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Charly Muggins

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Everything posted by Charly Muggins

  1. Perrie Juran wrote: But I'd be doubtful if we see much posted here though time may prove me wrong. The forum is presently empty - other than the mandatory LL sticky posts - because a considered post I made arguing that additional categorisation of users would be necessary for educators to identify their target market seems to have been removed, although in the absence of any explanation from a Moderator, Community Management Linden, or a splenetic Education Marketing Executive perhaps I should assume that the forums are currently subject to the same corruption and deletion of content as the Profile Feeds. I seem to remember that a forum was created to coincide with a Vampire Weekend - no, not the band - which also suffered from over-enthusiastic demands on adherence to a positive attitude, with realistic comment removed and hagiographic content officially applauded. Oh well, silence does not create echoes. ETA: I seem to remember that the forum for the Vampire Event was populated by commissioned laudatory paeons to the virtual undead; perhaps we can expect a similar rash of overly uncritical opinion from Thinkerer and others involved.
  2. Kniffelig wrote: Thanks but I'm in england You don't need ID in England; are you sure you aren't mixing up where you live with Germany? As a hint, the road signs are different colours.
  3. Kniffelig wrote: my mother won't help me file a police report for my ID 'cause I don't know how, Instead of looking for things to do in SL have you considered that it might be quite a good idea to use the internet access you obviously have to find out how?
  4. Coby Foden wrote: Commonly known as: HRH The Prince of Wales . . . We called him "Chuck" at Cambridge.
  5. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: BBC Radio 4 were so stumped for something interesting and original to say about the baby that they gave up and had several journalists commenting on what it was like to be a journalist reporting on a royal baby story. Sometimes these media people really can't get over themselves. Mind you, baby news wouldn't have been of any interest either. Thank goodness it's over now, except for those that want to buy all the merchandising. BBC Radio 4 recovered with aplomb, however, scheduling a programme about tax avoidance in 11th century English monasteries, with a member of The Archers offering expert opinion.
  6. Melita Magic wrote: I've never seen a cat go after cooked meat, not even fish. It doesn't have to. Cooked meat can't run away.
  7. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: I'm not even from one of the "Colonies" but I want to see "James" again as a royal utterance. It so needs to come back into favor While Philip is alive, and James Hewitt is still stuffing his bank account with appearances on Reality TV shows, there isn't a cat's chance in a dog-filled Hell of James being even one of the six or so names with which the poor kid will be saddled. Edward, or even Adolf, is a better bet.
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