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Galaxy Littlepaws

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Everything posted by Galaxy Littlepaws

  1. No, 20 is the default. In the Animesh testing objects given out by the Lindens, it's set for far lower than 20 in their scripts. Not to mention 20 is pretty fast. On this page you can see the min/max values for CHARACTER_MAX_SPEED is 1 to 40.0. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlCreateCharacter
  2. Still having the same issue. But I'll change it everywhere I've been using it.
  3. Okay. I'm not sure where I copied it from then... I'll try it with the right value.
  4. I can't read what you typed on a dark theme without highlighting it. But it's a very simplified version of this test code: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Example_Pathfinding_Wanderer The actual object I'm going to use gets its home location from a specific object and bases it's wandering range around that. But this works perfectly fine for a simple test, to wander around a range where the script was turned on (usually on rezz or recompile). What would you put there instead?
  5. For me myself, I don't really care if it's not as good as my PC. I go on SL all the time when I'm at work (where I literally just sit around in an empty building and get paid barely anything, but hey it's a job) and participate in group chats and IM friends while I read a book. I love SL and something native is a lot easier on my phone than teamviewing to my PC to use it.
  6. I decided to file a Jira on this issue. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-226084
  7. This is so exciting! I wonder if there will be one for Android too? I use Lumiya, but I like having options. *hype increases*
  8. I've seen someone do this, so it is possible. They are just limited to whatever Lumiya can do.
  9. With some experimentation along with Animats, it's been found to be an issue on my land, but not on LL sandboxes or other places. So I am going to contact support to find out what's going on (as soon as I figure out what this exact issue goes under).
  10. Okay, cool. I'll try it as soon as I get home. Thanks, you seem to be a pathfinding expert.
  11. I have run into a bit of an annoying issue. I'm trying to make sure that my pathfinding critters stay within their parcel, so I put CHARACTER_STAY_WITHIN_PARCEL, TRUE in the parameters. However, when that's set to TRUE the things don't move at all, but they can if it's set to FALSE. What might be causing this? They are being rezzed on the parcel I want them to stay in.
  12. So I imagine that one could make a blog post with everything they want to add, and then put a shorter summary and the link to the full thing in the classified. Like: "[Blurb with relevant keywords about the thing I'm advertising], click here for all the information: [link to blog post]"
  13. I was able to patch in files from the Catznip viewer and can now use Voice. What I did might not work for everyone but it worked for me with the latest Firestorm (mentioned above).
  14. Okay, I don't even know what fixed it, but I rebaked the land again and after about an hour it worked.
  15. I'm playing around with pathfinding, but I've noticed I can only get the scripted objects to walk on the ground. I tried using the Build > Pathfinding > Region Objects windows, selecting the prim I want walkable, and setting it for 100 on all four and applying. It shows as walkable but my objects can't walk on it. Am I doing it right, or is there more to it that I'm missing?
  16. I finally managed to fix this issue for myself. I'm using Firestorm. I noticed that it was working fine in Catznip, so I took all the voice files in Firestorm's installation folder and put them in a different folder, and then copied over these files from Catznip's installation location. I logged in, and now I can hear people again!
  17. Okay, I'll PM you then. Thanks. On here or SL?
  18. Hello, I've been playing around with this script, but have had issues figuring out a couple things. This is the script: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Wanderer The first thing, is how would a stop be added? I could add llListen commands to get it to start and stop, but I'm not sure how to get the stop itself to work. The second, how would you change it so it moves in different ways, for example instead of face 0 (+Z) going forwards, face 2 (+Y).
  19. I've been using Visual Studio Code with the LSL plugin. Although it's just not as good as the viewer's built-in editor so after a while, I just quit using it.
  20. The odd thing for me is that it works fine in Voice Echo Canyon and I hear myself via Voice, yet when I go elsewhere, it looks like it's working but I really can't hear a thing anyone else says. This is what I get when I do the nslookup:
  21. So I should have people say a number on one channel, and then turn around and have it go on another channel entirely before the script does what it does with it?
  22. What do you mean? This particular listen is working on a different channel than what I listed. Is there something about channel 5 people should be avoiding, or any other channel?
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