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Anna Salyx

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    watching the world

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  1. Since 2k BOM is becoming a thing, is there a resource for 2K UV maps? Or will simply up-scaling the 1024 Robin Wood maps to 2k be sufficient? I'm thinking the latter, but also just curious if there native 2k resources available someplace, or coming soon. I know my body maker has superset of the UV body map specific to their body , and I'll be asking on their forums if they will be offering something.
  2. couple of points you made in there jogged a third reason I generally don't use voice in SL. I hear "okay". but i watch TV with the closed captions always on because my hearing is only 'okay'. It can be sketchy on the best of days and if there are multiple people on screen speaking I can easily loose whose talking (especially in action scenes when the camera is not focused on speakers), miss entire words, (also especially if the speaker mumbles or there are other competing sounds). CC helps fix all of that. Now, SL is even worse in this case since there are less actual visual cues on who's talking and and I can often experience disconnect on voice to person, I can lose words entirely if multiple people talk at once, and in that specific situation I often literally don't know who said what (it's easier to maintain that connect and references if I can see actual people not avatars*). Voice might be good for small groups, or well managed presentations, but in a general sense, not so much so. for me at least. -- * it's also easier if most or all the speakers have strong individual accents, but if most people are from a same general geographic region that edge quickly fades.
  3. Generally speaking* ... no. My use of voice is very rare/limited. I keep it up so I can hear people (job requirement) but I rarely plug my mic in for various reasons. Primarily is that my home environment is not the best and people don't need to hear** what's going on. I prefer text chat for 2 main reasons: What I backspace over, I never said. Text gives me time to consider what I want to say. I carry this over to RL and only phone call with very close friends and sometimes relatives. There is a record of what's been said. I can step away and not miss out on something important and if need if I get confused even when present, I can scroll back to make sure I understood something right. I also carry this over to RL and only phone with very close friends and less times with relatives. --- * pun intended. ** that includes both sides of the screen. People in SL don't need to hear the chaos home life and chaos home life don't need to be part of SL conversations.
  4. International woman of mystery. How it helps me be a club host here in SL is up to interpretation.
  5. They're obviously victims of Vecna. Quick! Play some Kate Bush for them...
  6. Be that as it may I was referring back to the part of your comment that reads: And also back to the comment upthread that venues needed to do away with tip jars and just pay the staff wages for work. Without a steady cash inflow (which SL clubs generally and broadly speaking will never have) they will always be a "larp" as you put it, and will never be able to offer real wages as some other suggests. that's all my comment/tangent was about. Not the small club with little tier that you talked about.
  7. it still comes down to logistics of money. Using a very broad hypothetical. Say you have a moderately popular club. You have 3 sets a day, every day of the week. That's 21 shows. Because it's a business not a LARP. Now Hire a Host and a DJ* for each shift, and pay them a moderate wage per shift. that's gonna cost in real world US Dollars between $400 and $800 a month for staff wages alone. That's paying a per shift wage of 500 to 1000** linden dollars. And paying that with no functional income stream into the club (you're not selling overpriced food and drinks after all), your club stops being a LARP and becomes a "charity". But wait you say, charge a moderate cover. You've got good traffic. find the price point that allows you to pay the staff and still make a slight profit after tier. But most of your clientele will go to the next club on the destination guide that doesn't charge cover. The business model for the bulk of the entertainment venues within second life simply doesn't support proper wages to the staff because there is no real income stream into the club. Manager maybe get a salary. So, yeah, I guess it's LARPing, but that's the hand that's dealt. Now granted this my casual outsider perspective looking in. I'm just a Host. Been one for years. Danced on occasion too. DJed when pressed ganged into it. But I've never been a manager, an have zero desire to be one. or a club owner. I like working. I like getting the tips (or wages) that allows me to buy shoes and clothes and decor and not spend RL money on it. --- * my cost model, naturally, goes up if you hire dancers and pay them salary too **On a good night I'll make L$1000 or more just hosting. On an average night, a skosh less. Bad nights of course I'm not making really anything, but I tell ya, if i'm working for wages alone in this environment, I'm personally not working for less than a L$700 a shift
  8. the main issue here is that most venues (as someone point out already) work on a tight margin or in the red. They make enough off rentals (mall or residential), donations, and what not to cover tier (if that) and not much more. To be able "pay" the staff a wage that not an insult would mean in, most cases, implementing a cover charge to enter the club. And realistically that's not going to happen. Not even the most elite clubs do that. Sure some may have a large group join fee, with group required to enter the club but even that is a one time charge. So we come down to tips. I've work in places where I got paid small wages on top of tips which is a nice bonus but they are rare. So tips for entertainers will always be a thing for the majority of clubs and workers, like it or not. It really depends on the host and the venue really. For an active host in an active club, that's x* hours of being "on". Greeting guests, engaging with the crowd to spark conversation, being a bouncer at times, fielding questions, giving out group invites, being a carnival barker, publishing notices in multiple groups, engaging in group chat where appropriate. Yes, there are hosts who don't do much (venue doesn't require it) and those who do a lot (venue does). You can't lump all in the same bucket. Me, I tell jokes**. (Come for the music and sexy dancer, stay for the corny jokes!). I talk about shopping events I want to go to or have attended. I talk about different topical interests in Sl. I talk books I'm reading and want to read, and find out what others are reading. Ditto TV shows and movies. I offer up music trivia and talk about music in general and my favorite covers. All this is to try and get the guests to feel comfy and get chatty themselves for a better time. And I never use gestures for anything. Everything from greetings, to end of set closeout is all typed out on the fly. I try to never let a serious lull in conversation happen, even if I"m just sometimes talking to myself a lot. At the end of a set, I"m mentally exhausted. *most sets are 2 hours but some can be longer. depends on the venue. Also my shift begins 30 to 40 minutes before the set start time just getting notices ready and sent. **I invest in RL joke books from time to time. Sure you can find jokes on the internet but many times that well runs dry. I try to recycle jokes as little a possible, trying to keep things new (or topical) with a rotation of 2 or 3 months before I circle back. So, not a fan of corny jokes and puns? Don't like talking about the latest movie coming out? Check. I'll remember that But seriously, I do get your perspective, but I hope I can change it some if you ever wander into a place I'm hosting at. =========================== edit to add a final thought. Yes, I do work hard. I've been hosting for 8 to 10 years now. I don't feel entitled to tips, but they are really nice when they happen. and I'll be equally gracious and enthusiastic when thanking a tipper regardless if the tip L$5 or L$500. over that and I might be a bit more bubbly, but hey that's rare enough that it requires a bit of extra bubble. lol and my thank yous are always semi-custom and personalized. never a canned thank you.
  9. I made something using RLV for that because of the reasons you said. RLV chat command triggered via a gesture that adds (for Maitreya) an auto foot shaper object that will change the foot shape (duh) and then detach. Since I'm using RLV for this I also have the thing change my hover-height to match the foot shape just applied... that way I'm not hover above, or sinking into, the floor when the foot shape changes. It would be better if the body makes would give us a general chat command at least for the foot shape though.
  10. I've done that. Had a very basic "just the body parts" pair of outfits for testing: Body, shape, Body HUD, a couple of key body specific accessories, shape. Nothing else: no head, no hair, no BOM body markings (tattoos). and I have found ZERO way to have just that just apply. .... But as I type this out I think..... *maybe* I can have one where I alt-click and select "remove from outfit" to have those components detached, and on the body I want to switch to, I can alt-click and select "add to outfit". I'll have to experiment later. But still it's a modicum extra work *IF* that works. Which, again, is why I made my gadget. 1 click to do all that. Super easy, barely an inconvenience to update it. I'm just talking BOM and attachments. nothing about appliers is in this discussion. I have 1 applier set for asymmetrical arm tattoos and if LL will ever give us 2 arms, I can get rid of that. I wear up to 30 different "tattoo" layers at any given time. I'm not going back to appliers for any reason. The base outfits have to be extra base. The standard outfit system is not made for swapping out a sub-set of the outfit. So you have to do extra effort to get a core body parts outfit in the first place and maybe I have finally figured out how to make it work (see above), but until I test it I won't know. Easier to use a RLV solution in the end.
  11. Rereading, I think I see where the cross connection is. Your 'base' outfit includes things like heads, hairs, but maybe not makeup or jewelry. But say you're kitted out with a certain hair, earring, some makeup but you want to change bodies....your base "outfit" for that body maybe doesn't include those, ie: has a different hair, no makeup, no earrings. maybe even a different head. So when you replace into that "outfit" you then have to go back and change hair, add earrings, add lipstick and eye-shadow. Still not that bad, but still extra work. The outfit system does not (as far as I can tell) only allow changing out certain subsets. My system does. it only changes the core body pieces that you define and leaves 100% of everything else alone. Now if someone can demonstrate how to use the outfits system to replace just certain parts and leave the other parts alone, I'd be very interested.
  12. That's not my experience. When I alt-click and "replace outfit" with say this example below, I end up just wearing nothing but these items shown. my head, hair, all my tattoo layers, non-locked HUDS, etc are just gone. But maybe I"m not fully understanding what you're saying here... or vice-versa.
  13. I, personally and with no true evidence, think that that's one of the reasons that some people are hesitant/resistant to giving it a try. While most will say that it's simple to just change out the body, in reality, it can be a bit cumbersome to carry out. Remove body, remove hud, add body, add hud, remove possible add on for the old body, add possible add on for the new body, most likely change shape, maybe change skin. That's a lot of little steps and the outfit system might be overkill for something that simple since you might not want to change anything else for a one off. So people wait until they have built up enough wardrobe before they "switch". There is no reason to 100% switch. though. So, that's why I made what I made. it removes the body, hud, possible body specific enhancement attachment, maybe a skin if it's on a tattoo layer, It can't remove shape or system skin of course, but when it adds in the new body, hud, etc, it can change the system skin (if needed) and the shape (probably needed). Being able to quickly move from body to body makes using the new body as you build up a wardrobe for it less daunting. it also makes moving back to the old body easier too for wearing OG clothes. I went from "well I want to wear that but I really don't want to go through the hassle of changing everything out for it", to oh, "I want to wear that ...<click> okay, i'm ready." -- edit to add that it also has made it easier to justify "oh that outfit is only for X body (which I have, but hardly use)" purchases.
  14. The thing is that you don't have to change out those clothes. They will work with the OG Lara (+ petite) body. Simply swap the body out to wear legacy clothing, swap the body again to wear something in the newer form. I made a gadget that does makes that very effortless. It just swaps out the body parts leaving heads, skin, ink, hair, jewelry, etc in place. It's not much different than outfits, but less "all or nothing" in approach. It does use RLV though so admittedly it's not a solution for everyone. But for me, it's a 1 button click to change bodies. (well 2 if you count activating the menu.) Fast pulsar bling is my break point. but yeah, full bright is right up there along with clicky-shoes.
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