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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. you're welcome. Yeah here is my trying to impersonate the accent and laughing to hard. Yeah You need to make that into a video on YouTube. Lol. I would love to see that skit come to life.
  2. This one was actually good. I had a hard time reading it in a bronx accent as I was laughing too hard. Lol
  3. I have no problem with people choosing what they do on their own private land. If it happens to wreck you flying, I am sorry. But not every one has to accomodate your needs. Little tip, if you fly above 4000 meters, you can bypass the orb security. Just a tip from me to you. And we aren't saying you are griefers, I would say if you step in my home. You are a trespasser. If you are flying over, you are not a griefer and if you are boating you are not a griefer. Where in the heck did I say you and any other explorers were griefers? No sometimes you guys are a nuisance, when you come unexpectedly in my house, and you startle the crap out of me. Not to mention this whole debate is moot. As it is basically demanding that owners of private properties bend to your whims. Because what about ma explorers rights. I mean there is tonnes of places you can fly and boat, and I also stated. I usually set my orb to encompass about a meter over my house, by 5 meters around my house. and if you walk within that perimeter you are instantly booted home. End of Story.
  4. Eggs your house and runs away. I am sorry I had to. Lol
  5. In her best sarcastic tone "what about ma explorers rights" Lol Jk. I do totally agree with you on this one. ♥
  6. I don't think Explorers are not safe that is the thing, that and I don't think controlling how people set their orbs on ther own private property should be controlled by LL. There is plenty of space to explore, you don't need access to peoples private lands so you feel safe. Lol. What a joke.
  7. Yep, but I am not all for telling people what to do with their orbs. If they choose to set it like that, that is totally and absolutely fine. If they choose to set it a different way, that is fine too.
  8. Well for your information and I hope this doesn't get Codex excited. I still don't agree with you. I am very accommodating. Only about 30 meters around my house and above my house are 0 second orbed. You are free to boat and fly planes within the waters and in airspace of my land. Heck, you can be like those annoying kids and walk on some of my grass. Just at a certain point, you will get booted home instantly. No questions asked.
  9. No its just called we have a right to privacy and if you intrude on that privacy. We can do anything in our power to get you out. That being said, it is not a dystopia and there are tonnes of other places that are open access. Why do you think that you have full access to any piece of land on Mainland anyways?
  10. I said and I quote that I myself give 30 seconds. I didn't agree with you, I was just telling you how I set my orb. I am also under the ideology, that everyone isn't as accommodating as me, and understand that they will be a bit harsher or a bit more lenient than me. But I never said I agreed with you. I actually think the exact opposite of you, I think if someone else chooses to make it as short or as long as they want on their property. That is entirely their choice, and you must respect their choice.
  11. I don't think any of us has said that. I think we just want our privacy and if we want to set the orb how we want. That is our choice. So how is it draconian? You are expecting, no wait demanding that people follow some arbitrary rule that doesn't exist. As it is called common courtesy and not a rule. You are basically stating that people need to give you ample amount of time to get off, and not send you home. No, they don't need to be accomodating at all for you, on their own land. How many times do people have to repeat themselves?
  12. I was gonna say that rule applies to Bellisaria. Not to the actual mainland continent. I don't know how people seem to think that rules on Bellisaria seem to apply to the mainland.
  13. Maybe cause when you buy land on mainland, that turns it from public access to private land. Why does that give the average joe avatar the right to go and explore someone's home if it is on mainland? That and why is it so bad that people have security setup? I mean if you don't want people coming on your land, that is what you do.
  14. Yes but here is an idea, you can't always get what you want. And people will set their orbs at any duration of time they want and send you wherever they please. That is not up for debate, nor are you paying for their land fees, nor are you on public access land anymore. If you don't like their rules, suck it up. If it's their land, they make the rules. Down to how long an orb has to kick your silly little butt off and send you to timbuctoo.
  15. Flush them down the toilet, they would make great virtual toilet paper. Lol
  16. It's just common sense really. I mean if someone came into my home, I wouldn't be nice or polite about it in RL. I would tell them to gtfo, if they didn't. I would call the police and well they would probably not remember what happened. Lol
  17. My ideology on this, their property, their orb, they pay the land fees and they bought the orb. They can choose however they want to set it. And if someone doesn't like it, too darn bad.
  18. I don't get why people are getting up in a huff about someone elses orb, set by the owner of the orb. All because they ain't accommodating my demands. Lol
  19. BECAUSE IT'S THEIR ORB, THEIR LAND. Ergo you don't have a right to tell them how they should set it. That is a very good reason as to why people set it. Until you start paying their land fees and buying them an orb. You have no say as to why they shouldn't do it, nor be questioning how they set their orb.
  20. But you are not entitled to those same "Rights" when you cross the threshold from open access to private access. You aren't getting it. You are basically telling LL to make rules that seem ridiculous in the long run. Telling people how they should setup their property. To accommodate someone trespassing. See how moronic that sounds. Look no one has to accommodate you, once you step on their land and you incidentally get booted for that. That is absolutely preposterous.
  21. Well, again their orb, their private bit of land, their choice. I don't know hard that is to conceptualize? I mean you are basically demanding LL to make it illegal to set your own orb to a time you feel is necessary and also demanding that they not send you home. Like somehow you are entitled to be sent somewhere else. You really can't always get what you want. I mean this is turn into LL better make regulations, cause it's unfair. I mean would you expect the same courtesy IRL? Would you expect the owner of the home to give you 15 seconds to get off THEIR land? Do you pay THEIR land fees? So how is it fair to tell a person what they should do in the privacy of their own land, with their own orb? Do you see what I mean? That would be like asking the mayor of the town to give people 15 seconds to get off their land, they own. And at the same time, not call the police if you hestitate to do so, in what you deem is a reasonable amount of time.
  22. Honestly, I would set it to 30 seconds. To give people enough time to scat. However, that is me. I can't tell people that they are wrong for the duration they set it, or where it sends you when you get booted. It's their private domain, their orb, their choice.
  23. I live on a parcel that isn't on mainland and I have my access list on and no one is allowed on. Except anyone on my access list. Now if I had an orb, I would make it 30 seconds tops. But I am totally fine with people choosing to make it a shorter time. I mean ultimately it is their choice and their piece of paradise. It is also their choice to choose to send you wherever they want to send you.
  24. it's kinda like Real Life. Where you live is public access, but stores and homes are considered private property. And if they don't want you in there. They can tell you to leave.
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