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  1. I see! Thank you both for your replies! <3
  2. Hello~ I am thinking of purchasing the Lelutka Bento Head and I am not entirely sure how skins seem to work with it. I do have the Maitreya body, but most of what I see selling are just the Bento head appliers for skins, mostly I am confused how to match the Maitreya skin along with it. I have fiddled around with the demo, but am mostly still confused. New to Bento 'n all!
  3. I think you and I would get along! I would love to chat sometime~
  4. This sounds really nice! I am looking for friends, and I think we would get along just fine
  5. Well. I'm not much of a cook myself, but I sure know how to eat some yummy treats! ;P Honestly though, I would love to learn to cook something more than pasta or just to chat in general about it haha
  6. I would love to come listen to you DJ sometime!
  7. Sounds like fun! I would love to be friends and see what kinda trouble we can get into >:D
  8. Hi! You can feel free to add me! I'm not on super often, but when I am I'm always up for some fun
  9. Hello all! I have just recently returned to Second life after a somewhat decent break. So far I have spent some time running around and exploring some places, but haven't had much luck making friends as I am unsure where to go. I can be a bit shy too, so I suppose it's a tad hard for me to start conversations. However after the ice is broken, I am usually much more talkative, through IMs and the like. It would probably take me a bit to get used to using mic, as I haven't really ever done so. I'm horrible at speaking to people over the telephone in RL also haha. I really enjoy dancing, and exploring new places. I take a lot of pictures and love to edit them, trying to get better at this and maybe even pick up Photoshop! I have Role played in the past, but it was very spaced out, if I were to find a community where I feel like I can really find myself there, I would love to try it out. Not sure what else to say, so if you have any questions or just wanna chat, hit me up!
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