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Everything posted by VirtualKitten

  1. Uh I dont understand why its rotating those it didn't with the other one after it rotated it is most peculiar Do you think they need to be set rotation scale etc would this cure it?
  2. Quistess Alpha Thanks am making a keyboard but they start to curve with your script idk https://i.gyazo.com/35acaea728edeb0a8b2da711b7757648.mp4 But thanks for looking i hope this helps
  3. I dont know why its rotating the child before working properly anyone
  4. I have this script which kind of works but it rotates the child object right round first and am unsure why as otherwise if it didnt it would be ok. I want to just rotate it around Y list p; float rotClickAngle = 10; float height=0; rotate(integer link) { list L = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(link,[PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, PRIM_POS_LOCAL]); rotation rotRoot2Axis = llList2Rot(L,0); vector posRoot2Axis = llList2Vector(L,1); vector axisAxis=<0,1,0>*rotRoot2Axis; rotation rotClick_inRootFrame = llAxisAngle2Rot(axisAxis, rotClickAngle *DEG_TO_RAD); // for body. L = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(1,[PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, PRIM_POS_LOCAL]); rotation rotRoot2Body = llList2Rot(L,0); vector posRoot2Body = llList2Vector(L,1); rotation newrotRoot2Body = rotRoot2Body * rotClick_inRootFrame; vector offsetBody_inRootFrame = posRoot2Body - posRoot2Axis; vector newoffsetBody_inRootFrame = offsetBody_inRootFrame* rotClick_inRootFrame; llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(link,[PRIM_ROT_LOCAL,newrotRoot2Body,PRIM_POS_LOCAL, posRoot2Axis + newoffsetBody_inRootFrame]); } default { touch_start(integer total_number) { integer touchFace = llDetectedTouchFace(0); vector touchST = llDetectedTouchST(0); integer link = llDetectedLinkNumber(0); height=0; rotClickAngle = 10; rotate(link); } touch_end(integer total_number) { integer touchFace = llDetectedTouchFace(0); vector touchST = llDetectedTouchST(0); integer link = llDetectedLinkNumber(0); height=0; rotClickAngle = -10; rotate(link); } }
  5. Thanks Jenna does this apply to blender , so this is not inverting the face its actually removing blue light channel how is this accomplished in latest blender ?
  6. I a given a cell object sphere by someone in second life that has four faces in a secoldlife sphere this is a very odd item as it was .4m and appeared much larger than a .4m sphere. i found this thread on here for creating this in mesh , but it is not mesh object but a second life sphere . and what appears to be an inverted normal gap how do you create this in second life as the -180 to -180 twist did not do it alone . Can any one help and explain how to create this ?
  7. I am still hopeful of a response why the shading in LSL is different from blender
  8. Well I imported this morning and one branch lost the shader which was applied in blender . The Planar setting did paint it but the faces was not properly drawn the shader is perfect in blender: I also wonder if i should join my foliage to its branchlet?
  9. I found this super transparency model about shaders it also as a great discussion about cycles and Eviee engines and how they load images . The book might be worth a look that is on this link https://artisticrender.com/how-to-use-alpha-transparent-textures-in-blender/
  10. Hi Quarrel, thank you but you said 'SL doesn't take bump maps. It can only take normal maps'. I presume you are aware bump maps can be used to create better quality normal map . I have been creating more leaves and branches to try make it more natural and have sectioned of these branches that are support for platform I am hopefully going to do same thing for bits hidden in foliage so i can zero LOD0: I have got to start trying to get this in to Secondlife alt low li Hugs D
  11. I need a specular add on plugin for gimp anyone?
  12. I am trying to find specular plugin for gimp 2.10 and better instructions on Bump . The normal looks much better than it did before as it adds better definition. The bump is confusing in Gimp and doesn't work how i expect like the brilliant normal map. The bump Map comes with no presets does anyone have any ? The Specular map is a little focusing i read you had to start with a black background but that is as far as i got so far i know its supposed to be the reflective parts . I have now made normal map for tree trunk too
  13. I made my normal found a super article https://www.tutorialboneyard.com/gimp-normal-map/#:~:text=To use the Normal Map,layer into a Normal Map. this is super I haven't and wont post it : Have not worked out how to make bump or the light image I found some links to the bump but nothing hat did anything like expected. the specular light i have not looked at Any pointers would be helpful
  14. I tried to use normal map in gimp but the image just went blue unlike a normal map. I also tried bump mat but it had no built in settings.
  15. Chiney I did what Quarrel kindly suggested duplicating and flipping faces and moving .05 but it looked the same unrealistic thing. Also tried modifier And this didn't change anything so went back to single faces as it made no benefit to its shiney look and just does not look natural at all can you suggest something else please as you seem to be the wisdom in these matters
  16. i have a weird shimmer o my faces any idea please?
  17. Thank you for the sculpt package ChinRey that is really super and a nice find . Quarrel I am not following , the terrain editor now just moves ground about how did it affect or effect trees. I am not sure flexiprim would work . That is why I asked in regard to particle hair its rather nice feature of blender but the sheer number of child or siblings on 13 links made my model slow to open in blender so i think it would be even more laggy in Secondlife. i made an attempt at larger biscuits I will try the textures later thank you .
  18. Yes Quarel I am as sure the particle system in Second life is just he same , Who would have thought leaves would be so complicated to represent. Lots of questions come to mind . 1) big or small texture small is faster to rez but more detail can be placed if its 2048 x 2048 for example a full tree can have its branches cut off and be used to create a texture . However Aquilas model was two planes I have seen 3 biscuits or cards in world with six faces meaning 6 planes otherwise transparency comes in to play . So first question i don't think i need a twig but a bushy texture instead at good resolution 128x128 , 256x256 , 512x512 or 1024x1024? 2) The leaf models' in world move or wave is this by linden script positioning or by armature animation? 3) What is the lag ratio from large faced prims to many smaller ones occupying the same space. Is it efficient to have one big texture on one large object or lots of little ones how des the browser cope with similar or the same model does it downloads every occurrence and or just one and reposition it {{Hug}} D
  19. So the particle system is no good then ?
  20. I made differant twigs but they are all facing out wards lol
  21. I think I must have done something wrong creating my leaves they are participating from the center not the stem. I also think i need a longer stem
  22. Excelant thank you how to i make them grow out I have tried changing everything on the thing bot it makes flattened lolly pops
  23. Hi i cant get transparency to work
  24. Hi entity ,you seem prolific , thanks for enjoying the posts I hope you are learning something too. The main thing I think your forgetting is its not just LOD'S . I striped my mesh and got low 75 LI with the simple base model and custom physics and with 14 other parts this LI will rise but not be inflated or bloated as the default mesh was a big balloon in all sense of the word . I think they was telling me to reduce vector loop numbers to get me editing it more which is not a bad thing. We tried this LOD in some of the ropes rope but the rope disappears with low or zero LOD 4 with 3 li in a single link this can grow huge fast . I am not sure this is a limitation of my graphics viewing distance. The blinking out is the default physics model. I had this with my tree default physics I don't have an answer yet in total physics cost I think I am now understanding new shaders . They are not what we had before and they seems better used away from the original material. i.e Do not create a traditional material the shader does it. What I had missed is that the shader can create these slots and manipulate them to. I was trying to use both at the same time . clearly the shader created ones are different . However the real thing that I missed was the pull down menu of shaders that I had created selecting parts of the model in edit mode You can pull down and use a different shader making them all the same and or using ones I set up. I would imagine your house is going to follow same principles as this tree but your physics shapes will be different don't try and copy the image to make the physics the importer has strict settings about small triangles and wont let one in. Single plain mesh like 'Add Mesh circle' or 'Add Mesh plane' reduce the vectors in the circumference then extrude it ,build it up, keep it within same size as models BB Bounding box. Thank you for that thank you for the leaves links but I wanted flat textures of grouped leaves with transparency on marketplace. {{Hugs}} D
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