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Everything posted by Shikobaa

  1. As the title states I can't seem to find the Store for the Phat and Cute Azz. A friend of mine has been searching In-world, while I have been searching all over the Online Market Place; our searches have brought us nothing but clothes for the paticular Mesh Parts. :( If someone could give us a Link to the Store; either online store or In-World that would be greatly appreciate!!
  2. Hello Antonio! Your post is a little vauge. Sadly, with Second Life people don't care much about your Real life Grades and how well you do in School. Most people look for how skilled you are at different things within SecondLife itself. (Unless of course someone needs skills like Bookeeping, that is something that you can learn from a College Degree or Certificate) What you should look at posting to this, are things along the lines of "I have been in Second Life for (how long you have been here) and I have a variety of skills including, (some of the skills you pick-up in SecondLife are Hosting, Dj'ing, Escorting, Dancing, Photography, Editing, Writing, bloging, Management Ext.) Another thing, try and put something you are looking for. Are you looking to be in the Club scene? Do you want to work in an Office being an office assitant? Do you want to work at a Store? Are you shy or outgoing? Many things you can add to this post that will greatly help people understand what you are seeking, and they may look into hiring you as well
  3. Are you an Artistic Person? Maybe you have a knack for Photography? Can play an intrustment? Sing? Maybe your good at comedy? or maybe your simply good at grabbing people's attention? At Tails N Cups Cafe we are looking for people just like you. Those who enjoy being Artistic and having talents. Our Cafe aims at showing casing those who want to be seen, heard or simply known. That's not all, weather your a Human, robot, cyborg, werewolf, Furry or anything inbetween you are welcomed Here! As it stands we are still very new, and always remodling to try and make the Cafe a better place. New as well means we are looking for those who may want to join our team and watch us grow. The Cafe is looking for Bartenders, Servers, Waitresses, Host & Hostesses and Much More! Of course we are looking for entertainers as well. OH! and for those of you not looking for a job. Tails N Cups Cafe is always looking for more VIPS. With out VIPS we will go unnoticed and our live performers, or those who want to showcase their Arts will as well go unnoticed. Please help make Tails N Cups Cafe a Great Place! we promote artistic freedom, cuddles and a relaxing atmosphere. Have live events, movies, treats & goodies, art sales, dancing and so much more! Join us today :3 ~Please contact Timber Wolfenhaut for an Application! Or if you have anymore questions about the Cafe please feel free to ask Timber as well~ If you would like to visit us! All you have to do is Search "Tails N Cups Cafe" =3 Stop By and Take a Look see
  4. Actually once I contacted the groups they had said the same exact thing. I need a skin texture for the Breasts themselves for this not to happen. So far I haven't been able to fix this issues, but I hope soon I will.
  5. So I recently bought the Lolas Tango Prim breasts. It was a smooth ride for me to figure out how to use the appliers and I was ready to fill my closest with new clothes. But I am having an issue. From what I know when you use an applier you have to press "Clothing"->"Dress Top" to get the Applier to go onto the Breasts, but once that happens my nipple coloring disappears and becomes white....even though I have went through and picked my nipple color & Texture. So like even if the applier is a shirt where the nipple should be showing nothing is there :\ Any ideas on how I can fix this or what's going on?
  6. Spirit Valley is having their First Tail Sale :) We would greatly appreciate entrants! We allow any avatars to enter, from Furry, to human, to ferals, demons and more! What is a Tail Sale? --- If you don't know all it really is, is you write on a notecard of what you want to offer. It can be anything that you want, as long as it's not againts TOS. Then people come in and bid on you. At the end of the Month highest bidder wins whatever you offered ^.^ The club keeps half of the money and the entrant keeps the other half of the highest bidders money. If interested Please IM Shikobaa resident asking for an application. Or if you have anymore questions feel free to IM me as well. (Note: within the application will be an LM to the club)
  7. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who hasn't got the gift yet. I am a bit confused though...because I don't want to have to keep signing in all day until I get it.
  8. Wow Kayneth I'm sorry you had to go through that. And to think I was going to even attempt to apply here. D:
  9. As stated above you need to Contact Timber Wolfenhaut for more information and Applications. Employers do not Contact you. Sorry.
  10. We are currently looking for staff in the following fields… PlaymatesDJsHostsPR AgentsBartendersManagersIf you are self motivated, have a passion for the club life and has good people skills, we are looking for you :3 We have a very friendly atmosphere. We pride in team work and strong communication. Our club feels all staff deserve to 100% of their tips. SV fund raises for their linden and accept donations for operating costs. Before grabbing an application from our club, please be sure to have basic knowledge using Second Life tools and menus. Up to 30 days of Second Life experience. For DJing, we offer a club stream to use. Any DJ software is acceptable. As for dancing, we feel that sitting on the dance pole isn’t dancing at all. We require great role playing skills and able to spark conversations with our guests and staff. We’d be able to train you to be a talented dancer, but still most be motivated and willing to learn, looking for ways to improve :3 Should also have an attractive avatar with a good arrangement of clothing. Certainly a plus <3 Contact Timber Wolfenhaut for more information. I’ll either send you an application or transfer you to a manager in that field. Thank you very much for your interest in working for SpiritValley Nightclub!
  11. We are currently looking for staff in the following fields… PlaymatesDJsHostsPR Agents – Coming SoonBartenders – Coming SoonIf you are self motivated, have a passion for the club life and has good people skills, we are looking for you :3 We have a very friendly atmosphere. We pride in team work and strong communication. Our club feels all staff deserve 100% of their tips. SV fund raises for their linden and accept donations for operating costs. Before grabbing an application from our club, please be sure to have basic knowledge using Second Life tools and menus. Up to 30 days of Second Life experience. For DJing, we offer a club stream to use. Any DJ software is acceptable. As for dancing, we feel that sitting on the dance pole isn’t dancing at all. We require great role playing skills and able to spark conversations with our guests and staff. We’d be able to train you to be a talented dancer, but still most be motivated and willing to learn, looking for ways to improve :3 Should also have an attractive avatar with a good arrangement of clothing. Certainly a plus <3 Contact Timber Wolfenhaut for more information. I’ll either send you an application or transfer you to a manager in that field. Thank you very much for your interest in working for SpiritValley Nightclub!
  12. A Very warm Welcome back to SecondLife ^-^ I'm kinda in the Same boat you are, but I decided to be on SecondLife for 2 years before I felt I needed to explore and have some fun X__x I figured I would give a Hello though ^-^ As I saw that you like to game on PC. There are not many Gaming groups in SecondLife so it's kinda awesome that Gamers have been popping up everywhere lately Guild Wars 2. hmm. ya know I just bought that game from the Store about a week ago today and I found out that my Processor is no longer up to date >.> I can run the game, but it kinda looks like poo D:< and my Computer i just have for over a year in September. I normally am simply on WoW though, which I can run as smooth as a bug ^~^ But yeah! If you ever need someone to explore with you I am so open for that =3 I need some adventure in my SL and I am always up for some new friendlies!
  13. A Good way to start out with experience is to look outside the box. I honestly did this when I was new to SecondLife and just recently started attempting to work at it again. It's pretty fun and very rewarding work and it doesn't come super easy either, you have to work for it ^-^ You can read about it here http://shikostravels.webs.com/apps/blog/ If you have any question feel free to shoot them my way ^-^
  14. Porky is actually right. Most Gaming related things you find in SecondLife are Gamers trying to re-create the world so they can Roleplay in it. Like I have a friend who does everything StarWars and that's it. Usually if you want to talk Games, you just have to find random friends who are willing to just talk to you about Games at random; there may be a couple groups hidden somewhere, where you can just chat it up about games/gamers, but as to if they are still active -shrugs- SecondLife isn't really bent on Gaming. Of course these are real people behind the screen, gaming is just that, a hobby and not everyone likes gaming. So finding the individuals can be somewhat Tough. In the past 2 years I have been on SecondLife I have only saw 2 people with their GamerTags listed in their Real Life Biography in their profiles. Your best bet would just to stick to gaming forums within your popular Games, as SL isn't really a Gaming community.
  15. I am a pretty big Gamer, but Most games like Minecraft, Battlefield, Halo EXT. I play on my Xbox. I guess you could say the only Games I play on PC are the games that are not really out for a game system. On PC I play WoW Everyday. I as well usually try and find FTP MmoRpg's Every-now-and-again, but those days are mostly over since my Download speed is almost Non-existant :catsad: It's kinda easy to spot a Gamer in SL...in a way? I usally consider SecondLife an MmoRpg. I don't call SecondLife a Game to make people angry or anything, that's just kinda how I view it ^-^ Good Luck with Finding More Gamers! and as far as groups, you realllllllly need to search hard. Usually you can find individual groups for each Game, or each System
  16. I thank you all so far for the Awesome Answers ^-^ I guess I should have added in WAY more information in my original post than what I did. I have tried building before.... I honestly can not grasp it. I have as well tried making clothing....didn't really work =\ As far as spending RL cash in SecondLife....not entierly a Fan. I have RL bills to pay...and I don't have a job. Been unemployed for 2 years and actively looking everyday for a job. I honestly was just curious if there was any other way to make Linden. I know I have noticed those "Find Liden" Hud things, but they only give you like 2L$ each for the tasks
  17. So I have been in SecondLife for going on 2 years...well almost :) and I have been pretty blessed with finding jobs within SecondLife, one of which is a Manager Postion I have held for a year now. I am wondering though, what other ways can you make some Linden in SecondLife that isn't a "job" and that isn't fishing? Greatly would appreciate some Answer ^-^ ~Shiko-San
  18. We are currently looking for staff in the following fields… DJ ManagerDancersDJsIf you are self motivated, have a passion for the club life and has good people skills, we are looking for you :3 We have a very friendly atmosphere. We pride in team work and strong communication. Our club feels all staff deserve to 100% of their tips. SV fund raises for their linden and accept donations for operating costs. Before grabbing an application from our club, please be sure to have basic knowledge using Second Life tools and menus. Up to 30 days of Second Life experience. For DJing, we offer a club stream to use. Any DJ software is acceptable. To become our DJ Manager, you need strong knowledge of DJ equipment, SHX boards, modifying stream note cards and great communication skills. Knowing how to use blogs and shoutcast servers is a plus but optional. As for dancing, we feel that sitting on the dance pole isn’t dancing at all. We require great role playing skills and able to spark conversations with our guests and staff. We’d be able to train you to be a talented dancer, but still most be motivated and willing to learn, looking for ways to improve :3 Should also have an attractive avatar with a good arrangement of clothing. Certainly a plus <3 Contact Timber Wolfenhaut for more information. I’ll either send you an application or transfer you to a manager in that field. Thank you very much for your interest in working for SpiritValley Nightclub!
  19. We are currently looking for staff in the following fields… DJ ManagerDancersDJsIf you are self motivated, have a passion for the club life and has good people skills, we are looking for you :3 We have a very friendly atmosphere. We pride in team work and strong communication. Our club feels all staff deserve to 100% of their tips. SV fund raises for their linden and accept donations for operating costs. Before grabbing an application from our club, please be sure to have basic knowledge using Second Life tools and menus. Up to 30 days of Second Life experience. For DJing, we offer a club stream to use. Any DJ software is acceptable. To become our DJ Manager, you need strong knowledge of DJ equipment, SHX boards, modifying stream note cards and great communication skills. Knowing how to use blogs and shoutcast servers is a plus but optional. As for dancing, we feel that sitting on the dance pole isn’t dancing at all. We require great role playing skills and able to spark conversations with our guests and staff. We’d be able to train you to be a talented dancer, but still most be motivated and willing to learn, looking for ways to improve :3 Should also have an attractive avatar with a good arrangement of clothing. Certainly a plus <3 Contact Timber Wolfenhaut for more information. I’ll either send you an application or transfer you to a manager in that field. Thank you very much for your interest in working for SpiritValley Nightclub!
  20. Hey All! Spirit Valley Nightclub is Hiring Dj's and Dancers! :D 100% Tips! We are a Furry & Neko Club <3 We recently re-built our Club, giving it a New look and Theme =3 Dancers as well have the option to Host to help out the Dj's on days they don't dance :) PLEASE NOTE ---Dj's have to send their own Notices as we don't hire hosts anymore. dancers and Managers can help host if they want too, other than that, Dj's be ready :D! lol Hiring: Dj's & Dancers Pay: 100% Tips Please Contact Timber Wolfenhaut or Shikobaa Resident for Applications (Require at least 100 Days old in SecondLife)
  21. Hey All! Spirit Valley Nightclub Is Hiring Hosts! We have 2 Positions for Scheduled Hosts and Many Positions for Cover Hosts! We are a Furry Club, but Love Everyone! Even Robots :D ~~~~ Please Contact Me (Shikobaa resident) For a Host application & a Teleport to the Club! <3 Pay is 100% Tips!!! =3 [We are hiring Dancers & Dj's too 100% Tips] ~~~Have a Open Bar so Anyone Can Bartend at our Events! :D Pays 85% Tips~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Current Host Openings! Tuesday 4-6 Slt Thursday 8-10Slt Friday 6-8slt & 10-12Slt Saturday 10-12Slt (Please know that as we get more dj's more shifts will Open) Feel Free to Visit our Blog to view the Schedule & Staff Line-up's as well as Current News http://spiritvalleystudios.wordpress.com/
  22. Hey All. So I have a few friends in SecondLife who have sparked my thoughts; they were changing into all these different Furry avatars..but I had never seen them on the marketplace. I then asked how they went about making their own mods; all they said was they used previous avatar parts, and basically made a texture for them. If anyone knows deeper into this subject and could explain how you actually make textures for a specific Furry Avatar; as well as putting the texture on the prim parts I would appreciate it. Now experience. I have experience modding an avatar (buying others mods from the marketplace) but I want to learn how to make my own. I am not wanting to rebuild a furry avatar, but simply make a mod for a specific Furry Avatar ^^ I know my way around photoshop CS6 pretty well; and GIMP so that's not a problem. I guess I just want to see what the steps are so I can attempt my own; so I can make a Wolf avatar look like a Wolf I designed ~Thanks!~
  23. Looking for a Job? Spirit Valley Nightclub is looking for Dj's, Host/ess & Dancers! We Are a Furry Friendly and Human Friendly Night Club! <3 We offer 100% Tips! SV Nightclub as well has Open Bartending! So Stop in anytime and Feel free to bartend at our Events! Open Bar you keep 85% Tips!!! :) So please, feel Free to Drop in and fill out an Application! http://slurl.com/secondlife/Atlantis%20World/95/102/2001 Host Applications Send to - Shikobaa resident Dancer & Dj Apps Send to - timber wolfenhaut
  24. Hey All! So I have been trying to build up my portfolio Recently; mostly what I have is Profile pictures! (These are generally what i am decent at) I realize that until i get REALLY good at profile Pictures or get more well known I can't charge what most Artist Charge :3 So, since I am ..dirt poor sitting at 0L for the past 2 months (LOL) I suppose I would like to offer to anyone A profile Picture for 60L$ (Bust Up) 100L$ (Full Body) View my Examples Here: http://moonphasedesigns.webs.com/apps/photos/album?albumid=13977987 Feel Free to Contact me in World Shikobaa resident
  25. I actually have noticed a few of your posts recently in the SecondLife job boards; I have been wanting to earn my way through SecondLife as far as Linden for awhile now, but I can't seem to find anything interesting for being a Furry. I worked for a photo studio once as a Receptionist, making appointments and setting up payments, as well as setting up clients with their perfered photographer...and i loved the job! Now it seems I can't find anything outside the realm of Clubs. If your positions are Furry Friendly, I would gladly put in an application ~Best Wishes~
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