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Codex Alpha

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Everything posted by Codex Alpha

  1. Sephina Frostbite wrote: I know how how you feel. I RARELY leave a bad review. When I do it is because of constructive criticisms and not because I didn't understand the product and I want to throw a baby fit. It is never attacking or demeaning. Just the issue I am having and why I think the product is horrid or as I say, "Not for me" I wrote a review on a product that I purchased several of because I believed it was me who was having an issue a few thousand linden later I realized it was the product it self. So I wrote a review reflecting my issue. I was stalked and harassed by the creator for a year! It was ridiculous. I just went through that recently myself. The seller's tactics at making me look like the devil were very successful, as I have documented my experience here.
  2. Heavenly Villa wrote: I am just wondering what people think about marketplace reviews. Specifically, do designers feel if it is ok or not ok to ask a customer to change a negative review to a positive one? Do designers feel its ok to ask a customer to change a review if they address the issue the customer raised? Or are customers entitled to put whatever they want without any pressure being put on them by designers to change a review? My view is if a customer raises an issue or concern, the designer addresses that specifically and does their best to fix it. It is up to the customer if they then wish to change the review they put. This is how I operate as a builder. What are others thoughts? I believe everyone should be able to leave their honest reviews of a product, without fear of repercussions from the seller. If we can't do that as customers, then the feature should be removed. I recently wrote a lower-rating review for a product I bought, that fell short in a few areas, especially when compared to how it was advertised. The seller contacted me in IMs pretty much scolding me for not reading the instructions, apparently 'misunderstanding' how the ad was written and what the product would actually deliver, and that he would be glad to give me a refund if I removed the review. I wasn't so wanting a refund, nor was I that unhappy. I was just giving my impression and opinion of the product, something that didn't seem to be happening with the numerous 5 star raving reviews (but with no supporting statements why) that existed prior to mine. I used the product and didnt understand how people could give it 5 stars so easy. Of course , I had no intention of removing my review, refund or not. Why should I have to for any reason? That's not how it works in my opinion. It is a review - defined as a critique or evaluation of the product. Especially after having a very condescending scold about how I should buy products in the future, etc. The seller however said I would not get a refund without removing the review. Totally inappropriate. I didnt care about a refund, I cared about making my opinion of the product known, so that it could be improved, and if I hated it too badly then yeah maybe a refund. After removing the review, the seller failed to refund in a timely manner anyway. Feeling I was being bamboozled, I put the review back up. The seller decided to attack and bully me intensely, even going so far as to post the original review online on his blog as if he was 'exposing' my lies on the subject. Now I was being portrayed as extorting the seller for a refund using a bad review to do it. Utter nonsense. The situation escalated, and my review was removed presumably by LL.(did seller flag?) Thanks LL, I'm sure the seller will be quite happy having only mostly positive reviews on his product for the next buyer to find out. So now I have a less-than-stellar product, no refund, and no review (that was originally made without malice and represented my critique of the product). I still own the product, should I repost a review? Probably not worth the risk to reputation, and probably my account. So the seller's tactic of bullying less than favourable reviews was a success in the end. Therefore, I propose we remove the review function altogether. I can't trust that the reviews for a product are even accurate, after this experience. When you're looking at purchasing a $L 6000 building tool from the marketplace, UMM NO I DONT THINK SO. Way too serious. When I write a review, it is my opinion on the product, and I should be allowed to write it. The end result is that I probably will not be writing any more reviews on the marketplace, the most being positive, but I've had such a negative time with the less than 5 star reviews from sellers, its not worth using it. It also makes me want to remove all POSITIVE reviews I've written as well, because you shouldn't have one without the ability to have the other as well. I also don't believe sellers that have NO negative reviews up,due to my recent experience I cannot consider review sections valid anymore. As a seller, if I receive a bad review (I've only had one), I just deal with it as best I can, as patiently as I can. In this case, it was just usability issue created by not having Advanced Lighting on to see light intensity changes in the product I created. The customer removed the negative review which pretty much was "1 star: Does not work", although I wish that he had rewritten or resubmitted his review after now figuring out how it worked, but oh well. The review gave me valuable insight and taught me about the issue for the future, so it was a win-win for both of us. To me a review, good or bad, is valuable information on how I can improve my product, what usability, scripting or practical problems may come up that I can't always be aware of, and the general popularity of the product and happiness of the customer. I prefer any review over no reviews. Sometimes positive ones say nothing either. Its from your most critical customers that you learn the most about your product or service. Having been in sales for most of my life, I understand that at most times, it will be the unhappy customers first who will voice their opinion, it just goes with the territory, and to not take it personally. Its Second Life. It's supposed to be a leisure activity, not a huge serious drama that should cause both parties to get bent out of shape. But hey, when a 'game' or 'virtual environment' and for some its economy is depended on for RL bill payments and mortgages, then stakes DO get quite serious.. at the cost of the experience of new users, who simply don't stay.
  3. When I log into the Aditi beta test grid, I am not started at the default sandbox anymore, but on a piece of random land, which of course doesn't allow me to upload meshes, etc, though the land seems to be set to allowing people to rez and build on it.. What can I do to fix this issue, or to set the starting landmark to the beta sandbox? What happened?
  4. Pamela Galli wrote: entity0x wrote: Thanks Tari -- I had not read carefully enough to understand that the OP was well aware that the wall had a mix of free and non free items on it, before she ever bought the 99L item. Another example of what is to me a very bizarre outlook on life, wherein people are never responsible for their own mistakes. (And add to that the assumption that everyone in forums, etc., is like one's mother, and cares about every slight or injustice incurred, no matter how trivial.) You should try not to be so judgemental, and eager to jump down a forum poster's throat, when in the end it was a simple TYPO. All we know about you is what you reveal in your posts here. What we have learned is that you make mistakes -- like clicking yes when you meant no, or "getting forum options mixed up", or typing the exact opposite of what you meant to say -- and blame someone else. Everyone makes mistakes. But not everyone refuses to take responsibility for his mistakes like an adult. We? Are you a spokesperson for a group? This is not about mistakes or blame, this about making a post about something that happens in some in-world stores many times, and warning others about it. This is not court. I am not on trial. If you have nothing to say about the OP, you should keep your personal attacks to yourself.
  5. Second Life 3.7.5 Viewer always sending Crash reports on exit. 1) Made sure to do a complete fresh install, including deleting of cache, preferences, installations, viewer links, and folders. 2) Problem can be replicated; simply start the viewer and exit, and always sends a Crash Report. - many times, even minutes after the Viewer has been closed, another crash logger report appears, sometimes up to 4. 3) Must go into Task Manager and ensure the Viewer is closed at times. NOTE: FIrestorm no issues.
  6. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: entity0x wrote: Man, many of you regular posters are just downright nasty. Wall is advertised as a 'free script' wall, with most clicks being $L99. IS A TYPO. The correct statement IS Wall is advertised as a 'free script' wall with most clicks being $L0. Sheesh. Its absurd how quick some respondents are in hanging people on this forum. This is not a court of law. So why don't you edit it and fix the typo? It's been two days. For some reason I thought I couldn't. I guess I got some forum options mixed up between sites. Usually the OP is locked out after the first reply.
  7. I have tried that, making sure all ad blockers are off, and using a clean alternate browser, and I cannot see the contents to edit, and therefore must remove listings if I want to update a product. I also have the issue of old 'removed' listings still showing up in the "add related items' page on the 'edit product listing' page, which can be quite confusing. When do these old listings get removed? Thanks.
  8. Perrie Juran wrote: Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Correct me if I'm wrong but dont you have to confirm purchases? The OP did say: "Its interesting that after you click a few to view what comes in the contents, that you find one that might be of interest for study, and before I could do anything, my mindless clicking did a nice purchase for $L99." Probably clicked "Pay" instead of "Cancel." I guess you could say this was just another case of an itchy clicky finger... And even long time users (points at myself) get it occasionally. New users may be more at risk of an "honest mistake" on this. I do understand what the OP is talking about with vendor walls. Whether you want to call the pratice "shady" is up for grabs. Only some of the items on the wall will be free so if you are not careful, ouch. It will only be an 'honest mistake' if the seller replies to me, and the mistake is corrected. Otherwise it is no longer an honest mistake. And it would be hard pressed to prove how or why a seller would include items in a "FREEBIE" section that are paid when side by side there are $0L priced items. These aren't stores with freebies littered inside. these are stores advertised as FREEBIE or $L 1 shopping outlets.
  9. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Correct me if I'm wrong but dont you have to confirm purchases? Yes, but are you expecting a $99L purchase on a $0L wall?
  10. Thanks Tari -- I had not read carefully enough to understand that the OP was well aware that the wall had a mix of free and non free items on it, before she ever bought the 99L item. Another example of what is to me a very bizarre outlook on life, wherein people are never responsible for their own mistakes. (And add to that the assumption that everyone in forums, etc., is like one's mother, and cares about every slight or injustice incurred, no matter how trivial.) You should try not to be so judgemental, and eager to jump down a forum poster's throat, when in the end it was a simple TYPO.
  11. Really? The OP actually said the freebie wall had...well, let me c&p, it's easier... "Wall is advertised as a 'free script' wall, with most clicks being $L99. Its interesting that after you click a few to view what comes in the contents, that you find one that might be of interest for study, and before I could do anything, my mindless clicking did a nice purchase for $L99." Bold emphasis mine of course. The OP said this "$0l freebie wall was covered with mostly $99l items...... Is that not the first indication that the wall was CLEARLY mixed with $0l and $99l items, so one should be aware of where it is they are clicking? lol That was a typo. Clearly I was discussing a $0L wall. I did purchase several $L0 (that ended up being one line scripts I could find on LSL wiki anyway), and didnt expect one to be $99L... Not that the Op, or anyone, ought to be raked over the coals, but come on...It was not some deviant merchant here for cryng out loud. It was a mistake on the OP's part, and probably something many of us have done before...clicked something to buy it without necessarily paying the best attention. I know I've done it. I can't imagine blaming the merchant for my own carelessness, lol. That's just ridiculous. Regardless of the price, it wasn't the merchant's actions that caused anything. Nor would I consider it a scam if a "freebie" wall is litered with *some* $0l items, and mostly $99l items. That seems, to me, to be a very strange assumption. "Carelessness" happens when you purchase several items on an advertised FREEBIE wall and all are $OL, and one happens to be $99L. And who else do you blame for seller 'mistakes'? THough that really wasnt the point of the OP, that was how it was interpreted. Op...it happens, lol. It wasn't the merchant "nailing" or "tricking" you, nor is it something we all, including noobs" need "warned" about. That is a matter of opinion. Unless your warning is to pay closer attention to what *you are doing. In that case, yes, everyone ought to do tha, new and old alike. I thought that was my OP was about. Its only respondents who turned this into a kangaroo court. No need to rake a merchant over the coals anymore than you'd rake someone who made the mistake over the coals. I dont think I did. I didnt mention names, nor stores. However, at the end of the day, it is the MERCHANTS responsibilty for mistakes. In the meantime, yes, friendly reminders to 'mind your clicks' is fine.
  12. Use a newbie, an alt with no money and you are safe from being a victim for this ruthless trick Doing this also makes it easy to keep a lot of garbage out of you main alt's inventory Thanks, like I said, after clicking on probably 100 boxes (as one can get in the habit of when shopping), you simply arent expecting something to be $99L when everything else on the wall was $0L. Respondents should be replying "Yeah, its a good thing to do, to double check prices on stuff sometimes", but the responses are more about blaming the OP.
  13. Yes thank God someone has alerted us to this devious scheme by unscrupulous "merchants" to trick people into clicking on something! You're welcome.
  14. Well with the amount of people who filter through freebie areas daily I'd assume it wouldn't be hard to accidently trick 100 people a day. So 100 x .4 = $40, thats not a bad daily gain for doing nothing Especially when the 'mistake' happens in many freebie stores, I just usually avoid them. I just happened to get nailed again, did a facepalm and said to myself "aww man, just got nailed $99 for a one line script" lol
  15. So a larcenous store owner made this entire wall and put freebies all over it for the purpose of tricking someone into accidentally spending 40 cents? Right. (40 cents for crying out loud.) Shady or not, it's something to remember when clicking in a Freebie store. Because it happens.. I just needed a reminder obviously since it's been a while since I've done it, but I was looking for a specific script to study for a task of mine.
  16. So, the merchant made a mistake with the pricing. You made a mistake with mindlessly buying it. I thought I communicated that fact in my OP. I neither see shady practises here nor one mistake being worse than the other. Let the merchant know about the pricing misshap, if it was a mistake they'll fix the pricing on the vendor and refund your purchase. If they don't do either then yeah, you can cry wolf. Until then? Be mad at yourself and the mistake you made. Good thing I wasn't asking for your judgement on the matter. I posted to remind people that mindlessly clicking at Freebie stores is dangerous. Note: this isnt the only store that this occurs - MANY large and well known FREEBIE outlets also have several "mistakes' as well.
  17. Man, many of you regular posters are just downright nasty. Wall is advertised as a 'free script' wall, with most clicks being $L99. IS A TYPO. The correct statement IS Wall is advertised as a 'free script' wall with most clicks being $L0. Sheesh. Its absurd how quick some respondents are in hanging people on this forum. This is not a court of law. FACTS: 1) The script WAS embedded and surrounded by FREEBIE $0L Scripts. 2) The entire wall was advertised as FREE SCRIPTS 3) Whether the merchant intended this to be nefarious or not is unknown. It certainly can be interpreted as such, because I'm sure it's not the first time it's happened. Its also not very honest to leave such a mistake up on a wall for more people to hit. I did contact the creator of the product, and no response has been made on the matter. In my OP, I admitted that at that point, since I had been clicking on several products to view the contents and CANCELLING many of them, that this was a mindless click.. Unfortunately it was on a script that I was interested in, out of the entire wall, I DIDNT EXPECT THAT IT WAS $99L. In my mind, that's pretty dirty practice. Whether it is only $0.40 cents or not is irrelevant. So my statement stands Beware those $0L Freebie walls, you'll get nailed.
  18. NOTE: Posted without prejudice and as a means to discuss issues in 2nd Life only. I am not responsible if you are somehow getting bent out of shape by a post I make. BEWARE, its like playing Minesweeper out there! My bad, I guess I need a reminder every so often as I mindlessly look through several freebie stores to see what I can pick up for cheap props to use in the background, or machinima, today I was in a free script shop. Wall is advertised as a 'free script' wall, with most clicks being $L99. TYPO THANKS FOR THE PATIENT RESPONSES! Wall is advertised as a 'free script' wall, (in a freebie store) with most clicks being $L0. Its interesting that after you click a few to view what comes in the contents, that you find one that might be of interest for study, and before I could do anything, my mindless clicking did a nice purchase for $L99. As if inworld stores don't have a challenge to get and keep people coming to their stores, tactics like this can be interpreted as pretty shady; it hasn't been the first time a paying item is embedded in a see of FREEBIE clicks. I'm sure in my noobie days in SL I've given away several hundred Lindens, not realizing that 'cash sound' actually took out cash that time. My bad. I got soft. Thanks for the reminder. Everyone else, beware those mindless clicks on in-world merchandise. Things like this keep people dealing on the marketplace, where it's safe and has almost too many 'really buy?" windows. UPDATE April 30, 2014: Seller has not responded to the issue, and the 'mistake' still remains in-world.
  19. I thought I was connecting to the beta test server to test some stuff, but the server does not start me out in the sandbox as it has always done before. What happened?
  20. 10/10 non creators artists leave and never come back. They simply don't know where, why, how, who or what to do. They're expecting a 'game' with goals, achievements and victory conditions. Add to that unexpected lag, slow to load sims and areas, SL simply can't keep the majority of modern impatient achievement-seeking 'players' it requires to keep it at the top, and give content creators a reason to stay. I use SL mainly as another art media, in a variety of ways, but with no audience, traffic and regular visitors sometimes it seems like its a waste of time, and feels like a ghost town. SL needs updating, a 'fresh' overhaul, new ad campaign, and 'in-environment' training or encouragement for content creators to optimize their meshes and textures to help sims load fast. Land rentals should be made much more affordable then they are now, so that more users can utilize the millions of square kilometers that now stand empty or abandoned. Don't have all the answers, but when I'm the only one left out of a group of 20 users, something needs to get fixed.
  21. This is still continuing in some capacity today. I found this nifty little fact out today as I was trying to position avatar poses in some furniture and wondering for the life of me what the hell was going on., Apparently I had used "Stop animating me" due to certain tools making me do that for some reason, and in the LL Viewer (even after full re-install and default preferences) continued to revoke animation permissions in the background with no notice. Dora Gustafson helped me work it out (or at least be a good sounding board) as we worked together to figure out why I was having the issues I was having. In the end it took a fresh install of Firestorm to find out that the issue was with some revoke setting in the LL Viewer. Until I can figure out how to reset it (already tried experimenting in debug settings), I have to use Firestorm when I want to work with posing and positioning tools in SL. This had been happening for months in some of my home regions for months, I just thought the tools were flawed. I consider myself a power user and a very good troubleshooter, and even this had me stumped for months.
  22. Come try some shops at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Olber/94/62/40 Let's help this landowner get going, see what happens, and you'll save in the long run as a new store owner. $60L / 50 prims.
  23. I think SL users haven't gone far enough. I think they should replicate RL into SL as much as they can. We already have people concerned with privacy/intrusion, land rights, taxes, fees and market levies, lets regulate everything. Let's tax, fine, regulate, punish, and ban SL'ers when they break these replicated rules in SL. After all, who wouldn't want to replicate RL in SL? Cuz thats why we come to SL right? So we can live by RL statutes? That way everyone can be just as antisocial, detached and selfish as they are in RL. Man I do have fun from time to time 'trespassing' on people's 'property', doing nothing but stand there, or help myself to a virtual sandwich from their virtual fridge, and watch them rage or ban me, for absolutely no hostile act in what is supposed to be a SOCIAL environment.
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