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  1. So you're a rock club then? "All music allowed but no hip-hop rap or country"
  2. I got my first picture today! I'm super proud of it.
  3. Hello! I have a huge farmhouse that I would love to share. I've honestly really only got it because I do DFS farming. I would love to have a roommate. I've got friendly neighbors, two cats, some pigs, chickens and some cattle. My farmhouse is cliff side but there is plenty of room for your dog to run around and play in. There's a beautiful view of the ocean. The house itself is a 3 bedroom farmhouse with a living room, kitchen and sun room. As of right now it's undecorated but I was planning on getting to that this evening/tomorrow. It's too big for me by myself. If you want to come have a look around message me here or inworld and I'll send you an uber. Best of luck in your search, Holly
  4. Hi all! I'm Holly and I'm a new resident in need of some people to chill with. In RL I'm a 24 F from the east coast. I currently run a small DFS farm on rented land and shop way too much. I would love to find someone to hang out and go dancing with (I'm a sucker for the blues) or just lounge around my house or yours and chat. I'm usually on around 8 SLT until 10 SLT and I pop on during the day too. If this sounds fun to you please reply to this forum or drop me an IM in world. xoxo HollyB
  5. I'm 95% sure they're both fitmesh. The good news is I think I found some applier underwear so I'll try that. Thanks for the quick replies all.
  6. So I got a really cute pair of candydoll underwear and I wanted to wear it under my leggings but it keeps showing like I'm wearing two things on my clothes layer. Is there any way to specifiy what layer I attach my clothes to?
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