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Everything posted by KatyProxima

  1. Actually, there was added certain kind of AA some time ago, which significantly improves the quality of baking procedural materials generated by random noise textures. But alas, this is not the complete AA filter that would work also on mesh geometry and intersecting edges Related patches to this AA filter: https://developer.blender.org/T43388 https://developer.blender.org/D1254 Yeah, it's sad for us that the development of baking in Blender is so slow. Many times I have been hesitating to migrate to 3D-Coat or Substance Painter for baking, but these programs has other nasty issues, e.g. they don't allow to bake and export any full/combined pass including light effects, which we need so badly for SL.
  2. Eevee definitely looks cool as a rendering viewport, but the question is... is Eevee going to work also as a baking engine? Unluckily it seems there is no intention to implement Eevee for baking yet (at least not in the development version of Blender 2.80). So, I don't have much hopes there, because baking always had a very little priority in the Blender development, which explains why there is still no proper anti-aliasing for baking yet.
  3. Finally, I've created my own python based Collada exporter for Blender that fixes both issues https://developer.blender.org/T51288 and https://developer.blender.org/T51259 It enables me to export static mesh objects from Blender including all baked textures assigned to the active UV layers, exactly how they are visible in the Blender textured viewport. And then, I can upload my build directly to Second Life without the need to apply textures manually, which is a nice time saver. Only minor drawback is the need for pycollada module that is not a part of official Blender, so must be installed into Blender's folder (eg. Blender/2.78/scripts/modules) I put my script here: https://github.com/meshlogic/blender-addons/tree/master/collada-exporter-sl
  4. Note that Firestorm 5.0.1 also has this bug and can't be used for uploading multiple mesh objects, because of the incorrect bounding box problem viz https://jira.phoenixviewer.com/projects/FIRE/issues/FIRE-20547?filter=allissues They say it should be fixed in FS 5.0.2, but I still use FS 4.7.9, which works perfectly for mesh uploads, with multiple objects. Anyways the size limitations are huge pain in SL and i don't see any reason why LL insists on it, when even in InWorldz you can upload single mesh 256x256m without any hassle.
  5. I'm able to upload mesh incl. textures to SL when I assign each baked texture directly to the surface uv map in the UV Editor. The real problem appears when you have multiple objects using the same material (e.g you have multiple walls using the same bricks mat.). Then, even though you assign all baked textures and they are displayed correctly in Blender textured viewport, the Collada exporter just assigns one texture to all objects after export. I have just reported this as a bug here https://developer.blender.org/T51259
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