ... many people have such location now, if storing and connection are OK it might be possible.
    If it works you only need to adjust the locations to the same on both machines.

    That might work but it might be laggy on save and load for each chat, depending upon the users connection to the cloud storage service. Using a nas is just a little less laggy since everything should be on the same general network.

    You can set a nas up to work as a cloud based storage system too if you didnt want to trust a third party storage system to keep your information safe and secure and private.

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