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Everything posted by UncommonTruth

  1. If I ever become not homeless, I'll think about it.
  2. Idk bout all that, but I'm pretty sure there will be spandex 'n capes :smileyvery-happy:
  3. Wow, badass! Oh, can I say that here? Guess I'll find out :smileyvery-happy: @ kylie- gorgeous as always. I've seen the fc thing mentioned a few times now..is there a link or a lm? My inworld search doesnt work :matte-motes-mad:
  4. But I dont want to die! :matte-motes-shocked:
  5. ShyBirdShy wrote: My friends gave me my nickname in real life. Shybird, so I added the shy to the end of it since shybird was already taken. I HIGHLY regret this avie name. I wish SL had an option to change it. Why regret your name? I think its sweet.
  6. :matte-motes-delicious: Venus Petrov wrote: Ian Undercroft wrote: The shape and contours of the saddle are crucial to getting the maximum possible pleasure out of riding, Venus? Crucial yes. As well the cloying scents, the movement/motion, both bodies moving in unison. Nothing like it. Horseback riding?
  7. LMAO!! If there is EVER another rhps party, someone PLEASE invite me ahahahahah!! I dont care if I was ewwing the whole night through, it would be worth it :smileyvery-happy:
  8. I'm sorry to hear that Valerie, you've officialy been added to my prayers. I'll get in line for my hug behind Carole, if you dont mind random hugs from strangers. I hope none of the hugging and praying have offended you, I'll refrain from the hug if you'd rather. The other, well, to late.
  9. I was gonna ask how to get in on the cyber stalkin action, then saw the gotta make an enemy part :matte-motes-impatient: A lil help pls? Enemy makin isnt somthin I've practiced at.
  10. Some do, not all. I used them for my display name, I dont think its hard to read or obnoxious. Moderation isnt always only for the monks.
  11. Thats what lighthouses are suposed to do :matte-motes-wink: @Wicked-Nice! Congrats to you and your sis! Can you say wich store? I do love those boots ^^
  12. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ASCII-fashion-letters-free/2491021 A freebie :matte-motes-smile:
  13. Wow, lovely! @Jake, I dont remember lol, and I love looking through this thread to. Its fun seeing so many peoples ways of expressing themselves.
  14. Thanks Bree :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2: I'm still dying to know how you got that sweet peaceful smile in the behind the scenes shot. I love that one.
  15. Thats my favorite of yours so far I think, great shot :smileyvery-happy: Edited, cause I forgot I was gonna post a pic ^^ Playing around with the light settings here.
  16. I've been reporting at least one thread from each spammer, it gives me a little thrill to do so ^^
  17. Lol, I resisted as long as I could, I just have to say Hi Lenny ^^
  18. Randall Ahren wrote: If you get caught in someone else's home using their adult furniture, shift control h teleports you home. @Charo: Cry at least once a week. Not because you're sad, but because the world is so beautiful and life is so short. That almost gave me my weekly cry. Its a beautiful thing to get cleanly away after defiling someone elses furniture. ETA @ the troll hater, why? Why do you hate trolls so much? Did one stop you from crossing an important bridge? Or eat a pet of yours? Stretch out your favorite shirt perhaps? I'm sure if any of those things happened, the poor troll was as upset about the whole ordeal as you were, and getting angry at it wouldnt have helped matters in the least! Trolls like honey as much as anyone else does, so the next time you see one eating your beloved puppy, I would try offering it some sweets instead. You might be suprised at how lovable trolls can end up being without the indigestion all that puppy fur can cause.
  19. So pretty, love those wings :matte-motes-smitten: I dont know how to photoshop lol, I crop in Paint, and resize if it says its to big. Other than that, no clue. ^^
  20. ebutterfield wrote: I have a slight advatage in that I'm a software professional in RL and these concepts are second nature to me. II hear they have a group called NCI that teaches building classes. BTW thanks for replying. I feel a bit less like an idiot now, thanks ^^ I have been watching on the events page for a class or two I could take, since my inworld search hates me and won't work. Feel free to IM me, if maturity isnt a sticking point lol.
  21. Gawd, I'm almost as old as you and I just finaly discovered how to build a box :matte-motes-silly:
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