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Reese Wicken

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Everything posted by Reese Wicken

  1. Sorry, that was me! (Not really.) LL is working on a few other features they want to roll out either the end of this month or the start of February. I'm sure they will have that fixed after they finish more important things.
  2. I just went and looked to see how much it would cost to buy lindens now and.. Lordy... 1.49? for a transaction fee? Just a month ago wasn't it like 0.60 or something? Any idea when they plan to bring the fee back down so casual players (like me) can buy some lindens now and then without having to do the extra math to figure out how much it'll be? Because this is getting kinda silly.. I bet next month when I go look it'll be up to 2.00$. LL, what the buck are you guys doing?
  3. I just got back to SL, and I was going to revamp my avatar, I noticed that as of yesterday the transaction fee has jumped from .99 to 1.49USD. Does anyone know why they've done such an increase in the transaction fee?
  4. Hello! I am glad that you've clicked this, I've been on second life for 5+ years now, and I'm finding myself to be incredibly lonely now, I'm not very social in real life so this is my only place for social interaction with other humans/furs. So, let me introduce myself! I'm Harley (Lavaliere Resident), I'm currently 25 years old and I live in the New England area of the united states, I'm a happy person in general and I love hanging out in clubs (providing they don't play top 40's, I'm into the Goth/Industrial scene, I also like all sorts of Rock music and some EDM.) I'm pretty cuddly too, I love cuddling with my friends. Think of the character Harley Quinn and you sort of have who I am as a person, only without a Mistah J. I can talk about almost anything for hours on end, Anime, Manga, Video Games, Psychology and much more! I also do like hanging out in RP sims as well. Edit: I'm fine with being friends with anyone across the globe, I'm a night owl anyways. When I say I'm looking for friends, I want people who will act as such, talk to me now and then, hang out in world, vent to me and let me vent to them, people I can care about and who can care about me. I'm just tired of being alone here.. and I'm not like lonely in the sense I want someone to date, I have that RL. What I don't have is people I can be platonic with.
  5. Hi, I go by Eva on SL. I'm 23 years old and I've been here since 2011. I took a break from SL awhile ago due to some personal issues and it seems that the one person I knew on SL has left. which has left me being very much alone and with no one to keep me company. I frequent Adult sims, I like hanging out in clubs and Hubs, I'm a filthy casual role-player unless of course I like the story of a sim and the people as well. I'm a pretty shy person, I don't IM many people as I always feel that I am bothering them. I've got a wide array of interests and can talk about nearly anything with anyone. I'm looking for people who enjoy being personal with their friends after a time, who would drag me to new sims now and then. You're gender doesn't matter to me, but I prefer people close to my age so 23 - 33ish, but older is also fine. I normally wear mesh avatars, I do have a few hybrids and a normal standard avatar that I roam around in too. If you want to get to know me and be my friend, feel free to IM me and leave me a message. I'm typically on at night around 10pm EST. - Lavaliere Resident.
  6. I hope it's okay to post this, I use third party viewers for SL, and I'm having some trouble, before I just use LL's viewer I was hoping to get some advice. I've used Firestorm, and recently it's been giving me a texture error after about 10mins of logging in, It keeps saying that It can't load anymore so everyone and thing stays grey. I then switched to Singularity which for awhile worked fine, but then started crashing about ever 20 mins I'm logged in or disconnecting itself from the internet. So I tried Black Dragon.. which crashed before I could open it, and Alchemy was confusing to use. I run an older HP laptop, It was just upgraded to Windows 10, I have a 750Gb Hard drive, Intel Core I5 @ 2.50Ghz with 8Gbs of ram installed and a 64-bit operating system. In case any of this info is relevant. I'm looking for a viewer to use that isn't LL, since I'm not really fond of the layout.
  7. Honestly, I had trouble reading it. But.. I think I get what you are trying to say. There is a lesbian BDSM community in SL, but it can be a little.. difficult to get into, a lot of the popular lesbian clubs require you to voice verify before you can go in. I also think you really haven't looked either, there's just as many gay/lesbian BDSM items as there are straight if you take the time to look and type in the right keywords.
  8. Alright, thanks for your point of view on them, I'm still looking for other viewpoints on the different mesh breasts. ^^
  9. Before you read into this, I've already been to this page right here. Which doesn't really give me much insight on the various types of mesh breasts that are out there. Alright, now that I have that out of the way. I hope we can talk boobs. I'm debating on buying a pair of mesh breasts for the reason being that a lot of clothes that I like, just look a lot better with them than without them - So.. Knowing that Lola Tangos does dominate the market, I really am not all that interested in paying that price, I want to know about the other mesh breasts out there and from their users. I've asked the Big Boobie Babes group, but they really don't offer much indepth experince from the mesh breasts, They are just reciting what the link i've listed says and that doesn't do me much good. So, If any forum goers have any experince they want to share that might help me out in deciding what to buy as far as breasts are concerned, that would be wonderful
  10. All you really need is the shape, Skins just make the shapes look better. I'd suggest trying to build your own shape if you can't find anything that's exact. There's a few shape/skin packages on the marketplace, I think this shop called Toyko Girl or something like that has tall avatars.
  11. Unisex skins would be your best bet. [VoiD] if they are still around has a few unisex ones that might be useful. I apologize on behalf of the last two posters for being unable to read posts.
  12. For the past couple of days, I've been trying to buy lindens using my paypal account, I know i have the money in my accounts as I checked them before I tried buying lindens, I've bought lindens before, Infact, Last time I bought from the site was back in June. It keeps telling me that my billing information is unable to be charged, but it doesn't tell me why or anything else, I've gone through all the steps and checked everything out and everything appears to be in order and fine, Before I try buying again, Is there anything else that I could do? I've checked my paypal information, I've done everything I could do there that the guide told me to do. There's nothing wrong with either card I'm trying to use. The paypal account is verified and has been since 2010.
  13. I just bought the card and loaded 20 on it, I tried to buy Lindens with it but I got a billing error, the cardholders site has a pending amount of 1 dollar, I'm trying to figure out what went wrong. It took the card without any issues, so why is it telling me that it has an error? No, it didn't tell me the exact error either.
  14. Harro~! Everyone I knew when i first came to SL has left for the real world, and since I've been logging in a lot more I've pondered maybe joining a small SL Family. :3 Or maybe with any luck I could have some new friends who wouldn't mind doing stuff with me.. [chatting, going to clubs, shopping maybe, doing hunts] I'd be happy with either! Honestly. I'm a very nice person, a little hyper-active and very moody, but I'm nice over-all! I promise! xD So.. IM me in world sometime and get to know me? maybe? yes? no?...okay. :3
  15. Yes, It would be easier to do it that way, BUT. this account is going to be rendered as a alt to push up MM's and luckies when people need me to. so.. I'm more asking this for my new account. @_@ since my ao for this account is non-transferable.... which bites.
  16. I'll check it out, I'm rather picky about what I use for an AO. @_@
  17. I'm looking for an AO that would be good for using with Corsets and Obis. I'm having trouble trying to find one that would work perfectly. x.x Halp? Side note: Is it just me or is SL and Paypal having a conflict again? It doesn't seem to be working well today.
  18. Hah, Ha! I hope the teens are loving being on the main grid as much as some of us adults love having them here. I love running into someone whose about two years younger than me, they have so much promise. I love encouraging them to log off every now and then and going outside!
  19. Ah, I was wondering if second life had gotten hit too, It should be known that there's another one that will claim you have an account somewhere on another site, it claims to be a warining of the person trying to sell your account... it's an utter mess that's from the same emailer.
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