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Vixen Firehart

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  1. Those are valid reasons I guess. I don't mind as much when people landscape it nicely and match the sand textures, but some people just throw a random square slab of sand underneath their Stilt (or Houseboat), and that looks just aweful.
  2. I've always wondered, if you want your Stilt Home to be on sand, why don't you just get a Stilt Home on Land? There are plenty of those that are partially over water, so you can have a deck on the water and rez a boat.
  3. Just go to the Land Page and add them up. Not that hard to do. Every theme shows how many homes are available.
  4. I have wondered about this too. Especially because the best parcels often seem to get taken by the same people, even before Premium Plus. But maybe I'm just being paranoid.
  5. First of all, I'm very sorry to hear what is happening to you. I have been in a very similar situation many years ago (not in SL, but an online game I was playing at the time). After an initial close friendship, my bff started to get obsessed with me and started to stalk, harass and eventually threaten me. I've made numerous alts to get away from them, but every single time they found me. It turned out that they had hacked my computer and put spyware on it, so they knew everything I did, from what time I started my laptop to what my location was. I eventually got rid of it by running every malware scanner I could find, till one caught the spyware and deleted it. Anyway, I will save you the full story, as they took it to RL and has been going on for years. It got pretty nasty, to the point where I had to call the police. The police has given me the best advice though. They said: this person is obsessed with you, and they want your attention. If it can't be in a nice way, then it will be in a bad/mean way, as long as they get you to respond to them. So the only thing that might help, is totally ignoring them. Don't respond in any way, no matter what they say or do. Even a simple "leave me alone" will be enough for them to continue, because you're giving them attention. So only once they realise that whatever effort they make to make you respond is useless, they might eventually get tired of it and stop. And that's exactly what happened. At first it got worse because they freaked out and panicked, because I wouldn't respond to their threats, But eventually I got a message from them, saying "this is the last time you're gonna hear from me" , and that was it. Never heard from them again. So good luck, I hope this helps you to deal with this.
  6. I've collected 200 flowers on my first day, in about 2 hours, so it should be doable for me to get 650 in a month. I do agree that the regions are very laggy though, and things don't rezz well.
  7. Same with the Sakura theme. Alot of 512s are at beautiful locations. Just like you, I love the Sakura theme. Especially the community region Shobu is gorgeous. Anyone who hasn't visited it yet should go take a look.
  8. This! When a theme is high in demand, and only has a couple of available homes, people will just take whatever they can get, even if it isn't the best location. But for a theme with 2550 available homes, where you can see many empty waterfront parcels, people are not gonna settle for a landlocked one.
  9. I often use these to come up with names for my SL homes. I'm not good at naming things, and those generators work like a charm!
  10. I do understand the pros and cons of moving the abandoned homes to the bottom of the list. Maybe they could just shuffle the queue like once a day at a set time, to give a fair chance to both people who are trying to pass a house to someone AND people who are trying to get a certain location?
  11. Unless they are doing this on purpose, hoping that people get so frustrated that they upgrade to Premium Plus to request one. That's what I was going to do, if I hadn't been so lucky to roll the one that you abandoned. Thing is, that things have changed with the release of the new Premium Plus homes. Most people will want to use their PP on a PP Linden Home, instead of using it to ticket a regular Linden Home. At least that's what was keeping me from doing this for a while.
  12. Yeah, this must be the reason for the Chalets, because there are alot of seriously beautiful locations along that main river/canal, but the majority of them is vacant. I don't believe that no one would want them.
  13. Well, well, well, look what we've got! Right before upgrading to Premium Plus to just ticket one lol. *does happy dance*
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