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Everything posted by bebejee

  1. For some reason items picked up from HQ get scattered all over inventory, they dont go to recivied and hardly any to objects,I had to go back to store to see what all I took.
  2. Thanks for explaining, and by welcome centre I was referring tothe LL welcome hub or whatever its called, regarding SL it would have been great though if all of it was sailable,hope they consider it. Are their any private houses that hold regular, almost club like parties? I have never seen more than two or three people in houseson maps,usually its just one.
  3. Would be great to have slurls for the different places.
  4. For Blake I was thinking just a bare small Island like their welcome centre there, which has a few huts and things, the boats vanish when you get off and it has a small area to rezz them. Speaking of Blake why isnt all of it sailable? atleast around the continents, I tried to sail around the one thats kind of like south America but there were parts which had no access either by there being no watersim or the region being blocked by owners. Also why isnt rezzing allowed every where in the water, why in just a corner or two? or even none.
  5. Are there any unusual clubs around, like on a moving boat or under water on some platfrom hanging at the edge of a cliff etc. Why is there no club that you can sail up to in blake sea? you cant fly or drive to any club in SL, at least in blake sea you can boat or seaplane or chopper your way there, so why not?
  6. This is the most fun thing I have come accros in the forums ever, just the RP sounds so interesting, any such RP groups around.
  7. So you went through that to sabe 2 cents?
  8. How much RL money would one need to put in for it to be money laundering?
  9. These were on mainland isnt that linden owned? and not whole swathes of property but single random houses here and there, the one that ruined my boat ride was literally a one room hut.
  10. Hey Vania, thank you so much for the rezz finder HUD, wordked like a charm amazing stuff, will try out the ban line thing in firestorm.
  11. That seems to be a great thing will get one. Clive, yes its high time these security things went. Cerise, I will try editing out if the area allows my boat to stay when I stand, at some it disappears as soon as the av gets up.
  12. These are peoples security setups and ban lines causing objects not to move once they enter them, cant even back away or take a detour, they just freeze the vehicle, can this be ARd? Big boats are not easy to manuvre in narrow spaces, sometimes these homes sit righ near sim crossings which affects the ability to turn the vehicles in time as the turning ability gets momenarily disabled after crossing a sim. As for the rest I'm not tech savvy so all that is out of the question, but thanks for the suggestions I would have tried that out if I knew how to. Why cant boats be rezzed anywhere, more so near mainland. Why dont rezz spots have signs on the map saying rezz spot so we can know if one is around, like properies have that big heart etc. to identify the agency they belong to.
  13. That looks rather gay, are you?
  14. What is this, my flying and boating trips have been ruined by the Fk up, why is this allowed? worse theer are no rezz zones near by to restart the trip. Any solution?
  15. Thank you so much, it was the second last one that was the problem.
  16. One of the sex sims that shut down used to be empty when I started going there three years ago, but since about a year or more it was nearly full all the time, so its not like empty sims are never going to get busy, what suddenly made it popular I dont know, the sex factor was always there but didnt bring in any one before.
  17. With the help of someone I learnt to edit animation scripts on a boat that I have, but the edit only lasts till I'm using it, next boat rezzed after re-log or crash goes back to the animation as it was originally, even doing this editing on a copy is not getting saved, why? The person who helped seems not avilable anymore.
  18. Popular sex related sims also close down even with tons of traffic all the time.
  19. Can anyone reply? why arent the edits getting saved even on a copy, boat goes back to original script format when re-rezzed. ETA: issue resolved, you have to take the edited boat/item back into inventory after your're through using it, DONT delete it, you will find it in the lost & found folder, make a copy of it and paste it in boat/item folder, it will read no modify, that will help you know it the edited one, thats all.
  20. Thanks, so its almost like camming someone by clicking on their name.
  21. That would be awesome, imagine all the excercise oen would get if SL were to go this way.
  22. I have windows 7, and SL crashed in the frozen state before preferences window could open, happens often since this issue began. Thanks again.
  23. Thanks I use FS, by the way whenever I click preferences my screen freezes for some time until the preferences window pops up, anyone else have this issue? Right now its been over a minute and the window hasnt opened and my screen is paused, so irritating, never happened before when I swtiched to FS two years ago.
  24. In RLC pressing some key would make them vanish from all avatars so no names bobbing around in clubs, it can be visually annoying, can same be done here?
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