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Everything posted by Xiija

  1. yah, i just used the old way .. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Combined_Library#Replace
  2. mebbe only allow one user at a time? on touch, an InUse variable could be set to 1.... and on submit, back to 0 ? etc etc
  3. this has no ID, .. cant get it to work?... https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlReplaceSubString
  4. so, i made an SMS phone hud, and it sends & receives emails fine, but as soon as i attach it as a hud, it breaks and will no longer receive emails . I can shift copy, and take into inv & re rez.. ans it still works fine. just wondering if anyone has ever had this happen? .. any workarounds? the region crossing & 30 sec delay in caveats, didn't seem to matter when it was a HUD . ARG ! cant delete, so.. the fix: reset on rez,
  5. @Jenna Huntsman that was it, tysm
  6. I'm sending this .... llRegionSay(-10, "18|-1|<1.0, 0.0, 0.0>|1.0" ); and using this in the other prim, but it keeps changing the color to black, not red? default { state_entry() { llListen(-10, "","", ""); } touch_end( integer num) // this is the same as the incomming data { llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS, [ PRIM_COLOR, ALL_SIDES, <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, 1.0 ]); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { list options = llParseString2List(message,["|"],[""]); string tmp = llDumpList2String( options, "\n"); llOwnerSay("Incomming List:\n" + tmp); integer flag = llList2Integer( options, 0); integer face = llList2Integer( options, 1); vector colorVec = llList2Vector( options, 2); float alpha = llList2Float( options, 3); integer type = llGetListEntryType( [colorVec], 0); llOwnerSay( "Type: " + (string)type);// type 5 = vector llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS, [ flag, face, colorVec, alpha ]); } }
  7. just curious, could you use regionsay to send the URL of one prim, and send your data via http ?
  8. dunno, i seem to be seeing alphabetical? tried this.... default { state_entry() { llLinksetDataReset( ); llLinksetDataWrite("test-1", "See you 1 the other side!"); llLinksetDataWrite("test-2", "See you 2 the other side!"); llLinksetDataWrite("test-3", "See you 3 the other side!"); llLinksetDataWrite("alpha test-4", "See you 4 the other side!"); llLinksetDataWrite("a Static║00_girl", " "); llLinksetDataWrite("b Static║00_stars", " "); llLinksetDataWrite("c Static║00_universe", " "); llLinksetDataWrite("d Static║99_number", "7"); llLinksetDataWrite("e Static║99_number", "9"); } touch_start(integer total_number) { list keys = llLinksetDataListKeys( 0, -1 ); string tmp = llDumpList2String( keys,"\n"); llOwnerSay(" list\n" + tmp); } } and got this ... [16:45] Object: list a Static║00_girl alpha test-4 b Static║00_stars c Static║00_universe d Static║99_number e Static║99_number test-1 test-2 test-3
  9. because these forums suck ... sry, can't find how to delete a post
  10. the dropping works ok now, but as you can see in the 3rd vid, no one can interact with the box to get the pizza , heh @Quistess Alpha dropping without breaking links works ok ...
  11. @Love Zhaoying thanks, i changed the physics call, and now the pizza box lands over the ground, just can't interact with it
  12. so for fun i'm coding a pizza delivery drone. I use the break links function, but it seems to bork the object ? i thouhgt it was my viewer, but all other prims i rez don't do it. the object drops, then disappears ... ( i've tried setting alpha, color, etc to get it to re-rez) it seems like a viewer issue because ... I can only get it to be editable by clicking another prim in world? the code in the pizza box is ... default { state_entry() { } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_LINK && llGetLinkNumber() == 0 ) { llSetPhysicsMaterial(GRAVITY_MULTIPLIER | RESTITUTION | FRICTION | DENSITY, 0.05, 0.9, 0.1, 1.0); llSetStatus( STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE); } if (change & CHANGED_LINK && llGetLinkNumber() > 0 ) { llSetStatus( STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE); } } land_collision_start( vector pos ) { vector myPosition = llGetPos(); myPosition.z = myPosition.z + 0.75; llSetPos( myPosition ); llSetStatus( STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE); llSetAlpha(0.9, ALL_SIDES); llSetAlpha(1.0, ALL_SIDES); llSetLinkColor(LINK_THIS, <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, ALL_SIDES); } } Any ideas? anyone seen this behavior before? Thanx for any ... X.
  13. confirmed working on beta grid, not on normal grid
  14. Has anyone else tried this? I tried all 3 examples from the wiki ( all had a typo in the code ) and none of them worked?.. using latest firestorm viewer
  15. @primerib1 i tried your code with a few changes, and it was faster? ... hmm ... list Li; list empty; default { state_entry() { integer limit = llGetMemoryLimit(); llSetMemoryLimit(limit-1); llSleep(1); llSetMemoryLimit(limit+1); llSay(0, "Hello, Avatar!"); } touch_start(integer total_number) { list x; // change here llOwnerSay("Touched!"); Li = []; integer i; for (i=0;i<3000;++i) Li += i; float start; float end; llOwnerSay("Testing..."); integer c = 0; start = llGetTime(); for (i=0;i<llGetListLength(Li);++i) c += llGetListLength(Li); end = llGetTime(); llOwnerSay("llGLL = " + (string)(end - start)); start = llGetTime(); for (i=0;i<(Li != x);++i) // change here c += (Li != x); // change here end = llGetTime(); llOwnerSay("!=[] = " + (string)(end - start)); Li = []; } }
  16. @Quistess Alpha yah i agree about corrade & their docs , its why i wanted to test RLV, but sadly, the corrade server does not use rlv, so... oh well
  17. heyas, I have a bot, and wish to use RLV with it. I've tried the corrade scripts a bit, but the setup kinda suxors, so imma try RLV on it. I've never used RLV before, .. is the best way to get a collar? any tips or advice for either Corrade or RLV ? thnx
  18. sometimes a script gets borked, ..happens alot .. just delete and recode and see if it happens again?
  19. @Rick Daylight It seems to work ok for me.. are you checking this in your changed event? default { state_entry() { } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_LINK) { integer i=2; do { if (llAvatarOnLinkSitTarget(i)) { llOwnerSay("Link: " + (string)i + " Av:"+(string)llAvatarOnLinkSitTarget(i)); // llLinkParticleSystem(i,gParticles); } else { // llLinkParticleSystem(i,[]); llOwnerSay("Link: " + (string)i + " Av: NONE"); } } while(++i<=4); } } }
  20. so, bots are allowed in SL. there are tons of bots in SL. the SL viewer is open source. So why can't i find one single resource anywhere on how to connect a bot to second life?... why are there no Bot forum topics? I made an avi & listed it as a bot, but cannot find out how to connect to SL with it. i can code & host myself, all i need is the proper syntax to log in the bot. ( possibly thru the login cgi?....) https://login.agni.lindenlab.com/cgi-bin/login.cgi if LL allows bots, why don't they offer a wiki page on how to connect them? thanks for any help or resources.. X.
  21. @Innula Zenovka made a quickie json sender with your info for testing ... https://replit.com/@TikiHed/SL-json-responder#index.js JSON sender ( the JSON ) you can make an http request to .. "https://SL-json-responder.tikihed.repl.co/input" . I changed the JSON a bit, not sure if you are pulling json from somewhere or you are making it, but the 'music.json' file in the node.js repl (above) has the format i used. with that, i could do... string jdata = llJsonGetValue( body, ["items", "genres", 0, "name" ]); llOwnerSay("data: \n" + jdata );
  22. @Innula Zenovka if your data is unchanging, you could cherry pick the info you need mebbe? ( from your prev example ) in your http response event, you could do ... string firstArray = llJsonGetValue(body,["members", 0, "powers"]); llOwnerSay("data: \n" + firstArray ); // returns ["Radiation resistance","Turning tiny","Radiation blast"]
  23. I'm testing using a bot account, and am using the CasperTech node.js program, https://github.com/CasperTech/node-metaverse and hosting on repl.it. https://replit.com/@TikiHed/SL-bot-test-v1#index.js keep getting ...'unable to log you in' any ideas ? .. or any better node programs i can use?
  24. Has this been resolved? I can access it fine with my SL object.
  25. there is also a function just for this on the Frand wiki page integer random_integer(integer min, integer max) { return min + (integer)llFrand(max - min + 1); }
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