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Everything posted by AdienTrench

  1. One method which I am pretty sure that works is to verify a bank account with Paypal. Setting up a second bank accound with your bank is very easy, and this will allow you to transfer money from your main bank account into the 2nd. (Also this will allow you not to have all your hard earned money stolen, and the headache of getting it back, if you paypal account gets hacked) After that you just Transfer money from your 2nd bank account into Paypal. Wait for the money to show up in your Paypal wallet and then buy Lindens in the amouth that you have transfered into Paypal. This method is longer and a more round about way to get L's but it does save having to get/use a credit card. I should say that the time from transfering money into paypal from your bank account can take upwards of two weeks depending on which country you live in, and the banking laws there. 1. Verifiy a bank account with Paypal 2. Transfer money into Paypal 3. Wait for money to show up in Paypal wallet 4. Buy Lindens using Paypal
  2. Hi A,not sure if I can help you with this, but these are the steps I take in trying to fix layer issues. If it shows them as being worn and you can't see them, go into edit appearance usually it will force layers that are not showing to appear. If they are not even being able to be worn at, then perhaps clearing cache, or the horrible revert to Ruth and put everything on again. I'm no expert, just a suggestion.
  3. I am currently using Firestorm and have encountered a strange issue. When I set "Quality and speed" to Low (high performance/low quality) my fps drop to 9 Fps. When its set to mid, I get 60 Fps, High, its 40 Fps, Ultra 20 Fps. What I can't understand is why (high performance/low quality) has such a low frame rate compaired to the rest when it should be the highest. Am I missing a setting or is my logic flawed?
  4. Lets not for get the question of legality, many sources for music state they they are for personal use only, even Beatport .com states in there Terms and Conditions for downloads; "...personal private use only and not for commercial or public use or distribution." (the is a site for DJ's?) . Many countries have there own laws on the subject, some requiring the venue to pay for the licence to provide music, some the DJ. The digital age is truly a confusing one for Dj's, Check your countries laws.
  5. DJ looking for Work. The club I worked for closed it doors the other day, so now I am on the hunt for another job. I mix live and am available a limited amount, I will need a 24/7 days a week club as I work Shift work in RL. I don't use a mic, this is a personal choice, and I put my money into programs and equipment. I currently have no stream but that can be easily fixed if the club does not provide one. My internet connection is is 50mb download 20mb upload so streaming quality is never an issue. I prefer to only work for one club at a time, but would be willing to make an exception. My style of music is a variety of club music with a focus on hip hop and house with other influences as well. If I sound like I match your club feel free to listen to the link and hear some of my live mixing. http://www.mixcloud.com/AdienTrench/ Like what you heard? Send me a notecard in world!! ************** Warning Parental Advisory Explicit Lyrics in Link *************
  6. I think mixxx would be another option to look at, its a free djing program not unlike virtual dj and has a brodcasting option.
  7. I think you could if you wanted, use two computers, one for partycloud.. line that in to the other computer and broadcast with that. As for sound quality, the latency between both computers and the web based service you might have a good jukebox but thats about it. Will more than likey also eat up alot of bandwidth but without further research can't say for sure. So the answer is yes but you might not want to.
  8. Not sure but you might want io look in to putting your paging file onto a usb flash stick thats always plugged in. Windows Vista and 7 have the feature avaliable its called ReadyBoost. I'm sure there is a work around for Windows XP out there. Flash memory would be faster than using a hard drive especially if its an Ide drive (thick ribbon connects it to the hard drive) but flash drives only allow so many writes so 100,000 they say. So you will burn through the flash drive in a couple months or less depending on you usage.
  9. Looking to rent commercial, either skyplatform or land not a large parcel maybe 200 -250prims that I can set radio and land name.. etc.. Send me a message/notecard inworld if you know of any.. Also Sorry if this is in the wrong spot
  10. Looking to rent commercial, either skyplatform or land not a large parcel maybe 200 -250prims that I can set radio and land name.. etc.. Send me a message/notecard inworld if you know of any.. Also Sorry if this is in the wrong spot
  11. Its always on make sure its set to white, pure white. If its still not working, I have no idea as this problem has never happened to me. The only other thing is that lighting in SL can make things look darker, brighter or a different color.
  12. Another issue that might be a play here, and I did not see mentioned, is that if you are taking 2D text and trying to apply it to a avatar which is 3D... Doing this distorts text and pictures. (text is less forgiving) Think of it as trying to wrap a whole piece of paper with a quote on it around your arm. The words won't line up, if you get the paper perfectly flat. And the paper will bunch up in certain places if you try to get the words to line up.... Etc.. Now imagine cutting words out of the paper and placing them on your arm one by one.. The quote will be shaped to your arm and will line up perfectly.. The best bet is to take a few steps to do the tattoo especially if its on the arms legs or crosses one of the many "seams" in the avatar. What are those steps? Well as in previous posts, you can try to get the highest quality of the image uploaded, Use lossless upload Use a 512 pixel image to upload. Use the avatar templates found on the wiki. Also try adding one word at a time or even depending one letter adjust it to the best place and move to the next one. Try following the lines on the template, they match up (are a good guide) and it will make it easier when going over seams from one side to the other if that's part of the issue.. You may have to distort the individual letters even to make the look right around certain seams.. Like around the ribs for example.. Keep going until it looks good. Patience is a virtue in making tattoos, keep with it and you will get great results! A good looking tattoo does not happen by luck its time and effort to make it look perfect. )
  13. Its becasue usually there are some pixels on the outside of most of the Avatar UV Templates that help you get an idea where things go try smuding slightly around the f, and keep going.. matching a seam is a long, hard process sometimes. In this case it looks to be the side with the majority of the letter F that needs the work done to it. Play around keep trying after about 3 uploads you will figure it out
  14. If you pick up other wifi networks on the computer you are tying to connect to SL with, you can try setting the wifi channel to something less used by other siginals in your area. Less noise to intefere with the signal. It should be in your router wifi setup which you can get to by entering your routers ip address into any web browser.. if you don't know how to i'd talk to a tech friend now as for fps its usally a local issue (your computer) try turning off none esential programs on your computer while on sl, also follow any number of online guides to increase fps or lower lag in sl
  15. "I prefer to spin with real hardware (controller+software or mixer+vinyl/timecode) and its club-style mixing, not that stupid winamp/VDJ-thing what people now call DJing :-)" I Should leave this left unsaid as this responese will no doubt create a troll, but its needed to be said none the less. I too DJ and spin using two controllers simultaneously 4 decks but use Virtual DJ as my choice software. I have tried traktor and ableton live both and still choose to use Virtual DJ software for live brodcasting. That said, I think its somewhat presumptuous to say "not that stupid winamp/VDJ-thing people are now calling DJing". Each club has their own style and requirements of dj's, some prefer tracks to be played as they were originally released with out any alteration. Some individuals may not be able to afford the higer end software or setups. To say someone is not a DJ because they dont meet your requirements is closed minded and slightly offputting. We are a communtity and as such should support everyone, everyones efforts, and make this a place of learning and understanding. I am hoping something was lost in translation or said wrong by you or interputed wrong by myself. In the end anyone who can get a dance floor full and everyone in a good mood is a DJ. The hierarchy of being a DJ becasue of this or that is pointless... all DJ software have keyboard shortcuts and hotkeys mappings, thus meaning a controller is just a shiny eternal mapped numberpad moreo r less.. if you'd be intrested in continuing this conversation feel free to msg me inworld or drop me a notecard.. or perhaps we should open a new post and let everyone weigh in on the subject... Good luck in finding employment and take care.
  16. As Madeline Blackbart said in the perious post, its possible, and the results depending on the mesh and the shape of the avatar can be hit or miss. I have made a few tattoos myself with diffrent arms using this technique and have been somewhat sucessfull in a diecent looking tattoo. Here is one of them. Some things to note, are that while the work well without a shirt on, when wearing a under shirt/ shirt/ jacket layer, the tattoo (mesh sleeves) cover the shirt layer up to the shoulder still. This also happens with mesh tops as well.
  17. Hope this helps. It looks to be at the seam where the bottom uv layer meets the top uv layer, try going around just slightly above the waist of the bottom layer (legs) in dark blue as well.
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