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Posts posted by JeanneAnne

  1. Dillon Levenque wrote:

    Second Life brings me a great deal of personal pleasure and a fair amount of intellectual stimulation on a regular basis; the small amount of RL money I pay for that is for me an excellent bargain.

    I agree Dillon. I wouldn't mind paying a small amount of RL money to support SL by helping to cover operating expenses. But so long as a portion of my contribution would be going towards inflated executive salaries & bonuses, and towards shareholder capital gains & dividends... not one cent!! I will help feed the organism but not its parasites.


  2. Rene Erlanger wrote:

    At currently monthly login levels ....everyone would have to pay around $9-10 USD p/mth to replace the current Tier system and other forms of LL income. I would be surprise if you'd be left with 50% of SL'ers.


    That sounds pretty fair to me Rene. I was expecting it to be more.

    Even if half the current users left that'd still only be $18-20 month^-1. A bargain! I'm in...

    Also, keep in mind that after eliminating parasites operating expenses would be reduced. So maybe more like $15 mo^-1. This is sounding even better than I'd hoped!


  3. "Lol, so every person who is using SL for free at the moment under your system will overnight have to start paying a fee, whilst all those who are contributing at the moment will get a reduction and you expect the freeloaders to all of a sudden start willingly paying a "modest" fee because they are now playing in an enlightened and egalitarian virtual world?"


    "This will lead to less people logging in, therefore higher costs on the remaining funders who will in turn throw the towel in too."

    Perhaps, perhaps not. I would expect fewer people to log in but those who do would all be paying members. The increased quality of inworld experience I would expect to increase concurrency as the word got around & more & more people felt that paying a modest user fee was well worthwile. In any case, there's little use in speculating over an empirical question. We will just have to try it & see!

    "Seriously you need to take your head out of the economic theories of collectives and start reading up on human psychology and basic mathematics."

    I have a BS in applied math Sy. I understand that you & many others take a dim view of collective human psychology. No doubt you approach human behavior from a "grownup" Darwinian perspective that has greed built in. I think it's high time to go beyond this. I think it's time to start expecting people to do the right thing. I think it's time for us to stop killing our Christs, our Gandhis, our John Lennons... & start listening to them instead.

    " First off, if you wanted to own LL as a collective entity you may be surprised to learn that LL wouldn't oppose you.  Just pay them enough to buy the company and they'll sell it to you given the right price."

    I expect LL to give SL to a user owned consortium as a tax write-off. The way they are running SL into the ground, LL may want to do this sooner rather than later, while SL is still worth something. If they resist, a tier strike might hurry them along. Perhaps this sounds a bit like blackmail. I don't think so since paying tier is voluntary anyway. If enuf people simply declined to pay tier what choice would they have? At the very least, it might make them start taking user concerns seriously.

    "..I can't imagine that a) you would go to investment bankers.."

    No, I only deal with my member owned non-profit credit union.

    "Or do you want us all (free players too) to start paying you the money now upfront whilst at the same time paying LL?"

    This may be an option. Of course, you wouldn't be paying me, you'd be paying the person elected to serve as treasurer of the non-profit consortium that takes over operation of SL servers. I assure you that that person would not be me. :matte-motes-asleep-2: Realistically, we might have to buy the hardware SL runs on (or take over the leases on the servers, if LL doesn't actually own them). This might mean allocating a portion of user fees to LL for awhile, with the remainder going towards operating expenses. I wouldn't expect to pay a cent towards purchasing anything but hardware from LL. These are all details that I don't want to become involved in. They need to be worked out by user consensus. 

    "Of course you'll be funding the company at a loss for quite a long time..." 

    Once again, this is an empirical question that can only be answered by trying it.

    "..as you try to convince/direct all SL residents to start paying into the collective pool or leave SL when they could could easily walk across the virtual highway to InWorldz say and freeload over there."

    I expect my ideas to catch on among content creators who currently shoulder the entire burden of supporting SL while making LL shareholders & corporate executives rich. You're right, rationally, us freeloaders could care less where we freeload or who we freeload off of, right? If InWorldz catches on big time abandoning SL to bankruptcy may become the way to go. For the time being tho, I think that SL is still worth trying to salvage.

    "I could go on, but as you can see your idealism depends on magiced up untainted, in your eyes, money and everybody sharing the same views and committment as you...which just ain't so."

    You speak of idealism & magicked up stuff as if they're bad things Sy. Yeah, I do call for people to undo their minds, think beyond their cultural conditioning, take idealistic action, do the right thing... I realize that not everyone shares the same views & commitments I do. Yet my views & commitments are in line with what Christ taught, what Marx & Gandhi & Thoreau had to say, what John Lennon invited us to Imagine. I hope someday you'll join us...


  4. Dillon Levenque wrote:

    JeanneAnne wrote:

    "Do you think investors should just hand over checks and expect no ROI if that ROI was not to the liking of the residents?"

    Yes. I always expect people to do the right thing.

    Meanwhile, people who create or contribute nothing enjoy SL for free. This is unfair.



    Given that you have said in this thread and elsewhere that you have never purchased a single Linden and therefore contribute exactly zero to the economy of SL, you should change that first paragraph to "Yes. I always expect OTHER people to do the right thing.", since you clearly do not apply that to yourself.

    It's irrational to expect people to pay for something they can have for free. If you resent my, and tens or hundreds of thousands of other players playing for free, then the blame for us being able to do so is Linden Lab's, not ours.

    I'm the one calling for putting an end to this unfair situation, after all.

    Rather than resenting others playing for free, content creators & those with paying accounts should ask themselves why they don't. I'm torn between feeling sorry for those who support a corporation that treats them so badly, and laughing at them for their gullibility.

    If you really resent me playing for free Dillon, then join with me in the call to wrest SL from the corporation that enables & allows me to play for free!


  5. "Good lord.

    A souless, sociopathic corporation?"

    Yes. Corporations are required to put shareholder profit above every other consideration, including above public welfare & the welfare of the environment. This is the very essence of sociopathy. It is institutionalized greed. If evil is as evil does, this is evil.

    "In your egalitarian efforts, would residents of SL become equally responsible for paying for servers, facilities, payroll, benefits and all other associated costs of running a free to users, entertainment service?"

    Yes. All users would pay a modest fee. The people elected by users to run the user owned non-profit cooperative that replaces LL would determine operating costs and spread these costs equitably among all users. Since parasites (executives, shareholders) had been eliminated, overall costs to run SL would be reduced.

    "Do you think investors should just hand over checks and expect no ROI if that ROI was not to the liking of the residents?"

    Yes. I always expect people to do the right thing. The consensus peferences of residents ought to be the criterion for deciding how SL is run. As it is, increasing profit for shareholders & maintaining inflated executive salaries is the criterion. Shareholders would have no choice but to turn over their interests to residents if a tier strike could be effectively organized. Concede to user demands or go out of business & loose all of your investment. The residents have the power!!

    "...there is no hyper exploitation of the evil corporate overlords as you suggest."

    Indeed there is. Ordinarily, corporations pay the creators of the content they sell. Rather than paying content creators LL requites content creators to pay upload fees & tier for the virtual land on which they display or sell this content. Meanwhile, people who create or contribute nothing enjoy SL for free. This is unfair. So what if content creators are free to produce, store or vend their content elsewhere? That's irrelevant to the particular, hyperexploitative circumstances LL imposes onto content creators.


  6. Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

    JeanneAnne wrote:


    Are sims that appear to be solid ground (& water) suspended in the sky? Is this common?


    More than you probably guess.  A lot of sim owners do this because they use the ground for their private home or as a sandbox, while their store, club etc. is on a platform or vice versa.  I've built many a sim where this is the case. 

    I once built a large skybox for my home over my own office that had a center island and beach surrounded by a swimmable ocean that was all prims. you could swim under the water and see a natural slope from the beach to the sea floor with sand and underwater plants and fish.  The waves were animated as well as the ocean, which was also textured so it faded into a round privacy screen that went around the whole thing.  I made an overlay on the screen that animated the water with waves being careful to make the effect have natural perspective.  The picture on the screen had beautiful islands off on the distant horizon.  The screen was solid until it got to the last 25% at the top where they 'sky' faded to transparent to blend perfectly with the sky.  It was even scripted to change the water and screen at night to a night version.  Most people that tp'd in never knew it was a skybox unless I told them or they noticed their altitude. 

    Thanks for responding Amethyst.

    When I fell thru & landed in that Gorean sim, it was exactly as you describe. I'd tped to a mall that had stores selling medieval & Gorean outfits & accessories. The mall was deserted & I was just looking around when suddenly I fell thru. I landed in this snowy, mountainous place, where there were huts & fires & women wearing Viking era costumes. They told me that I wasn't allowed there without some kinduva Gorean meter. I didn't know what that was so I was asking them about it. The boss guy wasn't inworld atm so I didn't have to leave immediately. I told them that I was sorry to intrude but it wasn't my fault, that I'd just fallen outuv the sky & landed there. They were pretty friendly but they told me that if the guy showed up he would capture me, so I left. This sounds like their home sim is ground level & their stores are in the sky, like you describe. I don't think I was ejected because I didn't get any ejection notice, and why would merchants eject potential customers from their stores? I was told that lag could cause avvies to fall outuv sims but sounds to me like the falling between prims explanation must be the right one.

    Another place I know of has a secret world that you have to figure out how to access. It's a real pretty place & I like to go there. I discovered that this secret world is actually a skybox when I fell out of it once.

    The island where I live has skyboxes but they are small. The sim is M so the skyboxes are for slex. One has a shark that swims around the ltl island up there. Another has a trippy particle show. When the tper was broken once, I discovered that I could fly up to these skyboxes. I also have a friend whos house is in the sky. I guess I just assumed that all sky builds were small. Didn't realize that whole extensive places were up in the sky like that

    I've also discovered a lotuv what I can only describe as junk up in the sky. Like someone rezzed a prim up there, played with it without really making anything outuv it, then just left it floating up there. I wonder how common this is, & whether it interfers with aviation.

    The island or series of islands were I live also has gorgeous underwater stuff. There are fishes & corals & underwater plants, and there's even a cave way down underwater with gems & pools & waterfalls. There are pose balls w/ bathing & swimming & floating & splashing animations. I'd lived there for a few weeks before discovering all this by accident when I crashed into the water. As a newbie it amazed me to find all this stuff underwater & up in the air. No one told me about it, I just had to find it myself exploring around. The woman who built all this stuff is seldom inworld anymore & I've never met her. I'm told that she's really nice.


  7. AzraelMortis wrote:

    Hey there lovely Second Life residents , I am currently a 4th year University student an Edinburgh Napier university Scotland , I am doing reasearch into virtual brand inination and how successfull virtual world brands can be , I would really appericate it if you took the time to fill in a very brief questionnaire. See the Link bellow.  


    Also if you do take the questionnaire post you user name bellow for a chance to win a  3000 L$ prize from a random draw at the end of the week. 

    Please feel free to leave me any feedback

    I filled out the survey.

    Jeanne Anne Decosta or JeanneAnne

  8. kattatonia Wickentower wrote:

    JeanneAnne wrote: I'd like to see us SL residents, users, players... stand in solidarity against the oppressor. Boggles my mind that the worst oppressed are their strongest defenders tho.. LoL Human nature sure is weird!


    This is just silly JeanneAnne. If you got your wish, there would be no SL. Now if you were talking about RL, then I'm right there with you.

    Going against the socio-economic paradigm you've been conditioned with is silly, is it? If I got my wish there would be a better SL. It would be more egalitarian. Content creators would cease to be hyperexploited by the soulless, sociopathic corporation. Decisions would be based on what benefitted SL residents, not corporate executives & shareholders. It's always good to worm your pets & livestock.


  9. Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

    JeanneAnne wrote:

    Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

    @ Jeanne...no my little flower-child, you are lucky you missed her.  She'd have taken one look at your posts and made your forum life pure hell.   


    I'm sorry that happened to you Celestiall.

    Maybe you're right.. Maybe I am lucky to have missed her...

    But I would like to see a bit more controversy, a bit more fire, a bit more drama if you will.. in this forum. It's boring as it is.

    As for her or anyone else making my forum life pure hell... Naww... That only happens if you let it. I woulduv prolly played with her. Maybe I woulduv ignorned her. I might have even liked her! for all I know... & joined in with her for fun. I dunno. But I sure wouldn't have let her make my forum life pure hell. I woulduv quit participating in the forum before that happened.



    I understand the allure of the unknown.  

    But, contrary to comment about Miss S. being a communist, she was not.  She came *from* a communistic country and was an ardent Capitalist. 

    You'd think that she & I would have gotten along, but nope.  Even commonalities had no affect on her.  

    Now, for you, it would have been your comments about LL, and corporations, politics, etc.   NO ONE could make a comment that was not 100% cheering for LL or she went after them.   It was the strangest thing.   Some even suggested that she was paid shill for the Lab.  But, I doubt they would have wanted her brand of endorsement.  

    She would not have responded to the subject matter, but gone right for your jugular.   It's hard to fathom, but imagine every single comment you make on this forum having someone and their alts, comment after you with insults directed *at* you.   Day, after, day, into months.  Seriously, it's why I did leave the old GD forum for a while. 

    I am happy to see that you are so feisty though, and would relish the opportunity to cross swords...err..I mean words...with such a *personality*.     : )

    "But, contrary to comment about Miss S. being a communist, she was not.  She came *from* a communistic country and was an ardent Capitalist."

    yep! the Ayn Rand syndrome.. all too typical ..

    "I am happy to see that you are so feisty though, and would relish the opportunity to cross swords...err..I mean words...with such a *personality*.     : ) " 

    You're cool Celestiall. I enjoyed you @ HippieStock... That wasa blast !!


  10. Nalates Urriah wrote:

    Why would you turn off HTTP Get Textures?

    Some time ago the Lab has more servers handling the UDP channels and  people could solve problems and get better performance using UDP. There were not enough servers handling HTTP Texture Gets. That has changed. 

    When you change from UDP to HTTP clear your cache. The PH/FS support team and some others recommend the clear on change.

    Ok Nalantes. Thanks!

    Awhile back textures were slow to load & someone suggested turning off HTTP textures. This seemed to have helped. If it's better now I'll try turning it back on & clearing cache. Thanks again!


  11. Rene Erlanger wrote:

    JeanneAnne wrote:

     You don't want to admit how blatantly LL has played you for a sucker, do you? I don't really blame you. Most ppl will attempt to defend their egos the way you do, even to the point of appearing ridiculous. Anything rather than have to admit to themselves that a corporation has made a chump of them.


    Not really...i'm well ahead of the eight-ball and have always cashed out regularly over the last 5 years. LL's platform has allowed me to do this......but that doesn't mean i have to like them or agree with some of their policies & strategies!

    Ok Rene. Good job! You've managed to pull off what very few have accomplished.

    As much as you try to inflate the numbers of those who have done what you have, tho, you have to recognize that your accomplishment is rare. For each person like you there are scores or hundreds who just manage to break even on tier & upload fees by means of inworld endeavors. And those who even bother with some sortuv inworld economic activity are a minority compared to those who just enjoy SL for free.

    So don't try to justify or rationalize LL's business model by what the elite few such as yourself have managed to accomplish. That is simply disingenious.


  12. "Do you tip the DJ's.  If not, why not?  Some of them work very hard at doing what they do and some of them have large investments in their music collections."

    No, I do not. Sometimes I feel bad about this. Several times I have apologized to DJs for not tipping. Invariably I've been told that it's ok, that I'm supporting them & the venue just by being there. My sisters are DJs. They've told me that having an attractive, friendly avatar dancing at their gigs increases traffic & that this is tip enuf. Sometimes ppl will mistake me for the hostess & tip me! LoL When this happens I give the tip to the real hostess or if there isn't one, to the venue.

    I may DJ myself eventually. I know what a big investment, at least in time if not in $$$, acquiring & organizing a huge music collection can be. I bought a machine with a turntable & cassette player that digitalizes music & have spent countless hours working on my mom's extensive old LP & cassette tape collection. I think that I have some pretty obscure '60s & '70s hard rock & other stuff. My collection only runs to ~10K songs, tho. My sister has >50K & I know one DJ who has >130K songs in her collection! If I do decide to DJ, tho, I don't intend to put out a tip jar. Or if I do I'll just give whatever tips I make to my sisters.

    "If you are acquiring $L in world then you must be contributing something to be getting them.  Or are you just taking advantage of the good will of friends to get them?"

    I have found that people in SL tend to be very generous. Just recently a guy gave me $L1000. Nor did I ask for it or do or give him anything for it in return. He just gave it to me. This has happened on numerous occasions, in various amounts. Also, just recently, a guy similarly gave me a very nice sky blue outfit, several swim suits & a nice pair of shoes.. for no apparent reason beyond the kindness of his heart. The amounts of $L I've been given pales in significance, tho, compared to the inventory items I've been given. Whole folders fulluv nice clothing. Skins, & vehicles & countless funny objects. All of this over & above all the freebies & MMs & lucky chairs I've actively sought out & acquired for free. It's very easy to acquire stuff in SL without paying for it. You may consider the acceptance of gifts freely offered to be "taking advantage" of others but I don't. To me, "taking advantage" is pulling some scam to get over on others. LL takes advantage of content creators. I don't take advantage of anyone by accepting things they freely offer to me.

    Sometimes I enter contests in clubs. This may involve changing an outfit. I've won or placed in several contests this way. I don't really consider this "contributing." Nor do I consider it much of a contribution to be paid for filling out a survey, which is another way I've several times gotten $L inworld.

    "Because you are doing something to acquire $L you are not a free loader so this becomes a moot point.  Unless you are some how just stealing them."

    The only things I've stolen in SL are a couple slave girl collars but those idjits had it comin. I don't object to being considered a freeloader in SL. Most SL players are! In fact, the Wikipedia says that the "vast majority" of SL players play for free. If content creators or those with premium accounts or those who pay tier, et al., resent us freeloaders, what are you going to do about it? Who are you going to blame? Us? LoL It's only rational to get for free what you don't have to pay for! The irrational behavior is on the part of those who pay for what they can have for free. You can resent us freeloaders all you want but it is LL who allows, nay... encourages! free accounts. Direct your resentment where it's due Perrie. It's LL who takes advantage of you, not us freeloaders. They're the ones ripping you off, not me & others like me. I'm on your side. I'd like to see us SL residents, users, players... stand in solidarity against the oppressor. Boggles my mind that the worst oppressed are their strongest defenders tho.. LoL Human nature sure is weird!


  13. WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote:

    It used to be that you got everything from the sim server you were connected to, using UDP, and there was a per-user limit set by the server. The tech has changed, and now the sim server sends you a URL, with textures, in particular, downloaded from a server cluster using HTTP.

    A large HTTP server cluster is a well-understood technology and can put out a lot of data. So I reckon some of the advice is obsolete.

    But not everything uses HTTP 

    What if you have HTTP textures turned off?


  14. Rene Erlanger wrote:

    JeanneAnne wrote:

    Darn! Sorry I missed her ...


    That does not surprise me one little bit.......bees to the honeypot! :matte-motes-sunglasses-1:

    Don't bees have to be familiar with the honeypot in order to recognize it or be attracted to it?

    I don't know who this poster they're talking about is. She mustuv already been gone before I got here. Or maybe there was some overlap but if so I don't recognize her or know what she was like. Sounds like she liked to stir up trouble tho. I'm not like that. All I do is point out the obvious...

    Should be obvious to ya'll how badly LL treats you. Should be obvious how unfair & self-serving the business model of this sociopathic corporation is. Should be obvious how the few subsidize the many in an obscenely exploitative & greedy way. Fact is, it is obvious to you, which is why you dance around the central issue, preferring to argue over unreliable figures, taking ltl cheap shots at me like this. You don't want to admit how blatantly LL has played you for a sucker, do you? I don't really blame you. Most ppl will attempt to defend their egos the way you do, even to the point of appearing ridiculous. Anything rather than have to admit to themselves that a corporation has made a chump of them.


  15. "(I am assuming you meant to say "they're" rather than "there"  which is incorrect and will provide miscommunication. So your dumb cause I pointed that out.)"

    Ther = there, their & they're.. Meaning is coveyed via context.

    "Now I figure if you knew what it was suppose to mean then why are you commenting at all, obviously no miscommunication. Just a smart ass'd comment based in one upmanship attempting to seek superiority by making those around them look less in status..."

    Well... yeah! but that's just what people do ...


  16. Unlike French or Spanish, English has a descriptive not a proscriptive grammar. There's no English language academy in London or somewhere dictating what comprises 'correct' vs 'incorrect' grammar. What's correct is what conveys meaning. Being proscriptive, English is free to evolve. French & Spanish evolve too, it's just that English evolves more rapidly & naturally withouta bunchuv conservative grammar Nazis trying to prevent or control linguistic evolution.


  17. "Do you fault the paint bush company for making a profit selling paint brushes to artists?"

    The proper analogy would be the paint brush company selling the brush to the artist, then making them pay again for painting with it or for displaying & selling their work.

    LL adds insult to injury by requiring the artist to pay upload fees and tier for a place to display their work and sell it from. This while those who don't contribute don't have to pay a cent. Do you think this is fair to the artist?

    "Honestly, if you truly feel this way about them, why do you support them by your mere presence on the grid, adding to the concurrency numbers?"

    Because I like the friends I've made in SL, like the music & the colorful eye candy. What I especially like is the free music tastefully selected by talented DJs and streamed commercial free.

    "And if you care so much about the artists why aren't you buying their works?"

    Sometimes I do. When I do, it's with $L I acquired inworld somehow. I like to shop in SL. It's just that I'm not going to buy $L with real money.

    "Why should I have to tolerate you free loading in the world that my hard earned dollars are paying for?"

    You have no choice but to tolerate "freeloaders" like me & the "vast majority" of other SL residents who play for free. You don't set corporate policy. LL does, and they've decided ~doubtless correctly~ that if they didn't offer free accounts there'd be no newbies. So if you don't like us "freeloaders" take your beef to LL. See if they'll listen to you ... LOL :matte-motes-tongue:


  18. Venus Petrov wrote:

    Perrie Juran wrote:

    It is like what I said to Torley regarding Void departing the Forum, that it had degraded to a 'us verses them' atmosphere rather than a working together to make it a pleasant and vibrant place to post.


    I do not think Void's departure had anything to do with 'us v them' atmosphere.  She had a question that was unanswered so she left.  She was very public about giving two week's notice (and, actually, it was closer to three).

    I miss Void.

    She & I didn't always agree but she was one of the most interesting, intelligent & knowledgable posters I've seen on this forum. She didn't understand genetics very well, and especially not phylogentic algorithms but she & I had a very interesting debate about these issues and she was willing to learn. Her willingness to learn, instead of dogmatically holding to a position regardless of how stupid... is no doubt one of the reasons she knew so much. She was disgusted with the way LL treated her. They ran her off due to the disrespect they showed towards her and by so doing, we all lost a valuable contributor to this forum.

    How can people defend a souless, profit-driven corporation who treats people this way? Who makes creative people pay them to upload the content they create? Who lives off the creativity of talented people like a hookworm in the gut lives off your blood & tissues? Who arbitrarily bans people for expressing an opinion?

    I've not even been here 6 months yet & already I've seen several bright & interesting people disappear, either because they were banned or they decided to leave because they no longer felt that participation in this insipid forum was worth their time. What I wonder is what the rest of us are even still doing here ...


  19. Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

    kattatonia Wickentower wrote:

    JeanneAnne wrote:

    Rene Erlanger wrote:

    Nope, I didn't like her one bit.......she should have been institutionalized!

    Darn! Sorry I missed her ...


    I never liked her.  She attacked me when i was a noob, on my very first post in the forums. I guess maybe she thought i was a sock puppet or something but I don't care. It was mean.  I won't ever forget it, even though she erased the thread so there's no evidence of it. But mostly i just ignored her, her video replies rarely added anything to the conversation - so I stopped playing them.
    Later on I felt sorry for her, nobody deserves the treatment she got in various blogs that raked her over the coals.

    She attacked me on the GD forum, and not because she thought I was an alt.  To excuse her behavior by suggesting that she thought everyone was an alt is nonsense.   She attacked becsuse she was an attack-pit-bull-personality, and she delighted in harassing, insulting, and belittling people.  After she attacked me, she persisted for 3 straight months, dogging my every comment with insults, digs, and trolling.  

    I left the GD forums for a while, and as soon as I posted there again, she started right back up with the same thing..insulting me and comment stalking.  She did too scores of people, and made the GD forum a hellish place.  She posted vile insults to me and about me.  She went to off-site forums and posted stuff with my name, she posted a picture of my avatar, after she looked it, she profile stalked me.  Feel sorry for her?!  Never.  

    Plus, I saw what she posted about people in her blog and off-site forums...it was extremely insulting, name calling, etc.  She even did that to LL staff, personally, I think she got banned from here.  But, whatever is the reason, I say good riddance.  


    @ Jeanne...no my little flower-child, you are lucky you missed her.  She'd have taken one look at your posts and made your forum life pure hell.   


    I'm sorry that happened to you Celestiall.

    Maybe you're right.. Maybe I am lucky to have missed her...

    But I would like to see a bit more controversy, a bit more fire, a bit more drama if you will.. in this forum. It's boring as it is.

    As for her or anyone else making my forum life pure hell... Naww... That only happens if you let it. I woulduv prolly played with her. Maybe I woulduv ignorned her. I might have even liked her! for all I know... & joined in with her for fun. I dunno. But I sure wouldn't have let her make my forum life pure hell. I woulduv quit participating in the forum before that happened.



  20. sheerpetal Roussel wrote:

    Hi guys, i'm writing here because i got a problem.

    I've just came back after a year of inactivity and i decided to open a new store...my old store was DAD DESIGN'S and the new one is LOVE.

    DAD DESIGNS'S has been opened for 3 years, i've sold thousands of products, including items priced 20.000\25.000 linden and i NEVER had a problem.

    With the new store, i had already 3 bad reviews in few days, but since i'm not a rookie in SL, i know that those are just personal attack by the same person, with different nicknames (3 italian avatars, no pics, no interests, no payment info used and they wrote almost the same things).

    I don't believe in coincidences and first of all, I know exactly how to build all my products, i try them over and over and they are all exposed in my store, so that anybody can try every item before the purchase.

    Merchants have several rules to follow and I want to know if there is a check for the people who write these things.      

    This is an embarassing situation and i'm getting tired of these evils.

    What should I do and what do you advise me to do?   




    So you have an unscrupulous competitor who uses alts to post bad reviews of your products in the belief that doing so will stifle competition and thereby drive up sales of their own products?

    How is this not a legitimate business practice under the paradigm of dog-eat-dog capitalism?

    How is this not just one more example of how the entire paradigm is rotten?

    Why don't you do the same thing? Make a bunchuv alts & bad mouth all your competitors' stuff. Turn around is fair play, right?

    LL would have to pay staff to look into abuses like these. They are all about laying people off, not hiring people to look into this kind of thing. After all, they care about their own profit, not yours. The pittance you pay them in upload fees & tier does not offset the wages of someone they'd have to hire in order to provide you with the support you deserve.

    My advice to you is to just suck it up. The way LL runs SL, such things as you describe is only to be expected. Not that it's right, not that it's ethical ... just that such abuses are inherent to LL's predatory business model. This being the case, there isn't much you can do about it, besides...

    Enjoy SL for free!!! :smileyhappy:


  21. Deltango Vale wrote:

    ...but Linden Lab seems to have zero interest in resident feedback. After a while, one thinks of Linden Lab as a kind of mad monarch, Ludwig II of Bavaria, perhaps, or Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary or some, weird, African dictator.

    LoL Deltango...

    I bet Ludwig & Franz, or Idi Amin & Ras Tafari, had their zealous acolytes ever ready to jump to the defense of the mad monarch, too... Just like this forum has its LL toadies ... :matte-motes-tongue:


  22. Rene Erlanger wrote:

    Well said Nataly Moonwall! :matte-motes-smile:

    Oh come on ... Her's was a barely coherent diatribe.

    You only think it was "well said" because it reinforces your prejudices. LoL

    Just another example of how forum bullies work together to stifle the expression of any views besides their own.


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