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Everything posted by brodiac90

  1. I like the fact we have been able to discuss a lot of different scenarios that LL may not have thought of which they can now think about and come up with solutions for so that there is much needed clarity.
  2. Let's get real here, there were kid avis who were bad actors in all this. As I've said before, people who play with genuine kid avatars hate those type of kid avatars more than anyone else. I gurantee that.
  3. But seriously if you do try it, get yourself a camera hud to change your camera to head height. If you think adults look tall now wait until you see them from a kid's perspective.
  4. Do it for a week, things you don't even think of as things now will become things. It might be eye opening for you to see how people treat child avatars in SL.
  5. I would help you, you might be surprised at how hard things can be.
  6. here - https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Clarification_of_policy_disallowing_ageplay
  7. It's called an avatar for a reason. Look up what the word means
  8. How comfortable would you be playing a child avatar? Or someone of the opposite sex, or orientation? Or being a furry or a vampire or werewolf, etc.
  9. I think it's only fair we have 1 zone for kids, 1 for adults and 1 for both where everyone kind of meets in the middle and works together. G land for stuff you would only be comfortable doing in front of a class of elementary school kids. A land for your wildest dreams, anything goes. M land where you can do adult stuff in private but where in public it's pretty much like G land.
  10. LL do not want child avatars anywhere near nudity. They don't want those images. I fear it is very much going to be that we're second class citizens.
  11. Rules as written child avatars are not allowed near nudity. So even on G land where nudity is not allowed, if an adult was nude I'd have to leave. Now whether that's what LL intends or what people think is fair is another matter. That scenario about bible study with Woody and Johnny was mentioned awihle back.
  12. I'm glad LL are going to be addressing the modesty layer issue soon and will be giving out guidance. I'd be very much shocked if it isn't just a blanket approach of all kids must wear a modesty layer around their waist and chest which for boys like me would seem excessive but then I don't know how you police it. My avatar, Tweenster, for example, is based on the female body and resembles a barbie doll i.e. there is nothing there below the waist., whether you're a boy or girl or not depends on how developed you are in the chest area and then your shape / hair / makeupe etc.
  13. It will, but it won't stop you suddenly being on an A rated sim if you were on a G or M sim and the rating changed while you were there.
  14. Strip joints and Burlesques would have a very clear expectations of nudity and are not places you would let RL kids into. However, a normal beach is perfectly safe for RL children. If an adult (particularly a male) went to a family beach in RL and exposed themselves then I reckon you can count how long it takes the police to get there in minutes. On a nudity beach no one would bat an eyelid. Private nudity allowed on M and public nudity on A would give very clear guidelines.
  15. it may be incredibly rare but it's not a risk worth taking. I guess it's easy to downplay the issue if you'te not affected.
  16. Because the panic button monitor's the sim's current rating and will automatically TP you home to safe land if the rating suddenly changes. So for example, if I'm on M land and it suddenly changes to A (which would mean I'm breaking TOS) it would auto tp me home.
  17. Similarly we might end up with boys my age (9) having to wear a chest modesty layer since it's very hard in practice to police whether a child body is male or female.
  18. No, of course not but I don't like to tell people how to live their lives so long as what they're doing is legal and doesn't hurt anyone.
  19. There are pros and cons to both Zoobies and child avatars played by people. I deliberately didn't use the word 'real,' as people who have Zoobies often do consider them to be real, and who am I to tell them otherwise? Even my SL mom probably thinks I'm annoying at times, but then she cried when I m made her a real card drawn with crayons, took a picture and sent it to her in SL as though my avatar had drawn it.
  20. Oh definitely. There is nothing wrong with true genuine family role play though where everyone is dressed modestly and acts appropriately. A lot of people in SL enjoy emergency services RP. I've been involved in a few and played my role as a kid. One time I got stuck up a tree. The police had to corden off the street, fire rescued me with their ladder and ambulance crew took me to hospital to be checked over. My point is that child avatars can enrich RP situations when done properly. The crews afterwards stated how powerful the RP was because they were all concerned about this boy who might fall out of the tree and get hurt.
  21. I said earlier in the thread that I would actually like it if LL made a child avatar with all the protections built in. I suspect the reason they haven't is because the optics would look even worse if something were to happen with an avatar they had actually made and endorsed.
  22. No, and as I've said I agree with the rules. There are just areas I want clarity on and I wish LL had gone about things with a bit more tact and explained things fully before dropping this right before the weekend.
  23. People deal with things in different ways. I'm way better for SL than I was beforehand so if SL closed tomorrow I would be sad but I wouldn't fall apart if that's what you're asking. Lastly, to you SL is a social platform, you don't get to decide what it is and isn't for everyone else. Believe it or not there actually are counseling centres in SL. I wouldn't trust their credentials but they do exists, just as there are places that support gay people or any other marginalised group. I wouldn't dream of telling you what SL can and can't mean to you.
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