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Posts posted by BelindaN

  1. The Shelter is good, but sometimes quiet. I met a friend there who is still a valued friend, after a long time......

    The Frank's I know is free to attend but short on local chat, and I rarely go now. 

    Just explore explore explore.....is all it takes 

  2. Wasps.....*shudders*......I hate wasps........we sometimes get one or two wintering in the attic. This means certain death if found. Although I feel a pang of guilt killing one without a fight.

    Aerosol lacquer brings one down in flight, if there's nothing around which might not benefit from the fall out spray.

    I tolerate spiders for all the previously posted reasons. In fact I like the way when they walk across my hand I don't feel them. They are so light and delicate.

    I got bitten once, but in the UK we don't have nasties. I was bitten by a cat once which was way worse. Thankfully here we don't have much feral yard life.

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  3. Just a good old Linden home on an almost deserted sim...……..

    But having given up on a kitchen...…..because I like the bathroom!!! Nice animations...……..so I think for now this is it...…..

    Image 1.…...Through the door and look left into lounge and dining area.

    Image 2.….. I love wall art and in the corner is a suggestion of a patio door onto the beach, which would be amazing if it were true.

    Image 3....Bathroom, which has some nice anims. Two basins would have been nice but I ran out of prims. On the wall is a moving pic of crashing waves.....1 sim!

    Image 4...Bedroom, and artwork which suggests a window onto the beach :)

    Outside is boring as hell...…….





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  4. 4 hours ago, Ivanova Shostakovich said:

       /me senses the shakes in Belinda.

       Belinda, you're very kind and intelligent. I like the way in which you express yourself.

    Thankyou so much Iva. I'll take your compliment and rub it all over!!!

    Two more things have come to mind since I last looked at this thread.  One observation is from a training skills course, and relates to what Maddy said about feeling good about herself......so do I, but bear with me. There are two datums.... How you see yourself, and how others see you. The trick is to understand what sits between those two points of view and try to close that gap.

    The other concept came from another self awareness course and is about personal feedback. When you can embrace what's said you should take it to the heart, revel in it, rub it all over, make it warm and fuzzy.

    When you can't easily embrace it, take it to the head, think it through, analyse it, rationalise it, understand where it came from, and take lessons from it........

    That's what I try to do.😊

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