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Everything posted by Spinell

  1. Spinell

    Quest for the Bow

    I'd thought I'd try and post this here and see where it leads me. I'm not a genious with Marvelous Designer, I'm somewhat new at it, having only played with it for around 3-4 months. So I am trying to make a bow. Seems rather easy, right? Thing is, I cannot, for the life of me make the simulation of the cloth behave properly!!! Sometimes certain things in MD have their own workflow in order to look right or do things easier, and perhaps this is the case? Because I cannot get this thing right. I was looking for some tips or some workflow explanations as to how the best way to make a bow in MD. Anything you could write up would be helpful. There must be some step I'm missing or something I'm just doing wrong. Thanks in advance!
  2. Hi everyone. I want to know if anyone had ever worked with the Lucky More LB Web lucky boards. The website is, unfortunately, in japanese, but even with google translate I still don't understand how these boards work with SL. There's some kind of login process, but I haven't been able to actually get the items from the lucky boards when my name letter comes up. So... I'm looking for some instructions. ^.^' I'm sure SOMEONE here has used these lucky boards before and can tell me what I have to do to properly get the items from them. Here's the website: http://luckyboard.info/
  3. Spinell

    Mesh appliers

    I suppose this is more relevant in this secton of the forums, but we'll see. So I have forced my usual test subjects to subject themselves to my cuteness and try my newest mesh clothes. Got wonderful feedback but also a suggestion. One person said it would be wonderful if I could make the clothing with a WowMeh applier. Now, I went to the marketplace and saw what WowMeh was. Nice concept. I was thinking about doing something similar, but guess someone beat me to the punch. XD Now... how on earth do I make an applier for this? I have NEVER worked with appliers and unfortunately scripting is not my thing. At all. So, I'm a bit worried here. The girl who suggested this to me was very desperate to have the applier to go with the mesh skirt I gave her. I'd like to comply, but... I'm kinda lost. Do I have to contact the WowMeh creator? How does this work?
  4. Hello everyone. I need some suggestions. There's a new photo contest I'd like to enter that has to do about cultivation and food. I have the perfect outfit to fotograph myself but I need a location. I'm looking for strawberries. Perhaps something like a greenhouse or a small back garden that has some strawberries that I could photograph my avatar picking. Does anyone have some suggestions for a location? Know where I can find some strawberries?
  5. Hello friend! I've only recently aquared avastar so I have been building and rigging mesh without it for a while now. Rigging with only the original SL bones is a pain and there are no shortcuts. At least, I never foudn any. You are going to have to get used to the weight brushes almost by force, kicking and screaming all the way. But it will be worth it, my friend. Once you make enough money in SL you'll be able to aford Avastar. It's honestly not that expensive. The day will come, my friend!!! As for brushes, I only use the add and subtract and finnish with a blur if I see an area that needs smoothing. You will hate the blur tool at the beggining and I often found it uterly pointless, since it seems to destroy my work more than help it. But, you'll get the hang of it eventually. Take careful note to, after painting a certain section of the mesh, move the bones around to different positions and check if the rigging is ok from there. Often times, I managed to get things right when rotating the bones a certain way for movement and then rotated them in a different angle to find things didn't fit as well. The blur tool can help here. Weight painting will take a lot of time. You need to go through each bone and section carefully and calibrate the weight distribution with the brushes to meld the weights from adjents bones together in a flowing way. Again, best advice I can give you, appart from being very very patient, is to often change rotations of the bones and try different poses for the mesh to check if things meld together properly. Remember that, if it's a piece of clothing, people will probably want to dance in it. So try to account for that. You don't need to make it look too good in some positions (I always find the "arms up" positon to be a pain to get the weights right), just so it doesn't look too bad or distracting. When you get good at weight painting then you can aim at perfection.
  6. Actually... it worked! Thanks Gaia! Now I can just quickly readjust the angle of my mesh feet and upload a pose, if I find a shoe with a strange angle. Although, the one I uploaded works with most of the shoes in ym inventory already.
  7. OOOHHHH, I get it! That's pretty smart, I must say. Yes, I remember that tutorial from a long time ago. I've never made poses before, just watched the video out of curiosity. I'll go check it now. Still, I need to also ask about something I pointed out in the first post. Why is it that after rigging the feet as "fitted mesh", some sliders simply don't work? Is that normal? Is it something to do with the topology? I checked the collision bones (they're the little diamond-shapes that appear the the fitted mesh armature, right?) and they don't have any weights on my mesh. I don't suppose I can weight paint these on, right?
  8. Thanks for the quick response, Gaia. Unfortunately, I didn't quite understand your answer... So I need to pose avastar a certain way before I rig the mesh feet? Do I need to freeze a pose in avastar?
  9. What, it's only been one thread since the last time I posted here? Hum... hope people don't get sick of me. XD Anyways, I've been trying to wrap my mind around the concept of mesh feet. We all know SL avatar's feet are horrible and I have seen mesh feet for sale in the MP. I've tried making some, but the rigging... Well, even if I assign the armature to th feet by copying perfectly the weights from avastar, I still do't get perfect results when I try to wear the system "shoe" from inventory. Here's a picture of a test I'm doing in the beta grid: Now, these boots are the only thing I have in the beta grid, but hopefully they'll do. Now, I know the feet are supposed to be hidden away by an alpha because these are boots, but imagine for a minute that these are sandals, and the feet is supposed to be showing. Even with that, I can't seem to get a good fit or angle to fit with the sole of the shoe. By the way, I suposed this was because it wasn't fitted mesh, so I tried changing the type of rigging but... Most of the sliders didn't affect my mesh. Only the two bone sliders for the feet work, all other sliders don't do anything. Maybe I made a mistake with the rigging (since I really wanted to try this experiement with some fitted feet; could have solved my problem), but the colision bones for those sliders don't have weights. And I'm using avastar 1.1.1057. So, even if fitted mesh doesn't quite get the results I wanted, is there any suggestions for making fitted mesh work with any shoe from any normal shoe merchant out there? Or is that even possible? The only other suggestion I got was to model different angles of the feet anf just swap them out as I change shoes. I'm keeping this idea as a last resort, but I fear I might end up with 10 different angles of feet and a lot of L$ wasted. There has to be a better solution, right?
  10. Your workflow worked Perfectly! Thank you so much, Gaia. Now I can update my odler meshes and even try then with the fitted mesh options. You are wonderful!!! ^.^
  11. I found this gourgeous picture in flickr from an artist in SL. I've been looking for this type of hair for ever and the colour on the tips is a huge bonus. Please, if anyone knows where I could get this blong, flowing hair, please tell me. And, if by a huge stroke of luck, you also recognise the make up/skin, I'd also wouldn't mind knowing. Thank you so much, everyone. ^.^ https://www.flickr.com/photos/luludaisy/14131978805/in/photostream/
  12. Coby, that is exactly how I fell. ^.^ I know I can wear really high in SL (which I totally can't in RL), but it still hurts when I look at them. Madelaine, thank you so much for the store suggestion! I will go and check them out. Hopefully the store isn't too old.
  13. Hello everyone. I have this old mesh that I had rigged using the SL skeleton, back in day. I actually want to use this mesh, but now that I have avastar, I want to update it by assigning the armature to avastar. however, the mesh already has weights and adjustments with weightpainting and I really want to keep that. But I don't know how to do this. I currently have, in a blender workfile, the mesh, the old SL skeleton and an avastar model. If I select the mesh and the avastar armature and go to the skinning panel on the left, I only get the option to detach armature (I guess avastar recognises there's an armature modifier in the mesh). So how do I go about this?
  14. Hello everyone! I'm not a big shopper in SL, I I'd though I'd ask here for some suggestions on very cute low heel shoes. Only once did I find the type of shoes I was looking for; they're from Lassitude: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/lassitude-ennui-Skully-pumps-pink/2425166 I'd like to find at least one other store with these low-heel, cute shoes so I could add new shoes to my outfits. ^.^
  15. Spinell

    Beta grid anomaly

    Still have this problem. Just tried another viewer: singularity. Didn't help. So, I think we can rule out the viewer being the problem (although I could also try firefox, just to be sure). It's also not the mesh's fault, since I took the risk and uploaded the shirt to the main grid and it looks fine. So, it must be a problem with the grid itself, right? If anyone has any info on this, please tell me.
  16. It's official, my SL has gone completely bonkers. So, now in addition to the problems still hapening to me in the beta grid (see this thread: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Beta-grid-anomaly/td-p/2721102), now I have textures in meshes that no longer appear correctly. I had this mesh I have been working on and it looked fine. Until today, when I logged on to SL and put it on again. Now the texture looks like this: I have not changed the mesh. It's the same mesh from 4 days ago and it looked perfect then. I have no idea why this is happening. I have updated all of my graphic card drives. I have done a clean instal of the SLviewer. I REALLY don't wan to change viewers (I like the SL viewer quite a lot). Please, there must be someone, somewhere who knows why these things are suddenly happening to my SL and how I can fix them. The people from the helps groups I talked to are just as confused as I am and cannot offer much help, despite trying their best. Any suggestions at all towards fixing this issue and/or the one posted in my other thread are VERY apreciated.
  17. Spinell

    Beta grid anomaly

    Here's a picture of what's happening: I use NVIDIA. As soon as this started I went and updated my drives, but that didn't fix the problem. I also did a clean instal of the SL viewer, but still nothing.
  18. Spinell

    Beta grid anomaly

    How do I check the LODs?
  19. Spinell

    Beta grid anomaly

    This has to do with mesh, sort of, so I think I can post this here. Please as you see fit. Anyways, I was using the beta grid to test some meshes I was working on in blender. I was just zooming in to observe a detail on the mesh when, out of nowhere, everything got distorted and stretched. The two meshes I was working with get pulled forward in a weird shape. This happened out of nowhere, for no reason I could see. Now, I'm 95% sure this has nothing to do with my meshes. They were working fine before. When I rezz them on the ground, they're also fine. So I think the problem might be the beta grid? Anyone knows what's happenening or offer any insight? This has been going on for 3 days now and I need to test meshes, but everything keeps being stretched. Again, no idea if this is te beta grid or if it is really just my meshes, but I need to find a solution for why this is happening. Thanks for all the input. ;)
  20. Hello everyone! Today I bring you two little problems. Also, I'm using avastar, 1057. I have been making my first fitted mesh. Honestly, it moves fantastically with the avatar, but there are to things I noticed. First, when I'm in blender I noticed my mesh shirt reached to the breast size, but not belly size (love handles work). Aren't both these sliders afecting the avatar and not the bones? Shouldn't they be working with the fitted mesh option? Not sure what the difference between these two sliders are but I would like to get the belly size slider working. Second problem: my shirt has buttons. and for some reason, they aren't moving with the breast sliders, meaning that the shirt ends up covering over the buttons. Not sure how to fix this. I actually don't know too much about how collision bones work (still experimenting with fitted mesh), but please tell me if I can weight paint with these bones to try and fix, at least, the buttons. I haven't tried it yet for fear of messing something up. XD Thank you very much everyone! I'm really liking this fitted mesh system. EDIT: Alrigt, I've decided to put up some pictures in hopes that it will help people understand my problem. Normal mesh: Breast slider up: Weights from breast collision bone:
  21. Yes! That was what I wanted to do. Thank you so much, Gaia. You are absolutely amazing. Off to weight painting, then.
  22. Why do I always install the wrong version of avastar....*sigh* Ok, 1057 is now installed and running. So let me start from the very beggining. I made a mesh using Marvelous Designer. I like the idea of their default avatar having its arms slightly lower, instead of in t-form. It's easier to model clothes with. So I took avastar, positioned it with the arms rotates at 45 and saved it as an obj, to then use as a model for Marvelous Designer. Now I have my piece of clothing in blender. And I want to rig it. So I need to position the avastar bones again in a 45 angle positon. And this is where I get stuck with the parenting. I know there's some step I'm missing here.
  23. I'm having an annoying problem with avastar. I just updated it to dev_745 but no luck. I add an avastar to blender, load up the shape for XXS size that had saved up and then go into pose mode. From front view, I rotate the arms to 45 degrees, so that they're half way down, and then copy-paste that position to the other side. Then I select all pose animation and I want to make this the "default" pose used for transfering weights and parenting armatures. So I click the botton "bake bone pose" and it simply doesn't work well. What happens is that it twists the arm outwards (so that the palm of the hand it facing the front) and the angle of the arm is not at 45 anymore. There IS a warning on the avastar button that we should use this with caution, but I remember this system working in earlier versions of avastar. You could bake any pose to rest pose and use it as reference for parenting. What am I missing? Gaia? Help? ^.^
  24. I'm having an annoying problem with avastar. I just updated it to dev_745 but no luck. I add an avastar to blender, load up the shape for XXS size that had saved up and then go into pose mode. From front view, I rotate the arms to 45 degrees, so that they're half way down, and then copy-paste that position to the other side. Then I select all pose animation and I want to make this the "default" pose used for transfering weights and parenting armatures. So I click the botton "bake bone pose" and it simply doesn't work well. What happens is that it twists the arm outwards (so that the palm of the hand it facing the front) and the angle of the arm is not at 45 anymore. There IS a warning on the avastar button that we should use this with caution, but I remember this system working in earlier versions of avastar. You could bake any pose to rest pose and use it as reference for parenting. What am I missing? Gaia? Help? ^.^
  25. Ah! Thanks for the tip. Fixed. ^.^
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