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Posts posted by JeanneAnne

  1. Tarani Tempest wrote:

    I am not entirely new to Second Life, started here over a year ago.  I am, however, new to the subject of Land in SL.   I have been trying to cure my curiosity by doing research....but seems it has made me more confused than before
    .  I know there are 'mainlands' and umm other places, I suppose.  How do I know where I am in relation to these regions?  How do I get to a mainland? How do I know if I am there
    ...and is it important that I even know if I am?
    lol, ok....soooo yea.  Completely lost on the subject.  Ive looked at the SL wiki regarding ..mainland....and I see maps, and all sorts of decriptions.  I do not see how to get there or how one knows if they are there.

    I would really love to find some info.... in one place maybe
    lol , that would make some sense out of all of it.

    Really after all this time... just wondering where ive been, where I am at in here.  There is this huge virtual world that I have been hanging out in, making friends, shopping... doing w/e........like some of us do
       Now, Id like a bigger picture, so to speak.

    No, I don't think that it's important to know where you are in SL.

    In RL I have a good sense of direction and like maps & like to know where I am. In SL I have found all of this to be unnecessary.

    Use 'search' to find places you'd like to go then TP there. It doesn't matter where the places you're TPing to & from are in relation to one another. N,S,E,&W don't matter in SL (unless you are performing a ritual & invoking the Watchtowers). LM the places you like so you can go back to them quickly & don't worry about where they "are."

    Keep in mind that SL isn't a "space." "Places" in SL are just binary code in a server. There is no length, width or depth in SL. No up & down. It's just code that gives the illusion of dimensionality on your 2D monitor. We suspend disbelief when we think of SL in terms of "land" (or of water or sky or of space in general). We have to suspend disbelief in this way in order to enjoy SL & to experience it as a virtual world. But it's best to stay aware, in the back of your mind, that the appearance of space & of dimensionality is just an illusion.

    You forget this, start taking the illusion seriously, and SL has driven you crazy. Once SL has driven you crazy you get upset over things that happen "in" SL. Then you get your heart broken, you spend RL money on SL, you get really angry when someone griefs you or rips you off. You start acting like many do on these fora. Then you know you're nuts.


  2. danicah wrote:

    Just curious... sometimes you dont want to (or cant) add people to your friend list, but you dont want to be rude.

    For example family members of your friends, or if your list is already very big. I mean... if i would add anyone i talk to, my list would be even more bigger. and after awhile i wont remember who they are lol.

    What are good excuses for not adding people (maybe later)?


    What I tend to do is go ahead & add em. Who knows? they might be interesting...

    Then, if they bother me with TP requests or IMs, I delete them later. Ever so often I go thru my list & delete whomever I can't remember who they are.

    This way, it avoids having to make up some excuse for not adding them and running the risk of offending someone.

    & btw, I never ask anyone to be my friend. I figure if they want to be friends they'll ask me.


  3. Perrie Juran wrote:

    A brief additional explanation.

    And yes I know it's a little more involved than this, but the basics are that all animations have a priority assigned to them, ie, 1,2,3,4.

    You have your basic animations in SL for walking, sitting, standing, etc.  They have a low priority.  A dance has a higher priority, hence, "overrides" the basic animation.  But this is why sometimes an A/O can cause a conflict when using a HUD for something else.  You hit a priority conflict.  Hence the need for turning off your A/O when engaging in other activities.


    Seems like to me that the AO conflicts with my sister's huddle but not with the single dances on the dance ball.

    If I understand you right, my AO must have a higher priority than her hud but a lower one than the dances on the ball. Is this right? If so, how come sometimes I will click on the ball & select a dance before she adds me to the hud, and then when everyone stops briefly while the hud reloops, I keep on dancing w/ the single dance. How can the AO override the hud, the hud overide the single dance, yet single dance override the AO?


  4. Perrie Juran wrote:

    Honestly, from where I sit, this Forum is dieing...

    I've not been around all that long. I think that my first post was in late August of 2011. Maybe I haven't been around long enough to see these fora wax & wane. Maybe posting is seasonal, for all I know. But, still... it even seems to me like these fora have gone downhill since back in the fall. What's happened to Ishtara Rothschild, for instance? To Carole Fraizzi & Void Singer? These were some of the most interesting & intelligent people who posted on here and I haven't seen them in quite awhile. Did LL ban them? Did they become bored or disgusted & leave? Guess I wouldn't blame them if they did. I was going to move on over to Second Life Universe and abandon these censored fora but I quickly discovered that the same censorship & clichishness as prevades the LL site is just as bad if not worse over there. From my perspective, limited as it may be, I have to agree with you about the fora dying, Perrie ...


  5. Rene Erlanger wrote:

    wrong Jeanne....it's 20-25% that support the SL economy in any given month and not 4%

    In that other GD thread, you made the mistake of assuming that the 21 million SL accounts were current ones (it's actually over 27 million!)....these are an accumulation of accounts from day 1 of SL....so back to 2002/3. Obviously 95% of those accounts are "dead" accounts for want of a more descriptive word!

    No Rene, if I had used total accounts the percentage of paying accounts to non-paying would be <1%. I used logins per month to arrive at the 4% figure. 20-25% greatly inflates the ratio of paying to non-paying accounts.

    But... What difference does it make? Even if we use the 20-25% figure you insist upon, the fact remains that the few support SL financially to the benefit of the many.


  6. JWtheJayhawk wrote:

    I recently downloaded and installed the third-party viewer firestorm. After trying it out for a short time I was unimpressed (to put it mildly) and went back to using the regular Second Life client.


    Thanks to a feature inside firestorm I noticed a great many of you were using third-party viewers. I really don't understand the appeal of these viewers and why anyone would be compelled to use them when the current SL client seems to be functioning well (well within reason anyway). Which brings me to my question? What motivates you to use a third-party viewer? Is it the "features”, the user interface, or are you just trying to buck the system?

    When I discovered SL back in August I didn't know about any viewer besides Viewer 2. My initial SL experience was very crappy. I couldn't go more than five minutes without crashing, SL was very laggy, and I couldn't see how ridiculously bouncy my physics was. I was very tempted to just give up on SL.

    Then my SL sister suggested that I try a third-party viewer. I downloaded Firestorm and my SL experience was immensely improved. I seldom crashed, lag wasn't so bad and I was embarrassed once I saw how my butt & boobs bounced & jiggled all over the place. Needless to say, I toned the physics wayyyyy down.

    I like Firestorm much better than I like Viewer 2 simply because it worked so much better for me. I haven't tried Viewer 3 and see no reason for doing so. I bought a mesh skirt and had to download the mesh enabled Firestorm in order to see it correctly. There are features I like better about the mesh enabled version but it is much laggier than the beta. So for now, since few people are wearing mesh, I use the Firestorm beta unless I want to wear my skirt.


  7. "And this is not an insult to Jeanne at all...."

    I didn't take it as being. Rather, yours is a good & interesting post that I'd like to comment on some more, if I may...

    "but this type of user of the traffic generating tools like MM and lucky chairs is EXACTLY what makes up 99% of those people you will attract.   They are not SHOPPERS.  They are not interested in any way to pay anything for your store content..."

    I don't spend a cent of real money on SL and don't ever intend to. This is not to say, however, that I never spend any $L I acquire inworld by various means. It isn't accurate to say that I never SHOP. Just yesterday I won $L500 in a "Best in Blue" contest. When I saw that the contest was up I quickly changed the red blouse I was wearing to a blue one, put on a blue skirt that was a different shade of blue that actually clashed with the blouse, and won the contest even tho I don't think I deserved to win. I'll be spending that $L500 somewhere. Maybe in your store, if I even bother to go there without being attracted there by freebies of some sort. You may think that I'm not the type of big spender you even want in your store but the thing is, the "vast majority" (Wikipedia's term) of people in SL are just like me in regard to our spending habits. Only something like 4% (as estimated in another thread) of players actually spend real money on SL. You might be better off catering to people like me, with a few spare Lindens to spend now & then,  rather than to an elite minority of big spenders who are actually numerically inconsequential.

    "...and they will not be promoting your store after they leave.  Heck, I doubt if they will even remember your store the next day."

    This is likely true. If someone asks me where I got an item I'm likely to respond, "Oh, from a MM somewhere... Don't remember..." On the other hand, there are a few stores that regularly offer nice things on their MM. These I tend to hit and to remember. If you consistently offer nice stuff, people like me can serve as effective word-of-mouth marketing agents for your stuff.

    "Their inventory is sooooooo full of freebies from countless stores, your high valued gift you gave them is just thrown into their inventory that resembles a garbage heap of goodies."

    LoL Yep, this describes my disorganized inv pretty well! One of my favorite things to do in SL, tho, is to dig thru all this clutter to find just the right item to complement a look I'm trying to put together. I call this "playing Barbie" and I can easily take an hour putting an outfit together from disparate items I got who knows where. Just because I haven't opened something or worn something yet doesn't mean that I never will. I don't delete very much because I never know that the thing I might delete won't be the very thing I was looking for.

    "So for the merchants that see MM and lucky chairs as a valuable tool to generate significant sales or even noticable sales - throw that thought away."

    I would tend to agree except that, once again, SL has a high turnover rate and your valued spending customers this month may be gone from the game next month. You need to constantly be attracting new people to your store, even tho most of those people aren't going to spend much. Going for many small sales over few big - quantity over quality - may be your more viable option. Isn't this the strategy Walmart has deployed?

    "The Jeanne's of the SL world are not customers - they are Freebie Hunters / Gamers."

    True enuf but isn't SL just a game? Or a gaming platform on which a variety of games run, the play economy being but one of the games? Putting an attractive outfit together with freebie items can be a satisfying & rewarding passtime. I would contend that an attractive avatar one assembled him- or herself from freebie items can be more of a source of pride than that derived simply from spending buku Linden bucks on one's looks. The toy economy game may not be one of the many SL games I'm interested in. If you as a vendor care to siphon a few of the $L I may manage to acquire then your toy business model is going to have to accomodate people who think along the lines I do. Just ignoring us deprives you from >90% of SL's traffic.

    "I will be completely honest in that from day 1 of me joining SL in 2008, I also made the personal commitment to never spend one penny of my RL $ on SecondLife."

    I commend you for this TT. Anyone affluent enuf to spend real money on SL could find a lot more socially beneficial ways to dispose of that income above & beyond their actual needs, than channeling it into LL's clutches.



  8. Voodoo Schnyder wrote:

    So today after mixing up a few very basic keywords to search for specific themed clothes and found a store who had around 40,000 traffic! That's insane, I thought, then went inside and saw lucky chairs, a bunch of people standing around waiting for their letter to pop up... Now I was wondering if anyone out there ever used them in  their business or not? Do you recommend them? Dislike them for some reason? I needed a little exposure of my products and thought maybe the lucky chairs would draw in some traffic for me.


    I don't spend a cent on SL. There are stores I visit in order to get stuff from Midnite Mania. I don't bother with lucky chairs unless I just happen to see my letter come up. There's no way that I'm going to hang around waiting for it to come up, like so many people do. SL is too much fun to waste time doing that. There are some chairs that a ? comes up which represents any letter. These may be worth hanging around a few minutes for. I appreciate the stuff I get from MM but if you think its going to get me into your store so that I will spend real money there, forgeta bout it. I often order freebie stuff from the browser Marketplace, too. If I fail to receive it it's no big deal, since I didn't pay anything for it. Vendors or content creators who think that doing away with freebies, MM & lucky chairs will force people like me to spend real money on SL, are wrong. It will just force us to be content with a newbie look or to leave SL altogether.


  9. Serendipity Silverfall wrote:

    I noticed today when I logged in that I'm standing above the ground.  I thought there was a way to fix this, but I've logged off, rebooted my modem and logged back in and I'm still standing above the ground.  I'm not hovering, My AO has me cycling through all my stands.

    In addition to the above, I have removed my shoes and my AO and have had no change.

    Any help you can provide would greatly be appreciated.

    Thank you,


    There's an adjustment. It's set at 0.00 but you can change it. On Firestorm the adjustment is under the Phoenix icon on the bottom bar. Try setting it a little below zero, like -0.10, for starters & see if this helps. Different surfaces seem to effect this. For instance, I may be dancing on water & my feet sink in a bit. For this, I set the adjustment at like +0.10 or 0.15. In your case, sounds like you need to lower the adjustment.

  10. Gavin Ling wrote:

    Ok about time i had a rant about the endless scams being pulled in world to earn a quick buck.Now i know they been around for years and there will allways be someone bringing back a old scam but my complaint is the way Linden Labs deal with these Accounts and Abuse Reports where told to file in order to see any of out money back that was stolen or taken from us.Today i lost L$35.000 from buying copybotted Products that appered to be genuine but was in fact a clever scam that tricks buyers into parting with there money.the products in questions was skill games which dont work so im left with very expensive pretty looking prims that i can do nothing with,So what should i do to get my money back?'File a abuse report' the lady tells me who represents Linden Lab who i spoke to on the telephone, this is of course the first thing i did when i realised what had happened,i know from past experience that this tends to be of no help and by the time LL look into it my moneys long gone and the thiefs moving onto there new account repeating the scam.from reading other posts LL rarely get involved between transactions between residents so wheres the
    deterrent for the thief ?

    Its not too much the money i lost that annoys me but the way Linden lab deals with the fraud , there was a linden who dealt in such cases but he left secondlife last month so now we have no one to contact when such fraud takes place.When nothing gets done or i get no reply from them it makes me wonder why i bother to even report these avators, fair enough i only have a basic account but the telephone support i got was shockingly bad also

    anyway rant over

    Fraud: Further reason for not spending a cent of real money on SL.

    I order freebie stuff from the browser Marketplace. Usually I get it but if not, oh well... no loss.

    No point in filling out an AR, either. It'll just be ignored.

    The way I see it, if something weird happens in SL, it's just part of the game. Virtual theives & fraudsters in a virtual world. Big deal. Unless you're spending real money, your loss is virtual too.


  11. Hippie Bowman wrote:

    Hi Everyone!  Got back from vacation yesterday!  Lady and I had a great time!


    I would like to clear the air on some issues.  Here is what Hippiestock is all about.  Hippiestock originally was called A forum Dwellers Party, in a thread I started back in late 2010, and later took on the name of Hippiestock.  It is a happening that I hoped would bring all together, and we could lay down our differences for just one day.  This is still the meaning of Hippiestock.  To stop all the snarling, snarking, and fighting for just one day, and to get together to have a great time.  I still believe this can be achieved.


    As far as security, I will be handling that, with 2 of my trusted estate managers.  All big events will have moments of greifing.  I am sure that I and my 2 managers can handle this no problems. 


    One other thing.  Hippiestock is open for all.  I have placed the event in the events section, and can be viewed from the viewer only, as the event is on mature land.  I would encourage all to join the Hippiestock group, but it is not necessary.  The group is there for me to pass on information to all of you.  Hippiestock would not be if not for all of you beautiful hippies!  Dig?


    So this said, I would like to think that Hippiestock II will be a fun and great happening, to be enjoyed by all that would like to attend!  Far out!  Peace and love to all of you!



    I for one am looking forward to HippieStock2!! All I want to do is relax, meet people, listen to music, dance & have fun...

    I don't know what all the grief is about but it just goes to show how people can take something that's supposed to be innocent fun & try to spoil it. I hope that however much people may fite in these fora they can lay aside differences and just be mellow & have fun at HippieStock2. Either that or stay away.

    My thanks to Hippie and whoever else is helping him organize HippieStock2. You groovie people RwwwK~!! ...and you RwwwL!! too... :smileyhappy:

    :heart: Jeanne

  12. I talked to the club owner who communicates with group members via Facebook about this inworld yesterday evening. He said that, yeah, FB may take down our avvie accounts. He didn't seem too worried about it tho. He said that he knew of two group members who had lost their FB accounts. This out of several hundred members.

    What is FB going to do, hire people to look thru millions of accounts trying to weed out avatars? What are they going to do about people like me, whose avvie & real life names are the same? Most people who have avatar accounts also have a separate rl FB page. What if these people start cancelling their rl accounts when they loose their avvie account? Not only will FB loose business but it will be bad publicity for them. A competitor who welcomes avvie accounts will pick up the lost market share.

    I guess that we'll keep on using FB until they boot us out, then find a FB competitor who will get our business. This is just another example of how a corporation mistreats its customers, a lot like LL does.



  13. Maelstrom Janus wrote:

    Yesterday we abandoned large chunks of our region...the tiers are too high and all the evidence to me suggests they'll be increased before reduced despite continuing demands from many long term sl land owners for their reduction. No one is buying full regions - apart from penny pinching land dealers offering less than peanuts per sq metre. Lindens continue to insult long term customers while trying everything to lure new customers. You can't even air your opinions about shabby customer treatment on the forum without getting your posts removed and lets face it conditions in world get worse rather than better, more crashes more lag.

    To put it in a nutshell land ownership certainly isnt worth the while anymore.

    We owned our region 12 months almost and put a lot of effort buying it up piece by piece. But Lindens final action has to cap it for sheer mean penny pinching. The minute we abandoned parts of our region Lindens immediately slapped up ban lines  - classic.

    If people keep abandoning land Im wondering soon if its lindens policy now to fence it off ...how anyone is going to get anywhere in sl......


    Was "land ownership" ever really worth it?

    What if people went on a tier strike? Just not pay tier untli LL addresses the issues. Give them no choice but to fix all the things wrong with SL or go out of business. This may be the only way they're ever going to listen.


  14. Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

    Deltango Vale wrote:

    Sheesh! Just drop it already, why don'tcha??

    What are you, obsessed or something...??


    That is precisely what everyone is saying about
    . In a previous thread, I offered you a clear and helpful explanation of Marxism, which you promptly ignored. Instead of showing any interest in learning about the very philosophy you preach, you continue to spout nonsense, much to the annoyance of everyone on the forum.

    Del, you cannot debate, with one who is steeped in ignorance, and has a HUGE chip on their shoulder.  The ignorance prevents clearing understanding, and the shoulder-chip stymies what *could* be an opportunity to learn.

    Does the hypocrisy even register?

    Are you looking into a mirror when you warn others of  "... your views-small, weak, & unexamined." How much did the patriarchy pay for your soul?


  15. Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

    You can use the attach if you want to move the item to another place on the avatar.  Lets say, for some reason you want to move a bracelet from the left arm to the right arm (or want to make it an anklet instead), you would use "attach", then choose the attachment piont, and fine tune the placement.  Then the next time you "wear" that item it will go to your right arm or you ankle instead of the old place on the left arm.

    That is very handy to know. Thanks!

    For most things I will use "add" rather than "wear." Before I knew to use add it was very frustrating not being able to wear multiple things on the same part of the body. Wear is useful for things like changing hair, for instance. By clicking wear the new hair replaces the worn hair, whereas clicking add will put two hairs on. This is usually really weird looking but can sometimes be used for unique effects. This is how I think of & use these functions, anyway..


  16. Phil Deakins wrote:

    The correct quotation was, "
    I don't have any desire to respond to the rubbish you wrote in those two posts though

    See the difference? The bit you cherry-picked to quote implied that I've no desire to respond
    at all
    and you asked a question based on that contrived understanding. But what I actually wrote was that I've no wish to respond
    to the rubbish you wrote those two posts
    , which is quite different, as I'm sure you realise now that I've pointed it out.

    That's the second time in this thread that you've cherry-picked and quoted a bit of something I wrote to give it it completely different meaning. Dresden wrote very well about you.

    Sheesh! Just drop it already, why don'tcha??

    What are you, obsessed or something...??


  17. Phil Deakins wrote:

    I'm not going to discuss with you. Your last two posts have shown me that you are argue for the sake arguing rather than as someone who is interested in a proper dicussion, and I prefer more normal discussions in which people put genuine points rather than spewing all sorts of rubbish just for the sake of it. To put it another way, you blew any interest I had in discussing anything with you right out of the water when you posted the rubbish in your last two posts.

    Translation: You can't refute the verity of anything I've said and can't bring yourself to admit that I'm correct and you're wrong. That's fine. Nice of you to show your true colors Phil. Peace!


  18. Pammymy wrote:

    Tonight from 10AM till 4+PM We invite all clubbers, dancers, musicians, bloggers and hosts to visit our club. We wish to do afundraise for Greenpeace, and all the money tipped, will go the SL-Greenpeace fund. (The official organisation registered with LL.)

    About the club:

    See you then!

    Oh! I'd love to... Unfortunately, if those are Cali times, it's while I'm at work. Please consider doing the fundraiser again when USAns who work during the day can attend. I'd certainly tip generously if I knew my $$$ was going towards a useful cause, rather than just towards someone paying tier to LL! Love Greenpeace!!


  19. Syo Emerald wrote:

    Isn't FB closing the pages if they get behind the fact that there only for avatars and not linked to a real persons page?

    I dunno Syo.

    Thing is tho, there's a real person behind the avatar.


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