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Chery Amore

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Everything posted by Chery Amore

  1. This was one of the first comments that I woke up to and read. I see the confused reactions. Do you know or do get why they are reacting that way? Don't you see that some of these roleplay ... or "fun and games" scenarios come off as the start of a bad (and illegal) porno? Or are you just going to cast a broad stroke and say we are all just dirty minded? Yes, I believe you know what lines not to cross. But that you even use that sentence at the end says something. You need to re-evaluate how you roleplay or even joke around on the platform.
  2. I think it's not just cut and dry they are doing it because of this or that. All the reasons the changes are being made are valid. Changing laws, and the spotlight on letting illegal activities fester and general pubic image.. it's all relevant. By illegal activities I'm mainly talking about obscenity laws . But there is a reason they are going to look back into age verification as well. Because underage people can join and that could blow up on them. I use to be a .. "well their parents should watch what they do type?" and kind of still am to a certain extent. But they don't in some cases and the Lab ends up guilty if problems arise because little Molly made and account and got mixed up in something illegal with pedo Dan. I decided to go look at takes on what people think of sl on reddit who are outside of the community and we are not thought of well. I think most of us are well aware of it. I saw so many comments about why not to go there surrounding this very topic. I wasn't surprised as I've seen it before. But these comments were recent...very recent. Whether true or not we are seen to be housing and facilitating pedo's here... personally to some extent I think it's true myself. I have to take human trafficking and domestic violence classes every few years to keep my licensure. I see more laws and awareness happening. Yes this is a fantasy world but we can't house these fantasies anymore.. not even a little bit. The awareness of the problem is building. It's not going away and the people that run our platform aren't sticking their heads in the sand and hoping the problem goes away on it's own. We have to clean house here. They are doing that.. even if it's just to cover their butt and I applaud them for it. Yeah there's gonna be fallout. I don't think they are going to be stupid enough to give in and backslide over the residents that want things to go back to normal because of loss of revenue... "freedom of expression" ... therapy for childhood abuse... or just fun and games that people seem to be waving around as a reason to maintain the status quo.
  3. Yes. Some want a whole new TOS and restrictions for us dirty adults instead of clarification of what's already there.
  4. Beats the Twilight Zone I guess. Let's just call it Split..
  5. I actually do get immersed. But I do always have the real me watching in the background I know when a situation is not right at this point. I can empathize for those that fully immerse but you are still responsible in the long run for yourself and your action.
  6. I do understand not being able to change a persona at the drop of a hat. Like Chery is Chery only in world.. It helps me to use another avatar.. like if I want to be serious in world. Maybe @brodiac90could make an adult account to see thing differently though and access those areas if he can't otherwise.
  7. This isn't in the new TOS at all. They don't have to not access moderate land they just need to use some common sense.
  8. Yeah for me I have a feeling it wouldn't be. Although I do have some empathy for loss of inventory for those facing it. I kind of want to see how hard it would be to navigate general and moderate land with that mindset though.
  9. I'm actually really tempted to make a child avie to see things from the other perspective and to see how hard it would be to comply with the rules.
  10. I kind of beg to differ with you on that. In sl I love my happy carefree "bimbo" personality. How I dress or undress is part of my identity and enjoyment of sl. I just don't see how or why I should be penalized with new rules when what I do or how I enjoy sl is not in any way shape or form associated with age. play. Unfortunately for child avatars they are stigmatized now and associated with it by default. Hence new rules. Besides I would really miss topless sailing on the Blake...
  11. Tell me when you put it up for sale at that price also!
  12. Yeah it is .. but they are adults choosing to be children. I'm an adult in areas that can only be accessed by adults choosing to be.. an adult. I don't see how penalizing adults helps anything.
  13. I would agree with this if the land barons didn't swoop down and gobble up all the adult plots then set them to many times the amount of a comparable M rated lot.. G lots are always the cheapest in comparison and it shouldn't be a thing but is.
  14. Okay but what about all the clothing that people wear that is sheer.. some level of sheer. Showing some nip. Then there are the skirts that for some reason are ribbons above the waist now.. with sheer undies. Am I the only one that sees women all over the place wearing these at fashion events? I know I wear the sheer stuff myself and try to be a little more covered up in moderate areas when I remember to be. Is this type of dress going to be just not allowed anymore for adults on moderate land too.. or just thought of as in bad taste by some as it is now?
  15. For the new rule changes I'd define them as anyone appearing under 18 personally. Usually I think child.. below 10 Tween.. below 13 Teen... up to 18 even though 19 is a teen I'm use to thinking more legally here even in real life.
  16. I have goggly eyes! Going to be wearing them more often now
  17. I gotta say I hope they don't take requests for changes to the Mature rated land seriously. You have to be a real life adult to access those areas in the first place. I consider them rated somewhere between PG and R pesonally. I think if clarification in the wording is needed or more possible senarios need to be given then that's okay. It would cause way too much upheaval for everyone that has no connection to child roleplay.. as well as just more upheaval in general with current land ownership. Perhaps people in the kid community and family roleplayers need to focus on expanding available entertaining areas on G rated land so they don't feel left out?
  18. Between the skanky comments and T&A hanging out ones.. I'm starting to feel personally attacked. I need therapy now!!
  19. I came back... So why are we focused on demographics in this thread again?
  20. I gotta go do some real life cleaning and stuff for awhile @Arielle Popstar gonna leave it at this
  21. Yeah that's why I said there is no commerce sarcatically.... The store owners need to be fed .. so do the people that host events.. so do the venue owners. They don't want to lose general residents who spend a lot to very little because it keeps the system going. If the big spenders had no reason to stay.. they have no reason to stay. I don't believe they are willy-nilly pushing out innocent residents. Period. It makes no sense.
  22. Yeah I'm sure if everyone left it would keep the lights on. There is no commerce, there are no sales, there are no spending habits to keep non spenders or low spenders happy here. I know, I know. They don't mind losing the trouble makers and rule breakers I'm sure .. so in that case yes those people are very expendable.
  23. Nope I'm allowing for a maybe it could happen. But in no way shape or form to I believe there is some great watershed moment of banning innocent residents happening in sl. They would lose money over this. They are a company. They want to keep residents. If you want to believe malarkey because you like skirting the edge yourself that is your problem.
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