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Everything posted by Saravendi

  1. Victoria...gorgeous as always.I LOVE your hair....style credit? Rhonda... seriously great new look and attitude! So happy to see you posting so much! 😘 I just love this photo of you. Really unique colors and your skin is fantastic. Can you leave skin credit and your Flickr link?
  2. Well couldn't stop the red theme from running through my head last night, so here is my red coat.
  3. I had to echo Belindas’ comment. Welcome back! I just love your posts and this is as beautiful and lovely as ever 😊
  4. Completely lost for words ... other than, here I am all dressed up in my red dress...
  5. A bit off topic, but I had to share this photo with you all. When I was commenting about @Skell Dagger posts and his realism and fine art look, I came across this RL photo from Gemmy Woud-Binnendijk. Obviously post processed in PS, but this picture reminded me so much of Skells' last post. This is a real photo taken and processed to resemble the Dutch masters paintings. Wow, she is amazing and obviously upset about being forced to wear that Shakespearian collar
  6. @AidySL This is a terrific picture of you. I did a slight "remix" for fun using several B&W lighting textures into this composite and you look fantastic in B&W as well. Excellent post. Welcome to the thread ~ S
  7. Regarding the WL question : This was a good example of three shots with varying WL settings morphed into a final composition. Each photo 1-3 layers in PS using the technique I outlined in my previous post. I will say that using a pose is critical so the framing is exact for every shot. Thanks Scylla for the question and giving me an excuse to repost!
  8. @Scylla Rhiadra : What I do is shoot multiple photo of your avi with differing WL settings. Import all into PS as various layers, for ex: 3 layers.... then blend in the various WL layers through erasing various top layers at various opacities, to arrive at something unique. I did that technique in a post last Fall lying in front of a red car. I’ll repost it FYI.
  9. I don’t know if it’s just me, but you guys are downing two huge jugs of Tequila!!! I’m surprised that you guys are still walking upright. And Taya... his hand leads me to believe you had an eventful evening...???? Inquiring minds wanna know
  10. “I am only on page 200”... my dear, take it from me...., (deep breath) however wonderful going through this entire thread of 18,000 posts may seem, it’s ridiculously tough going... unless you take your time because it’s a marathon. I think I hit the wall and almost called it quits about 500 pages in... yet I did manage to persevere and make it through. That said... there is wonderful, beautiful, amazing works of art here. And by starting from the beginning you get to experience almost all of our growth individually as well as a community. So, enjoy 😊 my recommendation is to keep track of your progress, and plod you way through, but keep posting and staying current with us so you will continue to hang out with us! oh, and be sure to quote the post your talking about so we’re not in the dark:) ears?
  11. Great photo...love it. Orwar doesn't seem to approve
  12. Wondering how much of a tip I should leave for Taya (Angelina String)... her playing was amazing! Enjoying som
  13. Wait... is that Orwar in the background???
  14. Skell... just memorizing photo. This reminds me of a great museum portrait by the Dutch masters. Masterful...I am humbled
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