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Saz Ninetails

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Everything posted by Saz Ninetails

  1. I concur, using the foot shaper on system avis without adding mesh feet you will get this effect. Yes those shoes are made to be used in conjunction with slink mesh feet. Even the places like Free Dove seem to have slink shoes which would be confusing for your average noobie.
  2. Try The Skinnery and also Birdy Skins. Possibly one of those.
  3. Try hanging out at social areas where you share a common interest. I have found clubs to be a real mixed bag, some can be busy yet barely anyone chatting in local, plus unless you arrive with a regular nobody will give you the time of day! On the other hand some other smaller clubs can be really warm and friendly depending on the staff and vips. Go to one of the many help areas as there are usually some more seasoned residents around that actually want to welcome new arrivals, rather than those who look down on "noobs". You could always hop over to one of the NCI campuses, Kuula is the busiest but it is also having some region issues so you may get caught by the lag monster. Nice bunch there usually.
  4. Go and grab demos of as many of them as you can. Check they can give the look you want as some seem to be more suited to certain body shapes. I have a Slink Physique as it stuck more to my system shape just smoother but others are suited to the more curvy look. Check that you can get a skin you like for your face with a compatible applier for the body. I tried out many of them and tried on some of my mesh clothing to see if it would work. Personally I only wear my mesh body when I am wearing certain clothing, if I am all covered up in jeans and long sleeves there didn't seem any point. I second the meshbodyaddicts site and the inworld group.
  5. How did you get the 7 deadly skins to work with it? I didn't think they did appliers for Maitreya yet.
  6. I often take people to NCI for help as they can walk them through rezzing stuff. I have landed in the adult hub before and seen people trying to spam people with groups. People with tags saying they are new but from the look of them and their AO obviously very experienced. I hand out garlic necklaces every time I see a noob. Let them make up their own minds about BL rather than being tricked into it.
  7. Whoopsie didn't realise when uploaded it that I still had a skirt prim attached to my crotch. Noobie look mhm.
  8. Good explanation. My account is 6 years old but only been active inworld for 6 months or so. I didn't know what the difference was but noticed some of my clothing seems to bend and some doesn't. :cathappy:
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