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Everything posted by LykanXEclipse

  1. 😝 old ones I take back in February, sorry if the quality is meh here, due to the file size limit and compress the forums do to images Originals on flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/shadows_drakon/51895029425/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/shadows_drakon/51895028735/
  2. -DeviantArt it's very strict about photos/screenshots of videogames (SL falls in this category sadly in that site no exceptions). -Artstation it's only for post your own model or artwork creations no photos,screenshots or music -Instagram follow the same rules as facebook (PG/sfw) and the rest of their products. they tend to "hunt" flag time to time SL accounts and flagging them as fake earning a ban temp or permanent -500px only allows IRL photography and pg -Furaffinity it's a virtual gallery too but it's for the furry fandom it allows all 3 ratings pg(sfw), moderate and restricted (NSFW) but same as devianart it's strict about photos/screenshots of videogames (they consider sl as a game just like deviant). and as experience from there too. ppl of that site tend to have a lot of scam bots, hate sl or be really creepy with users in general -Twitter. twitter allows anything but it's a social network never was designed as web photo gallery, even if some creators or sl community peeps use it, has flaws and sometimes if the system fails it flags/shadow ban the photos or delete them Other idea is if LL host their own community photos dashboard like some south korean mmorpgs do (example: https://aion.plaync.com/board/image/list ) but that's a lot of work to set up, make sure each photo that is uploaded uses the correct classification rating sfw, moderate, nsfw and follows the sl tos
  3. Well in viewers like the official or the ones that no have that option, you can still tune up the attentions.xml file to control it Read this:[the last example tell you how tune/edit] http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Show_Look_At this will make your crosshair(point/look at) no leave your head axis (XYZ) you can still camming freely but the crosshair will no move from your head, it will no hide names tho to the fs viewer function so ppl there will see your crosshair+name stick to your head lol And yeah some people love create drama about it, if they start being agressive just block and move on
  4. Beside second life, for pc gaming I use Steam & Origin plataforms the most games I play are Titanfall 2 (sadly it has an ongoing ddos attack since weeks) Cities skylines (heavy modded , city sim builder) No More Room In hell (relistic zombie game) Battlefield 2042 (action mil sim, buggy but fun when running smooth) Mirror's edge catalyst (parkour single player game set in a distopian corpo future) Half-Life series/Portal series (1, expansions , 2 and episodes & mods) Sims 4 (rarely played) Back 4 Blood (zombies game) L4d2 (zombies game) Prey (2017 version) TES: Skyrim (original 2011) Grid 2 (racing game) Dirt rally (racing game) EYE divine cybermancy (weird hl2 mod stand alone game with a mixture of other weird stuff hard to explain) In short the majority of games I play are FPS,strategy, racing and military sims
  5. I no had that problem, depends of the distro you are on, for me when this happen it shows the error and no closes until I press "restart" or "close" buttons in the viewer
  6. Same crashed and it doesn't let back in , maybe is a server problem
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