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  1. Looking for some ADULT furry friends, As I dress as such, Not going into PG sims, Just looking for people to hang out with who are active and dont mind someone boring chilling with them ♥ My name is Nixeii in game
  2. Looking specifically for a rabbit/bunny mod for the maitreya! Can't really find any good ones, Not sure why, Any help appreciated. qq
  3. https://slm-assets2.secondlife.com/assets/14916440/lightbox/photo_3.jpg?1472613792 I'm looking for the hair-style in this link, I've searched through what popular hair stores I know, But I can't for the life find it. Any help is appreciated!
  4. Hiya everyone! I'm searching for a couple things: I'm looking for some people to hang out with in world, Possibly Furries like myself! Weird, Active, And willing to explore new places with me! Also looking for friendo's who would be willing to let me work on my editing skills by allowing me to take photos of them! :D I DO NOT READ REPLIES HERE! You'll have to message me in game if you're interested! D:
  5. Hiya~! Thats usually the time Im online as well, Lol. Plus a little before that; Feel free to drop me a message In world!
  6. I'm not new to SL, But I am new to the scalie life! :P I'm a Kemono Naga, Looking for others who've been a naga or a furry for a long time, People who move around a lot and explore, Super friendly, Super weird as well! Looking for people who'll allow me to take photos of them too; Who will want to become friends after! ^-^ (Voice preferred, Not required. I visit A-M sims mostly, Just a warning)
  7. I'm looking again for people willing to get to know me and possibly become friends! I enjoy taking photos of those i know, Hanging around in chill sims, Making/mixing outfits and generally being silly! A little bit more about myself: I'm almost always non-human, My preference is being a furry and i can't change that. I can be extremely goofy and talkative if the right conversation comes up, I also love playing around with dancers and gestures. I'm a little bit shy but i'm looking for friends who will help me with that, Seeing as how i've tried my hardest to do it. If you'd like to chat, Please message me in game > Nixeii < . I usually forget to check the forums! If you would be willing to let me take pictures of you, That would be great! I'm not a professional, I just do it for fun. :)
  8. I'm finally taking a peak around at jobs and places that may be hiring, I'm still un-sure about most stuff so if anything i'd like a greeter job, Or really anything that doesn't revolve around being able to DJ or use voice! I can learn quite quickly and would love to work somewhere family-friendly! :) Feel free to drop me a NC Or an Im inworld! > Nixeii
  9. I've lately gotten into the habbit of taking pictures i personally find to be really nice, And i'm looking for those who would like pictures taken of them just for fun! Just a note: No these wont be uploaded into the game itself, I dont have the money for that silly! They will be posted into my website if i gain the persons {OKAY}! Furs, Humans, Dragons and junk monsters welcome all the same!~
  10. It's been quite a while since i've met any nice people on second life willing to be friends and actually talk more then once, Wondering if i could possibly find anyone here? Cx Uh.. Mostly into being friends with other furries who could help me get over this shy-ness factor <<; I'm mostly random if that helps? Also looking for friends to help me get over this whole voice shy-ness nonsense. Cx So uh.. Feel free to drop me an IM? ^u^ -> Nixeii Resident or just Nixeii
  11. I don't know if this is the right place to post this, Forgive me if it's not, I know ignorance is not an excuse aha. I was wondering if there are any good people out there that make custom KEMONO mods based on reference sheets? I'm willing to pay, L or CAD (Go canada o.o;) I would like to discuss a price with the person though Dx please contact me in game if you know someone or you yourself make these mods. :) - Nixeii
  12. Hello! My names Sammy and im somewhat new to Secondlife, Even though i've been playing for around 4 months im still not very social. I'd like to meet some other furries and possibly make friends with them. I guess i should put some stuff about me..Uhm.. I can be rude at times.I love exploring.I love to go places where i might be able to swim and enjoy the sun with friends.I'm a shapeshifter, So don't always expect to see me as one species..I love to wear collars. (They are so cute) I'd love to be able to get to know some of the people out there on secondlife..!
  13. Nixeii

    Received issue

    My friend received a boxed package after buying it and accidentally dragged it into his inventory, Now he cant open it! How do we fix it?
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