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Posts posted by JeanneAnne

  1. Lillian1307 wrote:

    I don't know how to change my avatar

    Click on her, click appearance, click edit, move the sliders til she looks like you want her to.

    It takes awhile to get her just right but that's partuv the fun of SL !!

    Have fun!


  2. amz1991 wrote:

    hello all!

    im currently a 3rd year student writing my dissertation, and would kindly ask for your help!

    im writing my dissertation on the use of different types of advertising for the use of fur and anti-fur, if as many people could answer just a couple questions, i'd be very thankful!

    1. how long have you been a member?

    2. are you aware of advertising on the website? if so, which and do you think its effective?

    3. if you were a member in 2007, were you aware of a PETA anti-fur protest taking place on second life? 

    4. if you were aware, did you go to it? and did it affect you in any way?


    thank you so much in advance, its a great help! 


    1. Nearly 6 months.

    2. No, I haven't noticed any advertising. If there is any it must not be very effective.

    3. I wasn't a member in 2007.

    4. Since I wasn't a member I wasn't aware and didn't attend.

    There's a women I met in SL who has an animal rights / anti-fur Facebook page. That's the only anti-fur activity associated with SL (indirectly) that I'm aware of.

    I think that furries in SL are cute. Hard to believe that anyone would be against them. My sister, tho, says that they can get annoying in group chat when they're constantly posting about where they're scratching themselves. Maybe they need to take a flea bath.

    You should get a SL account Aimee. It's fun!


  3. Innula Zenovka wrote:

    Basically,  JeanneAnne, the only ways to move an avatar in the way you describe are either to call a physics function like llMoveToTarget in an item they're wearing or (if the land allows it) to use llPushObject on them or (I guess, but it's not the way I would try do it if I had any alternative) to make an invisible physical object shove them around.    Of the three, I think the second is the most likely way to do it.   There's an old free script (I picked up a copy when first I started getting interested in scripts) that could easily be altered to do what you describe.

    That must be it then Innula. Thanks!

    I wouldn't think that push would be enabled on the island but I don't really know. I do know that sometimes I can rezz objects there & sometimes I can't. When I asked about this I was told that sometimes they disable it cuz they're too near the prim limit. Then they get rid of some things & enable it again. So settings do change. I'll ask my sister to read this thread. She knows way more about stuff like this than I do..

    Thanks again!


  4. Innula Zenovka wrote:

    But from what
    JeanneAnne said, she was dancing with the aid of a hud or chimera rather than sitting on anything that animated her...

    Yes, that's right. I was dancing either with my own chim or one of the dance balls on the island - don't remember which - but in either case it didn't involve sitting on a pose ball or anything like that ..



  5. Innula Zenovka wrote:

    Since he was actually moving your avatar to make her follow him, that couldn't be anything to do with animations.  That's physical movement.

    Assuming for the moment you weren't wearing any sort of scripted collar, the only way (off the top of my head) I can think he did that was if the land is push-enabled, at least for him.   If it is, then it's an old trick involving
     (which can be used to push people and objects towards you as well as away from you).

    To Venus: Yeah, good idea, and I thot about asking him what was going on but was afraid to for some reason. I don't remember now what the reason was. Maybe I was afraid he'd do somthing worse to me if I did. Not sure now why I didn't aska bout it...

    No Innula, I wasn't wearing a collar, altho I have some in my inv. I learned my lesson about that rlv and have it turned OFF! Not sure if push is enabled on the land. I'll look when I get home & log in. The person who takes care of the land for the owner (who is seldom inworld anymore) said that she has seen this guy hanging around before but doesn't know him. There are often guys hanging around there who speak Portuguese and who ask to add you as friends. When you do, they send you random tp requests later. If you accept the tp request you end up at a club somewhere & the person who sent the request may not even be there. My sister says that they do this to increase traffic at the club. So I've quit adding guys who do this, & deleted them from my list. Maybe this guy was up to something similar altho he spoke English & didn't ask me to add him or send me any tp requests.


  6. Coby Foden wrote:

    My friend once had an AO hud where there was a function which allowed him to animate other avatars without asking the object avatar any permission to animate. The HUD just animated the object avatar, but the object avatar still could move away from the hug, kiss or whatever the animation was. However, even if one could move, the animation continued so long until the HUD owner stopped the animation.

    Maybe what you experienced was something similar to this.

    Yeah, Coby, sounds like what happened to me was something like you describe. I certainly didn't give any permission. There was no hug or kiss, & I kept dancing, but wherever he went I just followed helplessly. I could move away but went back towards him when I stopped moving. It really caused me no trouble but seems like it has potential for abuse, which is why I'm curious about it.


  7. The other day I had my avatar dancing on the island where I live while I was working on my Winamp playlists. I wasn't paying much attention to SL until I saw my avvie moving sideways. She was still dancing, not walking. She moved up to this guy without me touching the keyboard. He IMed me & we began chatting. He was friendly & nothing suspicious or malicious happened, except that when he moved I followed him like a magnet. I could move away from him with the arrow keys but when I stopped pressing them I moved back towards him. Whenever he moved I followed him, still dancing.

    Has anyone ever seen this before? How did this guy make my avatar move? I told the person who takes care of the land on behalf of the owner about this, and she said that she'd never hearduv such a thing happening before. What's up with this, please?


  8. Viewer 2 sukz.

    Firestorm beta is good but its not mesh enabled.

    Mesh enabled Firestorm is more laggy than the beta.

    For now I use Firestorm beta unless I want to wear the one mesh item in my inv. Not too many ppl wear mesh yet so I don't see too many boxy hairs or bizarre ovals on ppl.

    I don't know about any other viewers.


  9. Why you signed up for Second Life?

    I was blotting to Freyja back in August & the feeling came over me that there ought to be a virtual world online, something like one of the 9 worlds of Yggdrasil. So I googled & Second Life is what came up. So I made myself an account, downloaded a viewer & logged in. I was led to SL by my Goddess.

    Why you use Second Life?

    To make friends, keep in touch with the friends ive made inworld, & to listen to music.

    How often are you logged into Second Life a week?

    I login every evening when I get home from work, and am inworld most of the day most weekends. So im inworld about 50 or 60 hrs per week.

    Do you prefer your Second Life to your First Life?

    In some ways, yes. I can't fly in RL for instance. RL is dirty & dangerous, SL isn't. I can get away w/ things in SL that would have serious consequences in RL. On the other hand, I can't eat in SL, can I?

    Are your Second and First Life similar in anyway?

    In some ways. I'm a woman in both SL & RL. I'm about the same age in SL & RL. I'm a Witch in both SL & RL. Other things are different. In RL I live where its cold, in SL I live on a tropical island. In RL I have only brothers, in SL I have sisters. I'm brunette in RL & currently blonde in SL... Etc., etc...


  10. Akalee wrote:

    This weeked I took my friend to a club that I've been to and enjoyed many times.  Normally I go for a certain dj friend since I enjoy his sets but this time there was a different dj who I've only heard a partial set once before.  During the course of his show he made some racial remarks that I found offensive.  I told my friend that what was said bothered me and that if he wanted to leave we could go.  The remarks were about men of a certain race, not going to go into what was said but was offensive.  We stayed for a short time longer then left, discussing it later he said that yes altho it did offend him he wasn't going to let anyone run him out of a club.  I've since left the club group but am wondering would you notify the management as to what went on?  I really feel like I should since perhaps it was "all in good fun" it was in poor taste and completely unnecessary.

    Thanks for the feedback.

    I had a similar experience recently. I was in a Blues club I like very much and the DJ or host told a joke I found to be very offensive. It wasn't a racist joke but was still offensive. People laughed. It was late at night & I was tired. I started to object but then thought better of it & just said something sarcastic & left shortly afterwards. (I'm more contentious in these fora than I am inworld.) The club owner was there at the time. I like this woman very much & don't know whether she just went along with the joke to be polite or agreed with the sentiment. I'm not going to stop going to this club because of a joke told in poor taste, but maybe I'll only go there when my sisters are DJing. This wouldn't have happened if it'd been one of their gigs.


  11. Quinn Morani wrote:

    There is a Flickr group that was started last year for Hippiestock photos. Quite a few pics from this year's event have already been added there. Check them out and add yours to the permanent record there!

    I added some pics to the Flickr Hippiestock album. They aren't organized & aren't necessarily the same ones on my FB page.

    Thanks to everyone who has posted pics and thanks again to Hippie Bowman & everyone else who helped organize HS2. It was lottsa fun !!!


  12. Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

    JeanneAnne wrote:

    Which brings me to a general principle: Anything of quality was produced for love, not for profit. This is why SL technical performance sucks so badly. SL is a cash cow to LL. They don't love it. The Lindens do what they do for a paycheck at best, for bonuses to corporate executives & dividends & capital gains to investors at worst. To the corporation, unlike the musicains & DJs, SL is about money not love. The Supreme Court may have made corporations "people" but has failed to give these "people" a soul. LL is a soulless corporation that profits from the labor of people who contribute to SL for the sake of love.

    Which is why I call once again for SL to be wrested by those who love it, from the greedy grasp of the corporation that only seeks to profit from it. SL is being run into the ground by the neglect & incompetence of those who don't love it. Those who do love SL shouldn't allow this to happen. We will lose all this music, offered out of love, when LL finally manages to kill their (to them) golden egg laying goose. A consortium of people who love SL need to take it over from the corporation and run it as a non-profit cooperative, so that the music & friendships can continue to flourish.


    What a load of BS. 

    SL would not be here, if it were not for corporation status, and investor money.   You think you can do this with love?  

    Take a good look at the Open Sims...and see which ones are growing.  Take a good look at Open Sims
    other 3D worlds that are trying to compete with SL.   The ones that are not crap,  are the ones that have a business model, and want to make a profit. 

    I dare you, double dog dare you, to go out onto the internet, and try to do this without profit as the motivation.  Report back when you've learned something.


    All I can say is: "Undo your mind."

    All you need is love, Celestiall... :heart:


  13. Requiem Lytham wrote:

    I never would have guessed to do that. Never. I was looking for something about prims and such. There should be a manual for this thing. Like seriously! I'm not a newbie and I still have no idea what 3/4 of the things are for or, better yet, what they even say. Give me HTML and I can figure it out. But what the blast does VBO even mean? 

    LoL Requiem... Neither would I have!

    I wasn't making fun of you hon. I was being sarcastic about how difficult SL can be to figure out. I mean, how is anyone, let alone a newbie, supposed to know about stuff like this?

    Is it any wonder that SL has such a low retention rate for new subscribers? Prolly 99 outuv 100 new ppl are going to run into issues like this & just think "Huh"?!?! and forgeta bout it.. LL makes SL & its viewers unnecessarily complicated & unfriendly to even fairly tech savvy ppl, was the point I was trying to make.

    I had no idea what VBO means, either, so I googled it. It means "Vertex Buffer Object." Glad we got that cleared up! :smileylol:


  14. Bree Giffen wrote:

    In Viewer 3, go to Me->preferences->graphics->hardware and uncheck 'enable openGL vertex buffer objects'.

    Gosh, shoulduv been intuitively obvious that this is what the OP shoulduv done. What's wrong with her, anyway, that she couldnt figure this out on her own? SL is SOOOooooo user friendly, the way everything is so easy & intuitive. So easy for newbies to figure out... Sheesh, some people... /sarcasm_off


  15. Alishen wrote:

    I have to say I have been going to some live music shows lately have met sooo many nice people!


    I have met many down to earth fun SL people hang out at these shows ,it really is a must see thing if you are a new SL player looking to meet people.

    So far my fav is AMFORTE ! She is a great singer , entertainer !

    She always has fun questions for every one to answer between songs,I have to say its one of my favorite parts of her show,I love people who go out of their way to entertain! I have also been check  out other artist in SL live music and there are many many great entertainers in SL .


    Oh Alishen, you are so correct! SL is a great place for music, both live performances and well-crafted DJed sets. In my 5 months in SL I have had my musical horizons greatly expanded. From my sister's 40s big band set to Gospel & coffee on Sunday mornings, I have been listening to music in SL that I never paid any attention to before. I love it! There's even a clothing optional venue where live performances are offered. LoL

    When you consider how much preparation and practice goes into a live performance, I wonder how they do it. Or, rather, I wonder why they do it. A tip jar at the end of a 2 hr. set may only have a few hundred $L in it. Peanuts! for a performance that may have taken weeks to prepare. I know that my sister gets nervous before a performance, and that whatever tips she receives goes back to LL for tier & other expenses. Why does she do it, then? Because she loves music & loves making her audience happy.

    Even a DJed set takes hours of preparation to get the song list right. It's like a Native American woman who weaves a rug & sells it for a few thousand dollars, maybe. When you consider all the time she spent caring for the sheep, shearing them, dying the wool, carding it, spinning it by hand, and the months spent sitting at the loom weaving the rug, those few $K only represent pennies per hour of her time. It's the same for musicians & DJs in SL. A waitress in some RL greasy spoon restaurant does better in tips. So why do musicians in SL even bother? Once again,cuz  it's a labor of love.

    Which brings me to a general principle: Anything of quality was produced for love, not for profit. This is why SL technical performance sucks so badly. SL is a cash cow to LL. They don't love it. The Lindens do what they do for a paycheck at best, for bonuses to corporate executives & dividends & capital gains to investors at worst. To the corporation, unlike the musicains & DJs, SL is about money not love. The Supreme Court may have made corporations "people" but has failed to give these "people" a soul. LL is a soulless corporation that profits from the labor of people who contribute to SL for the sake of love.

    Which is why I call once again for SL to be wrested by those who love it, from the greedy grasp of the corporation that only seeks to profit from it. SL is being run into the ground by the neglect & incompetence of those who don't love it. Those who do love SL shouldn't allow this to happen. We will lose all this music, offered out of love, when LL finally manages to kill their (to them) golden egg laying goose. A consortium of people who love SL need to take it over from the corporation and run it as a non-profit cooperative, so that the music & friendships can continue to flourish.


  16. Anita61 Anatine wrote:

    WOW! I managed to attend for about half an our but had so much lag I could never make a foto! Thnx Hippie for a wonderfull event!

    Lag was awful at first but after they restarted the sim it wasn't all that bad. Lag, tho, effected cam angle controls which made it hard to get a foto. I missed several good shots cuz i just couldnt get the cam angle right in time. Oh well tho.. with that many avvies on a sim, lag is to be expected. HS2 was such fun, with such great music, that a ltl lag is a small price to pay..

    HS2 2_011.png

    HS2 1_038.png

    HS2 1_029.png

    I'd post more but mostuv em says file size is too large. They're on my FB page anyway..

    Thanks again Hippie & all involved!



  17. There's an album of fotos from HS2 on my FB page. Just search for my name, Jeanne Anne Decosta. HS2 was such fun!! Tags would be appreciated. I don't know who everyone is. Thanks Hippie, & all invovled. ❤³ 1-21-12 has been a fun day in SL cuzuv all your efforts ... Peace, Love & Rock&Roll 4ever !!!!! ❤³



  18. Sassy Romano wrote:

    There are already other grids that are based on SL technology that are run by some not for profit and some for profit.

    Some have improvements over LL already but they're not competing with LL.  Everything you've asked for is being done already yet you're on Second Life.  Ask yourself why you're here and not enjoying all that you've asked for in the earlier message, since that already exists elsewhere.

    Cool, Sassy... Thanks!

    Ok, I asked myself why im here & not elsewhere, and this is what myself told me:

    I didn't even know about SL until back in August. When I googled "virtual world" or something like that, SL was what came up. So im here cuz this is what I found & what i know about. Also, at this point, I now have friends in SL. Unless they migrate with me, im kinda stuck w/ SL if i want to keep my friends...

    I won't ask you to identify any of the other grids - LL might ban you if you did. Wouldn't put it past em. But i will look for alternative virtual worlds. Thanks for the heads up!


  19. Innula Zenovka wrote:

    JeanneAnne wrote:

     people who love SL wrest it from the clutches of a corporation with no pride or vision, and redesign it coherently.

    How, exactly, do you suggest people might do that?   SL belongs to Linden Lab, and I don't see how we might go about changing that state of affairs.

    Good question Innula!

    Maybe we just have to wait for LL to kill off SL through incompetence & neglect, then start afresh with a platform loosely patterned after LL's initial grid archetecture but with modern refinements & improvements.

    Maybe LL will branch out into new enterprises, grow tired of SL and simply give it to a non-profit consortium of users, as a tax writeoff.

    Maybe we have to force the transition. How do we do that? Tier strike! Simply refuse to rent server space from the corporation until demands are met. LL will be forced to either concede to our demands or go bankrupt.

    I'm not sure how best to bring about these needed changes. I'm apolitical. I only seek to foment interest in these ideas in others with both the political & technical savvy to pull off this coup. If I didn't love SL & the friends I've made there, I wouldn't care.


  20. "It's not just a single data base.....it's a whole host of different data bases handling many different assets."

    There ya go! A cobbled together mess, in other words. This is why no amount of tinkering ever is going to "fix" SL. Doing so will require a fundamental rethink of platform archetecture which LL simply has no incentive to undertake. Hence, SL will continue to wobble along until people get sick of the poorly designed & overly complicated interface, and SL dies... OR... people who love SL wrest it from the clutches of a corporation with no pride or vision, and redesign it coherently.

    "That's why I said you were new.  You sure are acting like it."

    Heaven forbid that anyone new should ever come along, pointing out that the emperor has no clothes. All the geezers with vested interests in SL's toy economy who dominate these fora, might get their panties in a bunch if anyone ever rocked the boat by pointing out how dysfunctional LL has become and how SL could be made so much better. LOL


  21. Hi Kmosii.

    You sound cool. IM me inworld sometimes if you want to chat or hang out. I'm usually in SL during North American east coast evening times & on weekends.

    Not sure what kinduv music you like but I can show you my favorite places to dance & hear music - blues, classic rock, hard rock, etc. My sister even does a weekly 40s big band gig.. :womanhappy: Can also show you cool underwater stuff. 

    Nice meeting you & welcome to SL & to the forum...


    ps Check out HippieStock2 tomorrow. Should be fun!!!

  22. Lydia Craig wrote:

     ...but in the end the only practical solution is a new database, and it is debatable if is even willing or capable of taking that step.Those of you who do not like to hear this get used to it...

    I'm relatively new to SL (< 6 mos.) so I don't know how bad it's been in the past. All I know is that performance is pretty crappy now. I don't think that LL execs care. They had an innovative idea a decade ago, it's made $$ for them which is all they care about, and now aren't willing to spend any $$ to improve performance or bring the grid up to modern standards. The way things stand, LL deserves to go out of business.

    On the other hand I like SL. Despite all its faults and frustrations, SL is still fun. I would like to see SL survive but not under the control of LL. LL has demonstrated their failure to maintain & improve SL as its users & players & residents deserve.

    I agree that an entirely new approach to grid archetecture is needed, one that will allow a (virtually) unlimited number of avatars per sim. A new approach to building stuff that isn't based on the prim is needed. SL needs to be run as a member-owned non-profit rather than by a for profit corporation. SL needs to be based outside the US where restrictive US law doesn't apply. "Land" ownership needs to be abolished along with the $L. A minimal membership fee needs to be imposed on all players, just sufficient to cover expenses and not intended to enrich corporate execs & shareholders. Class distinctions between paying members & "freeloaders" need to be abolished. Decisions need to be made on the basis of resident consensus, not imposed dictatorially by a bunch of unaccountable corporate parasites.

    Unless changes such as these, & others that more experienced players can think of, can be implemented, I think that SL will probably deservedly die out. IT & the internet have moved on in the past decade. LL hasn't. Not much anyway. Maybe once LL has driven SL into the ground, a group of dedicated SL lovers can bring back a new & improved version of SL, encorporating modern technology, and out from under the thumb of a sociopathic corporation. So mote it be!


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