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Posts posted by JeanneAnne

  1. Knowl Paine wrote:

    What is the source of Impedance in the human body? Where does the resistance come from?


    Ohm's Law
    states: that the current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the potential difference across the two points. Introducing the constant of proportionality, the resistance, one arrives at the usual mathematical equation that describes this relationship






    1. Electricity . the total opposition to alternating current by an electric circuit, equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the resistance and reactance of the circuit and usually expressed in ohms. Symbol:  Z

    2. Also called mechanical impedance. Physics . the ratio of the force on a system undergoing simple harmonic motion to the velocity of the particles in the system.

    3. something that impedes;  an obstacle or hindrance.


    I can understand where positive energy comes from, or how it is created; but where does the
    come from, for negative energy?

    Mostly from lipids & other nonpolar compounds that inhibit or impede the flow of ions.


  2. Jennifer Boyle wrote:

    Over the past several weeks or few months, it seems to me that the average age of residents that I encounter for the first time has increased dramatically.  It used to seem like most of them were several weeks old or less.  Now it seems that most are over a year old, and many are a few years old.  

    When I first noticed it, I thought of it as a positive change because my interactions with older residents tend to be more positive.  After thinking about it, if there really is a much lower proporftion of younger residents, it must mean that many fewer new people are entering SL, which is probably an ominous development and may portend the demise of SL.

    What do others think?  Is your experience like mine, or is it different?  What do you think the future holds for SL?  Will it survive?  If not, what will fill its niche?  

    The perception seems to be ~& i dont know how true it is~ that many new people open accounts & enter SL but very few of these newbies stick. The question isnt how to get more people to join SL but how to keep them interested. It seems like i see a lot of newbies ~& a lot of oldbies~ but not all that many my age which is close to 8 months now.

    One thing thats surprised me is how old ~in RL years~ many SL players are. I guess that id supposed that most SLers were kids or young adults. Many ppl dont want how old they are in RL known, but then they slip & mention a grandchild or something. One of the coolest, most fun loving young-@-heart women i know in SL is 68 in RL. Many of my best SL friends are in their 50s. I was dating a guy i assumed was about my age ~until he was gone for awhile & said when he got back that he'd been away for the birth of a grandchild. I tried not to let the age difference creep me ~after all, what does it matter in SL right? Fact is tho, that finding out he was old enuf to be my father kinduv put a damper on romance for me & i wished id never found out how old he was. So where are all the kids? I bet that a lotuv kids try SL but dont like it, find it too confusing, or soon leave for whatever reason .. & that many of the old timers are middle aged or elderly in RL.


  3. WillowGraveStone wrote:

    I have the moma allpa hud, and when I wear it it makes my chicks mouth hang open, and her eyes closed like she is in pain. So I detatched it, then added it instead of wearing it and it still does the same thing. plus one day it will say cycle in red and then it will say so many weeks and months preg. does anyone know what is going on with it or how i can fix it? please and thank you

    The facial thing happened to me when i wore both the Mama Allpa hud & the opencollar scripted slave girl collar i stole. It went away when i took off one or the other, but came back when i wore them both. When you become pregnant you may not know it until your cycle just keeps going when it should start over. I had thot that you could only become pregnant if you had slex between days 10 & 19 with a guy who has the male hud, but this isnt true. I became pregnant outside that time range.


  4. Luci Koenkamp wrote:

    Why hasn´t LL done anything to improve our avatars? I´ve been a member since 2004 (with a break) and NOTHING, except for the possiblity to ad a physics layer, has changed since then. Don´t you think it´s time for some improvements? Personally, I really would like some toes on my avatars´ feet and the shoulders are a far cry from reality ... not to mention the view when some one bends over

    What is your opinion on this topic and what do you think should be changed or improved? Any ideas on how we can give LL a push to start working on this?

    Avatars need to move more realistically, using keyboard controls or joysticks or even some sortuv AR control devices. Having just 4 key movements (6 flying) is inadequate, and so is having to rely on AOs, gestures, poseballs, etc. There needs to be key commands for moving limbs, etc., & they need to be natural, intuitive, ergonomic, realistic & simple.

    I agree that LL has no interest in improving the newbie avvies. They want you to buy shapes & skins & outfits & stuff, cuz whoever you buy them from, the money eventually ends up in their pockets. As for feet, I hate the ugly default feet & have a pair of coyote bare feet that are much nicer.

    I use the Firestorm beta 2.5.2 version because with it, my fps falls somewhere between 20 & 45, depending on how many other avatars, scripted objects, etc., are in the vicinity. I have the mesh enabled Firestorm v4.something but seldom use it because with it, my fps falls to around 7 and it looks like avvies are dancing under strobe lights. Mesh enabled viewers are more processor intensive & don't work well on older computers. Would be nice to buy a newer machine, wouldn't it? so that we could all appreciate the 'wonders' of mesh. Ain't going to happen anytime soon. So mesh just sets up another obstacle to enjoying SL for many.

    SL is a cartoon that isn't supposed to look 'real.' As certain helpers or advisors are fond of telling me whenever I complain about the deficiencies of SL, if you want things to look more real, press ctrl Q & go outdoors.


  5. CharmedChick wrote:

    What do you want to see in SL? Is there something you would like to see in SL that you cant find or havnt found it how you like? I wanna know what the customers want to see , so tell me What do you want? 

    id like to see SL revolve less around the toy L$ economy ..

    id like to see the flora & fauna more resemble natural ecosystems ..

    id like to see weather in SL .. including storms & floods & natural disasters ..

    id like for avatars to hav2 eat .. & could get sick .. & even die ..

    id like to see communicable disease & epidemics in SL

    id like for sharks to be really dangerous .. & venomous snakes

    id like to see novel approaches to music venues .. beyond the endlessly repeated club scene stereotype ..

    id like for stuff to be wearable or usable as soon as you got it .. not hav2 rezz an object, open it, load the contents then remember to 'take' the stupid thing ..

    id like for the building & texturing & scripting functions to be more intuitive & user friendly .. clothes & shoes easier to edit .. things easier to line up & position ..

    id like for notices to be organized by date & time

    id like for settings & preferences to be easier to figure out

    id like to see less lag .. & viewers that didnt crash .. & mesh viewers to be less processor intensive

    id like for animations to be more realistic .. & avatar controls more natural & lifelike

    id like for more avatars to be able to be on a sim @ the same time .. so we could have some really big parties !!

    .. i could go on & on about things id like to see in sl ..



  6. Melita Magic wrote:

    My personal favorite club is one where there is no mall, no tip jars, no mention of Linden Love, no contest board and only a rare contest.  


    Where did you find this unicorn?



    I dont think this is too uncommon .. 1uv my favorite DJs ~my sister's partner actually~ got fed up w/ the DJ grind, quit all her scheduled club gigs & now just DJs private parties .. she still has a loyal following & notices go out when shes doing a set but its always @ a friends place or somewhere ..  i guess ppl can still tip her but she no long puts out the jar ..


    several well known DJs may still do their regular club gigs but their best sets take place on private sims w/ only invited ppl or group members .. often theres no tip jar or sploders or gesturbation or any of the usual annoying club stuff .. nothing but rockin tunage & fun convo ..sl @ its best !!


  7. tony474849 wrote:

    How does one stop an animation. I got stuck in one.

    try typing /1stop in group chat .. or ..

    under 'avatar health' click 'stop animation' .. that usually works ..

    if not .. theres a 'stop animation' object you can 'add' or 'wear' .. i think its free .. not sure tho .. it was given to me ..

    if that doesnt work try logging out .. i dont think iv ever been stuck in an animation that still had me when i logged back in


  8. Sylverystars wrote:

    Hello everyone!  I'm very new to the Second Life world and welcome any new friends, advice, and just general assistance an experienced mentor is willing to bestow.  I've been poking around on my own and looking up a few things on the net... I'm shocked at how vast the SL universe truly is! 

    I can't wait to start learning the ropes so I can start to fully enjoy the experience

    Lucky you!! Newbies have all the fun.. !!


    When you're new ~if youre like me~ everything is so new & wonderful! You can fly !! You can teleport all over .. You can fall hundreds of meters w/out a scratch .. You can breathe underwater .. You can be a dinosaur !! You can have unprotected slex & not hav2 worry about disease or unwanted pregnancy .. You can dance aerobically all evening long to kickazz djs w/out even breaking a sweat .. Your avatar never gets hungry or has2 use the bathroom .. You never hav2 clean your space & it never gets dirty .. Things happen for mysterious reasons .. Strangers befriend you ..


    Then .. after youve been around awhile .. its all about lag .. prim count .. making tier .. The majik fades ..


    SOOooo .. enjoy noobishness !!  it wont last .. & making a new alt wont make you a newb again ..


  9. Ceka Cianci wrote:

    i avoid contests and events..i'll go to a club with an even and get all dresedup or whatever..but i don't take part..i may vote on someone if they really have something that catches my eye for the event..but for the most part i don't take part in thhem..i just like hanging out in the crowds in them and dancing or whatever..

    the whole point of those things is traffic  to get noticed or to have people buy things that go there pretty much..

    i doubt having a judged contest would benefit the ones trying to get noticed ..which would be the store or sim..


    i agree w/ you Ceka.. there 4a while i discovered that contests were 1 easy way i could get $L, so i was all in2 them.. then i realized that some were rigged & decided that even if they werent, it wasnt worth hanging out somewhere i didnt really like just for the sake of maybe winning a few $s worth of $L .. so i quit bothering w/ contests ... thing is now tho, that i get ragged @ for not participating when theres 1 going on where i want to be anyway !! :cattongue:



  10. When i was new to sl i thot the boxed objects was very confusing. The drag -> open -> take thing seemed unnecessarily complicated & bizarre. I was always forgetting how it worked & wearing the box, or id forget to take the box & id get an irate im about leaving my 'junk' laying around. Id end up w/ multiple copies of stuff in my inv cuz everytime i took something itd duplicate itself. By now im use to all this but it still seems quirky & unnecessary. Just another example of how sl isnt very user friendly to the noob. Then they wonder why retention rate is so low ...


  11. When i use the firestorm beta version 2.something my fps is ~20. When i use the mesh enabled v4 fps drops to ~7. At that rate it looks like avatars are dancing under a strobe lite. Doesn't matter if im wearing mesh or not. Also, i can run sl twice & have my alt inworld w/ the beta, but not w/ the mesh enabled viewer. Prolly its cuz my computer is old but id rather see ovals on ppl than see mesh properly & have everything so slow.


  12. Nearly every time I order things from the browser marketplace I have a problem. I have to IM or send a notecard to the vendor & usually they resend the item I ordered. Not always tho.. So I have learned to only order freebie or very inexpensive stuff from the MP. That way I don't care so much if I don't receive it.

    Buying stuff from inworld stores isn't much better, either. Just the other day I ordered an expensive item from an inworld store as a gift for my sister. I was charged but the item wasn't delivered. The vendor was gracious about it the next day & she promptly redelivered the order, but it is a hassle having to contact people over delivery failure.


  13. Porky Gorky wrote:

    We have active threads on Politics and Child Avatars in GD so lets go for the trifecta and cover religion vs science.

    Based on your research, experience, religion/faith or paranoid delusions, how do you think the universe came to be?

    I've not been paying attention to the fora lately & i haven't read thru all the posts on this thread.

    Our universe came to be when an infinitely hot, infinitely dense dimensionless point in space time called the singularity, exploded. This happened about 14 billion years ago. Why did the singularity exist? What made it explode? What was 'before' the singularity exploded? Dunno, & neither does anyone else.


  14. Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

    Remember that when you need support and can't seem to get any. 

    Just saying.

    I don't need any "support" Peggy.

    SL either works for me or it doesn't.

    If it does I have fun.

    If it doesn't I move on to something else.

    What's up with the likes of you who take a game so seriously?

    I really don't understand this ..

    It reeks of ... obsession.. or something, to me.

    Don't you have a real life?


  15. Peggy Paperdoll wrote:


    I can do all those things too, Marigold, on a free account.

    I feel right at home in SL too, on a free account.

    Why pay for something you can have for free?



    You absolutely can do all those things with a free account.


    Stop right there.

    That's all you need to say.

    I don't have the patience to read thick following paragraphs of nonsense.

    Yes, I can do everything in SL on a free account that you can do with a paid one.

    That's the only thing that matters.

    Please direct all your other blather at someone who cares.


  16. Ela Talaj wrote:

    By the way there is a rather simple and widespread failures management technique called "watchdog". That is if a number of queued events exceeds a certain value (individually set depending on the system parameters and throughput) the lights start blinking, the sirens sound
    and an alert emails are sent to the maintenance personnel. A malfunctioning device may or may not be auto-shut down but a full memory image is recorded in either case. Would be interesting to know if such is implemented in the Marketplace and if not, why not.

    Apparently, this is how the Japanese run their nuclear power plants, too...

    TEPCO & LL = FAIL !!


  17. glitterbug212 wrote:



    Thankyou :-) sorry im very new to this so im still figuring out how it all works, its nice when some people like you take the time to help you unlike those above who want to hinder. 

    Hinder what? Your "research"?

    Posting a questionanaire in a forum and offering to pay respondents for filling it out isn't research. It isn't science. Respodents weren't randomly selected. You have no control group. You have no way of independantly confirming the truth of responses. Then you say you will reward the respondent whose responses are the most "constructive." What do you mean by that? The responses that best conform with your preconceived expectations?

    Your questionnaire is meaningless as is any conclusions you may come to based on it.

    LL was correct to delete your posts the first time around.


  18. Toysoldier Thor wrote:

    JeanneAnne wrote:

    Keep in mind that LL is a for profit corporation and that top executives will get their salaries & bonuses regardless of how badly LL is managed. Keep in mind that their own profit is all they care about, not yours.

    Don't bother building or scripting or selling anything in SL. If you're sufficiently talented to build marketable stuff, turn your talents to a more lucrative venue than SL.

    Have fun in SL rather than thinking of it as a business. LL has the deck stacked against you, in their own favor. Just decline to contribute to making LL executives rich while you struggle and get treated like this.

    Play SL for free and never spend a cent of real money on it. This way you get what you pay for and needn't complain about stuff like the Great MP Valentines Day Debacle.  LoL


    LOL 100% agree.

    Its every Avatar for themselves.  Limit your risk with LL and the SL service.  Since LL Executives are only in it for themselves and really have proven not to care about their customers... nor should you care about them.  Use SL for what you can.  Dont invest in premium accounts.  Dont buy land unless it is purely to satisfy you personally. 

    If you buy land to run a business - you need to fully understand you are operating a business on a high risk / low level of stability base of sand - that is LL and their management of the SL Grid and services.

    The good part for the way I am a customer in SL and a business on SL is that my #1 priority is to enjoy myself in SL.  My #2 priority is to protect my interests and limit my liabilities from a Vendor's service (LL's SL) that has proven to have very low customer service, poor stability, and knee-jerk policy changes and business decisions that have damaged their customers countless times with no concerns by LL.   To put any serious RL $US into SL would be a foolish decision.

    If LL and SL were to go under tomorrow... I would primarily be sad for the social aspect in my life that I have loved and lost.  I would be sad that a sweet low burden no cost revenue stream into my RL bank account would finally come to a end.  But I would not be injured or at risk for them going under.



    OMG !!

    A rational poster on the forum....

    ~faints~~ ~




  19. Marigold Devin wrote:

    Sneer all you want, JeanneAnne. 

    All I do is point out the obvious. Call that sneering if you want...

    Fact is that I can do everything on a free account that you can do on a paid one.

    Fact is that when you pay for a premium account, pay upload fees or tier, or spend real money on $L you are contributing to the enrichment of corporate executives and shareholders in a corporation that exploits you and treats you badly. What you get in return is colored pixels you can have for free.

    How is it rational to pay for something you can have for free?


  20. Marigold Devin wrote:

    ...If I want to build, I can build. If I want to shop, I can shop. If I want to dance, or be alone, or chat, I can, at the press of the teleport button I can have different scenery in front of me, and all without having to get out of my jammies. No wonder I feel right at home in SL... 

    I can do all those things too, Marigold, on a free account.

    I feel right at home in SL too, on a free account.

    Why pay for something you can have for free?


  21. Keep in mind that LL is a for profit corporation and that top executives will get their salaries & bonuses regardless of how badly LL is managed. Keep in mind that their own profit is all they care about, not yours.

    Don't bother building or scripting or selling anything in SL. If you're sufficiently talented to build marketable stuff, turn your talents to a more lucrative venue than SL.

    Have fun in SL rather than thinking of it as a business. LL has the deck stacked against you, in their own favor. Just decline to contribute to making LL executives rich while you struggle and get treated like this.

    Play SL for free and never spend a cent of real money on it. This way you get what you pay for and needn't complain about stuff like the Great MP Valentines Day Debacle.  LoL


  22. Linda Brynner wrote:


    The hype is over since 2008/9, but LL has created a source of income for them with relatively minimum effort.

    I mean... there we have it i suppose.

    Yep... there we have it!

    LL has laid off employees. They keep expenses at a minimum and profits at a maximum.

    The grid was innovative a decade ago. Now it's very archetecture is its own liability. It would cost $$ to fundamentally redesign it according to modern performance requirements. Why spend that kinduv $$ when top executives are doing just fine as is?

    SL serves as cash cow to parasites. That's all its designed for. All decisions are based on the criterion of maximizing  those parasites' income. Nothing else is even taken into consideration.

    Customer support costs $$. Don't expect any. Upgrades & improvements cost $$. Don't expect any.

    Just keep paying tier and complaining on the forum. It's all anyone ever seems capable of doing.


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