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Sister Nova

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Posts posted by Sister Nova

  1. 2 hours ago, Milk Pixelmaid said:

    Does anyone else think we should at least get 10 rolls? 5 is so few. 

    I’ve never rerolled any of the homes I’ve received. I’m fairly easily pleased though, and my main home is on the mainland.

    I’m curious to know though, do those that play the Game of Homes truly believe they will stop when they get their dream home? Will you recognise your dream home when you see it?

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, AlyceAdrift said:

    I personally don't see how it would. They still have campers and houseboats.... (to me) It'd make since to just put all the houses under one category to make it fair since we are paying for them... 


    It's all a question of aesthetics too. The themes are set into neighbourhoods,  it's much better for all the buildings in particular areas to be linked in style. If any building can go anywhere, you start to get an anarchic look, similar to the mainland, which is contrary to the appeal of Bellisseria.

    From what you've said, I would gather that you've chosen to have a traditional home. If you want a Victorian, a move would have been easy to do in the last week.

    Your argument about about making things fair since we are paying for them could also apply to location. Someone has a water view from their house. Another has two sides of their property bordered by water... should everyone have water surrounding their parcel which would contain ALL the themes available in their rezzer because we're all paying for them? I'd certainly not want to live in a continent that had that. They are out there, many private estates provide that sort of land set up for their tenants, and for those that like that sort of thing, they're very welcome to it.

    The fact that you CAN choose any of the buildings within the theme of the parcel YOU chose, is a great improvement on the old Linden Home areas. Celebrate that.

    • Like 11
  3. 2 hours ago, Leora Jacobus said:

    Queens Arch seems to have been released today.

    I got it two times on two alts - one at 11:30 pm SLT and another now at 1:30 am SLT

    I looked around and all houses were empty and had been claimed only few hours ago.

    Who is doing the releasing? Patch’s last post in his update thread said there were to be no more releases until the New Year.

  4. 1 hour ago, Elora Lunasea said:

    Not sure if anyone can answer this or not.

    Relating to that connecting area, right now it's extremely high and hilly. Would it be left like that or would it be leveled out? I happened to get a house in Caladium today which backs up on to that "mountain" that is there now and I'm wondering if it will remain that way or eventually I'll be looking onto another house. 


    Looking at the SSP work area for that part it looks as though there are mountains there going east, but only a bit shows on that particular region. I would imagine homes will be placed on the green part, but that is just a 'best guess'.


    • Like 1
  5. My first suggestion would be to stop looking too closely at the map. It’s only when you look at the regions in South Bellisseria that any notion of duplication becomes apparent. It has already been said in a couple of threads that this will not be nearly as obvious when you’re out and about exploring as each region will have different styles of the house according to the owners’ preference, and that is then taken further by the fact that there are many colour combinations too!

    Second, go explore some mainland. Take your eyes off South Bellisseria and look south to Jeogeot, or north to Sansara, or even further north to Heterocera! You’ll see roads and water on each one, and railway too on Heterocera.

    I love the mainland and have several parcels on Sansara and one on Jeogeot. My home is in the north east of Sansara by the wonderful town of Greater Coniston, and I have a cabin in the snow lands to the west. I love being able to fly, sail, and drive between them all (my journeys to Jeogeot are currently curtailed due to the disconnection as a result of the building secrecy but will recommence once all are linked again), and having a trailer in Bellisseria is a wonderful vacation home.

    As much as I do love the mainland, it’s always a pleasure going to Bellisseria and being able to appreciate all the work that has been done there. Having looked further afield, and even going across to the other mainland continents that aren’t joined to Bellisseria (yet? :P ), I feel sure that you’ll regain your appreciation of Bellisseria once again.

    • Like 6
  6. 33 minutes ago, Lizbette Tearfall said:

    Does anyone know if you get the same amount of prims in the new L.L. Homes as the old ones ??

    There are currently three themes of new Linden Homes (Traditional House, House Boat, Trailer) with a fourth (Victorian) being released very soon.

    Only the Trailer homes are on 512 sqm parcels and therefore have a prim allowance of 175 as per the old homes. The other 3 themes are on 1024 sqm parcels and have a prim allowance of 351.

    • Like 6
  7. 1 hour ago, Mog Huszar said:

    Hi all, fairly new to Bellisseria and enjoying exploring and decorating my new home in Crawdad Inlet.. one thing that has struck me though and I'm curious.. I have a list of 'public' spaces and have found a number of pools etc, but is there, or are there any plans to create any 'civic' public spaces? It seems a little odd to have so much (and wow it's huge!) residential space with no 'main street' or 'town square' type of areas? I'm not thinking of anything commercial, more like libraries, coffee shops, town halls.. that kind of thing? Feels like it would break things up, maybe an opportunity for folks to hang out and meet and encourage some community stuffs? What do you think? Not necessary or wanted? As I say, I am new and sorry if it's been covered, couldn't see anything in the threads..

    There are some community buildings around: small cabins in the trailer areas; circular cafe/bar style buildings in the houseboat areas; lighthouses; a very large community cabin at an intersection by trailer area/river.

    There used to be very regular dances held at the houseboat cafes, I’m unsure as to the frequency of events these days.

    Some private homes have been decorated as cafes and pubs, and if you listen out to chat in the citizen/community groups people will sometimes give a shout out when something is being hosted.

    I’m not sure there’s really a need for anything else, as the buildings that are already in place are not used a great deal.

    • Like 1
  8. 37 minutes ago, Fritigern Gothly said:

    Wait, where was it mentioned that there would be a HUD in the control box?

    I would like to read it myself.

    Here you go!

  9. 13 minutes ago, Alyona Su said:

    I wasn't referring to floral patterns. Neither are most contexts I am seeing when the term is used.

    Though I'd like to see this one in Belli:


    I've seen that one on the mainland.... can't think where though

    • Like 1
  10. I kept the traditional I acquired in April for several months, but as I wasn’t spending as much time in it having some other mainland properties, I let it go so it could be enjoyed by another.

    I do now have a camper from the second wave of releases and am very happy with the location. It is very much my stop-over home when travelling between my Sansara and Jeogeot properties.

    • Like 2
  11. 20 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

    I finally had a chance to really take a good look at the new Victorians. I really didn't have any plans to get one, but now... I must have one. It's a good thing premium memberships are on sale right now... lol. 

    @Patch Linden, Imma need you to release these tout suite so I can create my Victorian brothel! For show only, I promise. No Lindens shall change hands. Pinky-swear, even. 

    I think I'll call it the Chintzy Lady. 



    Oh you tease Beth! A raise of the hem only for the ankle to be covered in an ankleboot :P

    • Haha 4
  12. Just now, Alwin Alcott said:

    depends what you call recently  :)  it started with the subscription fees rising.
    It was there earlier too, but LL swallowed the VAT for some years.

    2019, I didn't upgrade my alts from monthly 'til June and quarterly 'til September

  13. 1 minute ago, Vanity Fair said:

    @Grumpity Linden I have two Premium accounts. One let me renew with the 10% discount and the other one (Vanity Fair) does not show the 10% discount offer at all:


    Premium Prepay.jpg


    Your Vanity Fair account probably doesn't renew until 2021. My Walpurgisnacht account renews in Mar 2021 and does not show the 10% discount whereas my two alts that renew in 2020 both are able to get the discount.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 8 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    Maybe VAT - are you in a country where that would apply?  I remember LL saying that VAT does apply to Monthly and Quarterly, but not Annual.

    Yup, that certainly would make sense, as they are 20% higher which ties in with VAT. It must be a recent thing though as I've never had to pay VAT on any of the membership plans previously (I have 2 alts that were paying monthly and quarterly earlier in the year before I paid them up on annual instead having staggered the due dates). I DO have to pay VAT on tier though, and have had to do so for a while. Here's hoping that Premium Plus involves a good land allowance so I can cut my tier!

  15. I don't get the offer either, but I'm already paid up to Mar 2021 and I'll probably take up the Premium Plus upgrade if the benefits appeal.

    However..... on looking on my premium page.... what are these Monthly and quarterly amounts I'm seeing? Quite a difference to the ones shown elsewhere on this thread.



  16. 19 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

    -- which is all a thinly veiled scam to make the "buyer" think they're "owning" something they're only "renting" --

    In most cases the owner of the private region will have a covenant in place, and when the person pays to have the rights to the parcel they have to tick the box to say they've read the covenant. I don't believe this is a scam of any sort, thinly veiled or otherwise.

    Having the parcel in their own name gives them certain rights as if they were the owner. Usually this includes a certain amount of terraforming (any restrictions would then be listed in the covenant), and also allows them to have access control to the parcel. They can even deed the parcel to their own group.

    The big advantage to the owner of the region, is that the prim allocation is then monitored by the usual restrictions of land, rather than the whole region being owned by the region owner's group, which then involves monitoring prim usage for each tenant, having to contact the tenant when they go over limit, inviting the tenant and any of their friends that wish to have land rights to the land group, surveying all the parcels to ensure no one has 'lost' an item on someone else's parcel etc. I know that caspervend can do a lot, but it's SO much easier for the owner in having the parcels in the tenant's name, especially if they have a lot of regions. The region group method is usually employed by those wishing to make a community, where the people running the group have themselves rented a region from an owner and deeded the region to their group. They are usually very happy to provide the various services and monitoring for their sub tenants.

    • Like 2
  17. 1 minute ago, Red52 said:

    Wow!  Thank you so much for all the terrific information, Prokofy Neva! 🙂  I've never seen a rental that is refundable; will have to look & ask about that, thanks.  Can Mainland properties be terraformed or the ground color changed?

    Mainland parcels can only be terraformed by the owner of the parcel, and depending where it is, there may be limits to the amount that can be done. The ground colour cannot be changed other than placing something over the ground that can then be textured.

    • Like 2
  18. 42 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

    I never seem to "get" this so asking again  to make sure.

    Sold our group land finally.

    Now four tier donations go together in the group and only the 400 square meter "bonus" is being used. 

    Question: Do we need to wait a month to take back our donations from the land group or can three people  do it now  and not get charged a fee as long as no one buys any land on their own?   Last time there was a group change one person left  and took away her tier donation but wasn't able to buy any land or bid on auction land without incurring a fee for a month.  No one is planning on buying any land at the moment. 


    So the tier those three folks take BACK would just get charged to them as group owners for the previous month? But they would still have their free 1024 tier allotment so there would be no actually USD charge?  There may be one person keeping up premium but the rest are going back to basic --- but not for some months from now. 


    The person using the 400 meter plot would keep his tier donation with the group for now to cover that. 


    Not sure why this all makes my head spin, but I am better at it than the other guys.  Thanks for answering. 



    I’m gathering that the 4 accounts were all donating their 1024 sqm allowance. If they have no other held land or contributed sqm to any other groups, three can withdraw their contribution to the group and have their 1024 sqm allocation available once again. The 4th account would need to keep a donation of allowance to the group in order to cover the 400 sqm that the group still owns. In this situation, no fee other than your premium account fee is charged.

    The fact that you’re asking about being charged a fee, suggests that the 4 accounts have maybe a Linden Home each and the contribution of 1024 sqm to the group requires each account to be paying the extra monthly tier allowance for a further 1024 sqm. In this case you need to remember that you will be charged for that if at any point in the individual’s monthly time period, the account either held land or donated the allowance to a group. Even if the group receiving the donation held no land, the donating account is charged as if land were held. Have a look at each account’s Account Summary and you’ll be able to see the date that each account has to pay for their extra tier. If no land other than the 1024 sqm you get for being premium is held, and there are no contributions to groups, since the last payment was made, you will not incur the charge.

    Hope this helps :)

    • Thanks 1
  19. 1 hour ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

    They do, and as I recall, they control textures, lighting, and doors. Possibly a few other things depending on which model home one has. (It's been a long time since I saw one of the older homes.)

    Ah right, my mistake then as I had assumed we were talking about a Linden Home in Bellisseria. Had I remembered that the old homes had them too I would have added the caveat “If you are in one of the new Linden Homes...” to my original reply to the OP.

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