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Everything posted by Hoppimike

  1. are we talking about this hiccup in Linden payments? Does it really matter that much? Just chillax and spend your Lindens tomorrow instead!
  2. it does seem to be yeah... wow. How does that work? It matches REALLY well... like TOO well... haha
  3. It wasn't a long ban but it sure felt long! Beachwood may actually become my favourite club in SL! So wooooo! We bossin' it! Partyin' hard! Rockin' that SL vibe! Spreadin' that SL love! Tearing it! Woooooooo! *ahem* I'll get back to it now :D
  4. lol, Pussycat! You really can never tell. It also strikes me how EVERY AVATAR is ridiculously attractive! I wonder how many ugly people exist in the whole of Second Life! ... bit suspicious!
  5. haha yeah, I did factor in the way often people portray themselves as a different gender, although to be honest it's easy to forget that. But you do get alarm bells for SURE when you meet a woman in the game, or at least I do! Thing is erm, I'm "a bit" bisexual anyway (definitely mostly straight) so it doesn't bother me as much as it would some lol But yeah erm, also on top of that, I'm taken It's mostly just the balance socially of men and women. The genders are different in many ways so it's lovely to have BOTH together!!
  6. yeah it was the skin. but but! it's ok! Because I was in the marketplace and found this great affordable new skin! I wore it, and it looked great BUT with the bald head when my long hair my character has moved, sometimes it looked very odd and showed the baldness underneath! SO I used the "hair tattoo" that came with the skin and it looks perfect!! Thank you very much everyone - I am v happy with this!
  7. Also, Pussycat Catnap, I am so tempted now to put "Second Life is srs bzns!" as my signature ... but I won't lol
  8. Wow thank you for all the very welcoming and nice posts! To answer your question Pussycat Catnap, no my name does not have Native American origins... I am curious now as to why you think it did! It's actually taken from the Sigur Ros song Hoppipolla, and then Mike is of course my real name I think at the end of the day... Second Life can be so many things, can't it? There are so many ways to approach it and to enjoy it. It feels like it's in a whole other UNIVERSE to the quest and combat dominated MMORPGs like WoW and Rift. Not that I hate them or anything (Rift is pretty cool at least for a very short time) but... they're just so... rigid, you know? And other people don't really seem to be truly be playing this multiplayer game for the multiplayer component, or if they are it always seems more like using people to boost your own strength, or for the raw pursuit of status in the game, be it for yourself individually or your guild. It's just not my thing. I have no interest in trying to "beat" others, I just want to socialise with them and be friendly In my first post there was one typo, it's supposed to say "I don't watch other players run straight past me on quests or get killed by high level enemies just for wanting to stray off of the beaten path and explore the world.", but I'm sure most people worked that out! And that's the thing... most games were like that. I found that everyone else just acted like... like drones, doing the quests and things but never really stopping to smell the flowers, so to speak. And ALL I wanted to do was smell the flowers lol Anyway erm, I guess I've put all this across enough now! It's just nice to finally find what I was looking for this whole time! Oh, Laskya Claren, about that thing about SL being better when you socialise more and become part of groups... I do that very naturally to be honest. I am naturally very talkative and energetic, so I always speak to people and stuff! The social side of the game is definitely #1 for me, with exploration #2 and aaaaaaaall of the many, many other things Second Life can do also ranking somewhere close as well! The number of things you can do is just amazing. Oh, one final point - it's great to be in an online world like this with roughly equal numbers of men and women. On nearly all other MMORPGs you just get aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall of these guys, and guys pretending to be girls haha It's been great having a real mix of both genders, I think the experience is far better for it! Thanks again for the very warm welcomes everyone and I look forward to hopefully meeting a lot of you in-world!
  9. I just posted a ridiculously happy and excited post on MMORPG.com about it haha I'll share it here too just because I don't want to type it aaaaaall again lol ----------- Quote ----------- Thought I might post this to help anyone else looking for a social or exploration -focused MMO and not sure what to play. I tried too many MMOs to even count. The only one I have ever truly enjoyed was Phantasy Star Universe on 360 due to its powerful social component (and I enjoyed it's predecessor - Phantasy Star Online). However, when PSU went offline, I was left without an online home! I searched and I searched... oh how I searched! I tried WoW, Rift, Perfect World International, Entropia Universe, Onverse, EVE, Vendetta Online, Dragon Nest, Vindictus, Phantasy Star Online 2, PlaneShift, TERA, Path of Exile, Neverwinter, Defiance, Ragnarok, Ryzom, Dungeons & Dragons Online, Guild Wars, Elder Scrolls Online, Mabinogi, MapleStory... just too many to even remember them all or name. But do you know what's got me? Do you know? What after all this time is probably not only my favourite MMO of all time but probably my favourite GAME of all time, dethroning SHENMUE?? You might not like it. .................................................... Second Life. It's simply tremendous. I kept not playing it. I thought it was sad or out of bounds or whatever I thought, I didn't like the interface much at first, or thought it felt a bit clunky and "un-game-like". But... once you get over all that. Once you actually sit down and play the game on its OWN terms, what you get is the most immersive, complete, fleshed-out, intelligent, fulfilling and awe-inspiring gaming experience possible with today's technology. Now it's not perfect. It looks dated in places and at least at first it does feel clunky. But honestly, if you want an MMO about socialising or exploration, or even building, I think you will be very, very, very happy with SL. I recently RENTED A HOUSE in Venice in the game, go to regular hang-outs and meet new friends, chat on mics, work on my character... I embrace the SOCIAL side of the world and dive in head-first, I don't watch other places run straight past me on quests or get killed by high level enemies just for wanting to stray off of the beaten path and explore the world. In Second Life you ARE the world! Whatever you want to do you can do! It's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool! ^_^ But yeah I'm going to stop now, nerdgasm over haha Peace out everyone and if you decide to try the game or play it again or whatever, add me! I am Hoppimike on there too! Bye for now! ^_^ ----------- End of quote! ----------- So yeah... I'm so happy I have found it! It's the social MMO of my dreams! Woooooooo! Thank you Linden Labs! ^_^
  10. Where do you think they are? :D I have been enjoying *The Club*, Beachwood, the parties we have in Venice, The Hole, Zapp and a few others. Some clubs like Rez and Ambrosia seem ok but also a bit... generic, you know? I like imaginative places, I like beach parties and also "underground" places with a bit more character than a "by the book" club. Do you guys have any recommendations for me or places you love in general? ^_^ Mike
  11. Just go to a different sim instead! If the owner loses enough people I'm sure that will be motivation to change their ways!
  12. I basically just want him to be bald underneath his attachment hair, so no hair base. At the moment he has short ginger hair underneath his long brown hair which looks a bit odd! I heard I could get a bald cap or something? Or perhaps I could edit the texture manually? Sucks to be a noob, lol Thanks, Mike EDIT -- It's ok now! I'll repost what I wrote elsewhere: " yeah it was the skin. but but! it's ok! Because I was in the marketplace and found this great affordable new skin! I wore it, and it looked great BUT with the bald head when my long hair my character has moved, sometimes it looked very odd and showed the baldness underneath! SO I used the "hair tattoo" that came with the skin and it looks perfect!! Thank you very much everyone - I am v happy with this! ^_^" So woo! Thank you!
  13. I basically just want him to be bald underneath his attachment hair, so no hair base. At the moment he has short ginger hair underneath his long brown hair which looks a bit odd! I heard I could get a bald cap or something? Or perhaps I could edit the texture manually? Sucks to be a noob, lol Thanks, Mike :)
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