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Sparkle Bunny

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Posts posted by Sparkle Bunny

  1. 1 hour ago, SarahKB7 Koskinen said:

    Wales is not and has never been a country

    Maybe don't go around saying that in front of Welsh people unless you want to define what you mean by a 'country' and how it differs from a 'nation.'

    (That's going to take a few paragraphs which nobody's going to read, so yeah, maybe just don't.)

    Do English-speaking citizens of the rest of the world know enough about US culture and politics to be able to follow and participate in discussions about them? Generally, yes. Do US citizens know enough about the culture and politics of the rest of the world to be able to follow and participate in discussions about them? Generally, no. Hence the bias the OP is seeing.

    I too used to get frustrated about the failure of most Americans to grasp there was a world beyond their borders -- I used to have the same frustration with Londoners, for the record -- but there are good reasons for it (education and mainstream media, mostly) and complaining doesn't change anything, so these days I just let it be what it is.

    • Like 6
  2. 3 minutes ago, Stephanie Lovely said:

    Well I have spoken to the creator, and he said that this was not intended to be a boogaloo boy outfit. I won't copy his IM here or anything, except to say that he said it was not his intention.

    If it had been his intention, it would be a bit stupid of him to admit it in writing.

    On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being ''oh look at the paranoid wokelibs lol' and 10 being 'I'll remove it from sale ASAP', how surprised would you say he was?

    • Like 6
  3. 15 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

    Join these groups and stay in them - group gifts + store credit/gift cards on a pretty frequent basis


    • Akeruka - 150L (worth it, trust)
    • Blueberry - free
    • Addams - free
    • Vision - free
    • Tachinni - free 
    • Bumblebee - free
    • Scandalize - free - Lucky boards
    • .:Scandals SL frees & News:. - Scandalize's massive outlet group with a few hundred free gifts

    Last time I checked, Blueberry, Vision and Tachinni weren't free, but the fees are pretty nominal (within the L$10-L$20 range) and worth it for the group gifts alone. LOGO also do head giveaways around Black Friday.

    (If we cancel Ruth then people with literally no lindens to spend will be running around in the TMP/Classic Meshbody instead, and I tend to think Ruth is the lesser evil. Just be thankful nobody ever recommends Roth.)

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  4. 56 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    Starter avatars don't need to have variable nail length

    Yeah, that's probably true. I get annoyed when I can't change the colour, but most of my alts have short nails and don't complain.

    • Like 3
  5. 10 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    It will be interesting to see if LL adds a special HUD you have to use for the NUX body, or a new dialog in the SL viewer.  (The dialog would only come up if you were wearing a NUX body.)

    I'm not sure an entry-level BOM mesh body actually needs a HUD.  Skins, layers and alphas can all be handled with BOM. You can vary heel heights by having old-school detachable feet, which should also reduce complexity. (Nails are trickier, but could be detachable like feet to vary the length, with another BOM layer to apply polish.)

    Heads, though, are an entirely different matter...

    • Like 5
  6. 4 hours ago, SarahKB7 Koskinen said:

    Perhaps LL should compensate emotionally attached residents who love these older Nascera LH homes with a free full sized (no transfer) replica of their house as a thanks from LL?

    Those builds are pre-mesh and the textures were given away free at the infohubs. Anyone with basic building skills who loved them that much would be able to make their own replica.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Teresa Firelight said:

    if anything, it is a great solution for all those people believe that GOHers keep them from getting the house of their dreams. (It is not clear to me that the GOHers do that, since they rarely hang on to a place for more than a week or two...

    Given this propensity towards house-hopping, will there be any cap on the number of times a PP+ can request a specific location, or any limit to how frequently they can do it? Because otherwise I can't see what's stopping people using this as a way to force-release desirable regions, not just to themselves and their PP+ friends but also their bog-standard premium alts/friends/customers.

    • Like 7
  8. If quarterly billing is really gone then that's another source of income they're losing. I prefer to put an alt on quarterly when a new LH theme launches so they can pick up their signup bonus and have plenty of time to home-hop before I downgrade them again, but if I'm being forced to pay monthly... nah, I'll just use an old account who's already had their bonus and downgrade after a month. Evidently they're banking on enough big creators and GOH whales upgrading to PP+ that minnows like me don't signify.

    • Like 2
  9. Accidentally buying something because you mistook it for the gift is easily done if you're just racing round picking up the freebies. I did it once at a previous Shop and Hop, where a full-price item was in a box at the front of the stall and the gift tucked away somewhere else, but I wouldn't have dreamt of demanding a refund. Even if that stallholder was trying to pull a fast one, it was up to me to pay attention to what I was clicking on.

    • Like 5
  10. Trouble is, mesh bodies don't get popular unless they manage to amass a decent range of clothing fairly soon after release. If they don't do that, they're unlikely to catch on and you're not going to make a whole lot of profit meshing for them.

    Bodies I abandoned because, among other reasons, not enough people were making clothes for them: Kalhene Erika, LoveMomma, Kupra Kups.

    Bodies I didn't even bother with because nobody was making clothes for them: Cinnamon and Chai.



    • Like 3
  11. Now that there are always Bellisserian homes available, modern equivalents have been introduced for all the 1.0 themes and there are multiple 512 options, maybe it's time to simplify the selection page by making it Bellisseria only? (Possibly with a link to the current version, if they were worried that a sudden Meadowbrook cutoff would lead to complaints.)

    Maybe they'll double the amount of tries you're allowed if you're Premium Plus? That would be a nice little incentive, and not too difficult to code, I'd imagine.

    • Like 4
  12. 3 hours ago, Blush Bravin said:

    You misspeak. I've had many homes that do not contain any of my products.

    Sorry for assuming! I am a terrible builder but it's quite rare for me to occupy a house for any length of time without adding something I made, even if it's only a wall.


    3 hours ago, Blush Bravin said:

    Perhaps being a teacher in RL for many years makes my viewpoint different than yours or the OP. 

    Perhaps, though I'd expect most educators to be a little harder on plagiarism. Copying a Picasso to learn how it's done? Great! Ripping off your classmate's entire project and claiming it as all your own work? Maybe not so much, though I totally get that some people don't see an issue with that either.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  13. On 5/31/2022 at 2:09 PM, Blush Bravin said:

     Believe me I've been copied, numerous times, but as I said I welcome it.

    A store owner being grateful for the free advertising isn't quite the same thing as the other cases being described here, though. They get to feel how they want about it, just as you do.

    • Like 1
  14. 56 minutes ago, Cyanide Pixie said:

    Thank you. I don't understand why a few people in the thread think camming around and viewing interior/exterior design choices (or even buying pieces you like and using them as well) is the issue. That's not what this post is about. The post is about replicating an entire neighbor's house down to the smallest decor details.

    As I think has already been mentioned, your original post was perfectly clear, though that doesn't of course mean that everyone responding to it bothered to read it or was capable of understanding it. It's obvious to most people that if you put any kind of effort into your decor you want people to see it and admire it, otherwise you'd just rez a skybox and live there.

    I think the majority of posters on this thread, and indeed the majority of SL residents, figured out sometime in primary school that imitating every detail of what another person did or wore or said was a bit odd at best, a violation at worst, and in any case not socially acceptable. The minority who failed to learn this doubtless have valid cultural, medical, or psychological reasons for their ignorance of social norms; and, whatever those reasons might be, they're unlikely to be fixed by any number of thoughtful, eloquent explanations of what is actually happening. Some people are just irretrievably strange and you can't hope to understand them, any more than they will ever understand you.


    • Like 9
    • Confused 1
  15. I thought the BBB was meant to be the Victorian community centre? It's not a theme which lends itself especially well to DJ's and beach parties, imo.

    • Like 1
  16. 4 hours ago, Tary Allen said:

    I think this is what sharing means, and it used to be the norm in SL, people would ask where we got that piece of furniture, clothes and so on. I remember places where I rented and we (neighbors) would landscape alike so that the place looked good.

    This is the key; it's the failure of the copiers to communicate with their targets that makes their behaviour come across as weird. If they actually believed that what they were doing was acceptable, it would be very easy to send an IM saying 'hey! I really love what you've done with your place, would you mind if I did the same with mine?' And then it would be easy to say 'I worked hard on my decor so I'd really prefer it if you made some changes, here are some of the links/stores I used for inspiration, have fun!', or 'wow, that's really flattering, that will be L$5000 for the use of my design services, thanks!' or 'yeah, I would mind to be honest, if you find decorating hard perhaps you should hire someone or get a friend to help you out ', or... you get the idea.

    But, instead, they're just silently doing the thing and relying on the other person's aversion to conflict / sense of what is socially appropriate / desire not to engage with possible psychos to avoid being challenged. And then, if they do get called on it, they can get all gaslighty and 'what are you making such a fuss about, weirdo, it's only furniture!' or 'nooo, you're stalking meeee by camming MY house lollollol'.

    The more I think about it, the more convinced I am I'd troll them by turning my place into an eyesore. It's precisely the kind of passive-aggressive approach their own passive-aggression invites.


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  17. 20 minutes ago, Fleur Aurelia said:

    I don't know sunnyskyz

    Of course you don't, they're an extremely obvious empty-profiled alt who showed up purely to defend the copiers on this thread. Which is a shame, because the people being copied explicitly wished to avoid that kind of drama. So, I'm going to withdraw my question, since it's unlikely to be answered honestly and would only cause further drama if it was.

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