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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. Pussycat Catnap wrote: ..., in a 100 years they will remember Gates, ..., Gates will be remembered for what he did -after- leaving his toy company. Think Andrew Carnegie). that a way interesting point about Bill Gates. am agree with what you said + i always had M$ products mostly. i had a ubuntu for a short time i get off my friend bc i break my lappy. and had to wait to save up to get another one. i never had any Apple or Google anything ever even now i use the Bing search and all my emails i got on hotmail and live and i use the skydrive for stuff as well sometimes i kinda thought if i can get spied on and scraped to death on the interwebz then might as well just get done over by one company. not that M$ ever care about what i do anyways. all they ever want off me is my money. dont think i really rate any attention in their evol boardrooms plottings (: i got some friends who give me heaps about this to. say M$ the evol empires and all that. and apple and google is the whole way cool everwever and save teh planet and make like windmills and all that + i never say much bc i just think is kinda funny that many of all them billions dollars that we give to M$ now getting spent on provide basic healthcare and attack extreme poverty all round the world. and the gwoogle eye happle munchie munch munchs like them friends of mine q; (: seems to think is way more important for the world, to make solar powered unicycles so you not have to pedal all the time save teh planet is ok to do and bendy windmills and even half ride unicycles. but i like to help save people as well if i can + so i keep give to my now fav charity. and they give me stuff like rewards for doing that. like a free hotmail (: and i like to go in their fund-raising raffle that they run together with this other outfit, to win a new lappy. like cost $1,400 a ticket last time i entered. and i won. jejejejjee (:
  2. Charolotte Caxton wrote: The girl's first appearance into our hearts, um, thread. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Curiouser-and-curiouser/m-p/1010803#M16976 i total forgot about that. i just have a read of them again. jejejejjeje (: Janelle is really clever how she done those. am jealous of her (:
  3. Deltango Vale wrote: Here is info on UK VAT: http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/vat/start/register/when-to-register.htm Note: "You can't register for VAT if you aren't in business according to the definition that HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) uses for VAT purposes." That applies to the UK (which is probably the easiest country in the EU to register a business). Other EU countries have their own requirements, restrictions, procedures, application forms and miles of red tape. Good luck registering a business in France or Portugal. Most mom and pop businesses in SL have no clue how to register a business in RL. SL wasn't designed for megacorporations with hundreds of lawyers and tax accountants. SL was designed for the little guy. It was one of the great virtues of SL that John or Jane could buy some land, use photoshop to make some clothes and sell them. The little guy had a chance to do something positive and constructive without having to first get a law degree. thanks (: + i read on that link in section titled: "You supply goods to the UK from abroad, or intend to start" "Common examples are mail order and Internet sales. If the value of your distance sales in the calendar year from 1 January goes over the distance selling threshold, currently £70,000, you must register for UK VAT. You can also register voluntarily, if you are trading below the threshold or you intend to start trading." so looks like linden have to register in UK for VAT. am assume that linden doing more than 70,000 pounds business in UK + can understand what you saying about EUlittle black dress makers in SL and how that VAT can be an impost on them trying to earn a little bit money for themselves. even for some RL things, like to help pay their power bill, buy new computer and softwares even can only really go back to where this all started from here. and we done it all to death already i think and i just end up repeat myself i i do that. so i wont (:
  4. Ciaran Laval wrote: 16 wrote: the blog not take into accountt that EU entrepreneurs, if they are actual entrepreneurs, can claim back any VAT that is collected off them by linden. offset against the VAT that they should be collecting from their own customers/clients.which they actually should be doing under the EU taxcode. and how many of them were doing that at the time? like none probably. VAT, in the UK anyway, would only be due on service charges outside of Second Life, such as Paypal payments. Linden dollar transactions are not within the scope of VAT, which would mean someone who only deals in Linden Dollar transactions is at the end of the VAT cycle, meaning they pay it, there's nowt to offset.. thats quite interesting so if i was a UK land baron and linden charge me VAT then i can claim it back on my return? and bc any L$ i might get off my tenants is not a VAT-rateable acivity? then i end up with quite a big tax credit? is how that would work here where i live. so just wonder if is the same in UK? or not? if so then if under the old ways when linden was sell/rent sims to EU/UK inclusive of VAT then that be quite a big advantage to a EU/UK land baron if it works the same way as here that is
  5. Phil Deakins wrote: I haven't read the N.Y.TImes article but I can state with absolute certainty that no country can make laws that people/businesses in other countires, that have no presence in the country that made the law, have to comply with. So, since LL has no presence in the EU, they do not have to collect VAT from EU residents. They had to collect it when they had a presence in the EU but not any more. They collect it now by choice and not by necessity. my understanding of the EU legislation is that a foreign company wishing to do business in the EU with EU citizens has to have a legal presence in the EU (in some EU countries) for tax purposes even if they not have any physical assets or staff even the companies normally have a fiscal/legal agent for this purpose. is quite a minefield tho bc in some EU countries this is voluntary and in others is compulsory to have an agent. and where is compulsory then you legal/tax liable i think linden took the easiest tax compliance route and just charge everyone from EU the VAT and their agent hand it over to the countries involved. dunno exactly but seems like this is what they doing
  6. Phil Deakins wrote: 16 wrote: ps i just want to make more clear about the VAT invoices if we both are VAT registered and i pay you for a service and can show to tax auditor that i paid the money then even if you dont provide me with a VAT invoice then i can still claim the VAT back on my return. you still have to pay the VAT to the taxman. the tax liability is not dependent on you issuing a actual invoice or not if you are VAT registered edit: this actual is what i meant to say above which i wrote wrong (: If I am VAT registered and I collect VAT, I do have to pay that VAT to the taxman (Custom & Excise in the UK) regardless of invoices. That's true. But I was talking about a country making a law (as in my last post). am not quite sure what you mean now (: maybe the VAT law a bit different in UK to where i am. so am moslty going off how it works here like if in this example, using linden just bc if i pay linden say $100 in total for a GST-rateable service and they pay, or even not pay, any GST then i am entitled as a GST registered taxpayer to claim a GST credit on the $100 as if they had the judiicial principle being that i am not responsible for linden paying, or not paying, GST on what is a GST-rateable activity. the Courts upheld that on quite a few cases here. the Judges always rule that is the responsibility of the Tax Dept to ensure that linden pay their taxes and not mine
  7. IvanTwin Rogers wrote: Yours dont know Governor Linden? Governor Linden LOL,:matte-motes-evil-grin: I know all about the Gobernor Linden, but i cant say its a secret. but i love Governor Linden to the End! at least you still got a sense of humour. so is lots of hope for you yet (: i think you going to do pretty good in SL. end up being a great survivor of SL like quite a few of us else. despite all the stuff that linden seems to want to enrage us with (:
  8. ps am going to make a big political rant now: so people can tune out now if they havent fallen asleep alreadly q; ( + on discriminatory taxes am going to say something now which may seem to be like a contradicton to everything i have said before so far. is not a contradiction tho bc is a political argument and not a fiscal argument i am total opposed to GST/VAT tax laws (indirect taxtion). they are total negative discrimination against the lower income households in society example by arithmetic costs $100 to keep a household alive in the society low household have income of $100 high household have income of $200 the low household total income is fully subject to tax at source. bc they must spend all their income to stay alive the high household only have to spend half their income to stay alive and have an effective tax rate of half their income. the other half they "invest" creating even higher income for themselves. and for them who are not "savvy" investors then they lose. which help to push previous high income earning households who like trusted their "investment" advisors down into the low income households + is actual happening now right across the world this is. the middle class downward drift. is the direct result of the move in the last few decades from direct taxtion to indirect taxation and the distortions to the wealth generating parts of the economy that this creates distortions that lead to more and more appeals to the State for tax reliefs to different sectors, both business and individuals. which governments, of both left and right leanings, always end up doing and so create even more distortions the proponents of indirect taxation argue that is "better" bc indirect taxtion is discretionary. like you dont have to buy stuff you know. the huge hole which they like total fake ignore is the arithmetic people who argue that indirect taxtion is better for society as a whole are really callous and even say things like get a real job to justify themselves. they not ever learn from history what happens when this kinda societal thinking reaches its final and real outcome every single time stuff starts burning. people included + the answer as far as i am concerned is direct income tax and asset tax and thats all + is quite amazing to me when i am listen to people going on about the wonders of the Market with a big ginormous M. is even more amazing when they start rabbit on and quote Adam Smith "The Wealth of Nations" when i say to them have you actual read the precursor to this works. Mr Smiths "Theory of Moral Sentiments" they go waaazzzdattt !!! most times. and like anyways what do morality have to do with the big M and i just end up laughing most times. bc if i not then i will cry (: + just want to finish on a SL specific thing is quite interesting about linden try to make the Prim Tax in the early times. that was actual a asset tax. like more assets on your lands then pay more tax can see how well that went down tho lol with the: we not want no taxes pitchfork army of SL so we end up with land tax/tiers instead . and lol we end up pay more taxes this way in the end + /rant off. no wait! rant back on bc i am always rant on about this forever and ever and evah (: :
  9. on discriminatory tax regime/collecting + where i live we got a VAT-like tax. GST if i am a small entrepreneur (like my entreprenerial revenue does not meet the min threshold) then i am not required to be registered for GST. each country that have GST/VAT-like taxes has dif min levels for this bc i am legal not GST-registered then i am not obliged to collect GST from my customers. nor may i bc i am not GST-registered (registration makes me a tax collection agent for the State) so. if i make an invoice for $100 for a service i sell to you, on which i cannot include/add the GST then you have to pay me $100 which i keep all off and declare as revenue subject to income tax but if you are GST-registered (even if i am not) then you can claim back $16.60 (about?) of the $100 you paid me on your GST return even tho i am not legal able to provide you with a GST invoice. is the same in every other VAT/GST country pretty much how this works has been a whole lot of court cases about this all round the world. and the Tax depts have lost them all pretty much everytime bc of the principle/ that you cant have a tax code that says you have to collect taxes on every income dollar and not be able to claim a tax credit on every expenditure that would otherwise be claimable (actual paid or not) given that the tax code cant be discriminatory except by the express will of Parliament/Congress encoded in specific exempting legislation. is a judcial argument this one and the Courts all over always uphold these kinda principles whenever is tested + so anyways, the nett effect is. no GST/VAT is ever paid to the taxman on the $100. and you get to keep the actual $16.60 (about?) that you get off me. quite often when people who not know this go waahhh!!! when they hear about it. but is judicial reasons for it like i say already so next (: therefore bc of this i can take your rationale and make an argument that if we both buy the same amount of tiers off linden then linden should give me a discount (and not you) so that is more equal. like more fair for me bc we not just talking now about my bi-relationship with linden all by itself. we talking about the tri-relationship between you me and linden and how come i am being disadvantaged in this by a 4th party - the taxman in my own country is really woolly this kind of argument tho. it happens all the time when people demand a "positive" discrimination in their favour and we always end up with total distortions in the tax code and wider economy. a demand driven/motivated by the inherent distortionary effect of the tax code itself and its actual application in practice + the valid part of your argument is that reduction in tiers may lead to increase revenues for linden through more people in total buying tiers is a straight fiscal argument is this so i not have any problem when is argued on this basis but when is presented as a positive discrimination to somehow compensate for a distortion created by the tax code (which is your actual argument) then is pretty much rubbish just say like to say that you are not rubbish personally. just the argument you are making
  10. Deltango Vale wrote: You didn't read the article either. I challenge people to actually read the article. like a lot of other bloggers at the time. the blog argue that LL should effective continue to reduce the price of tiers to EU entrepreneurs and claimed that this would increase the linden gross revenues obtained from EU entrepreneurs the blog not take into accountt that EU entrepreneurs, if they are actual entrepreneurs, can claim back any VAT that is collected off them by linden. offset against the VAT that they should be collecting from their own customers/clients.which they actually should be doing under the EU taxcode. and how many of them were doing that at the time? like none probably it also claim that bc linden did not continue to provide EU entrepreneurs reduced tiers over US customers (by swallow the VAT) then the appreciation of the US dollar against the euro means that SL is unaffordable to EU entrepreneurs this blog was written at the time the euro was at a alltime high against the US$. 1.37 for goodness sake not bad for the EU "entrepreneur" when the US$/euro started out at 1.00 even. what the EU "entrepreneur" had was an effective and steady reduction in the amount of euros actually required for reals to buy tiers over the whole time since SL ever started an effective and steady erosion of the value of EU revenues earned by linden since forever. which got paid its tiers by EU entrepreneurs in US$ bought with euros + that whole poor me argument from EU "entrepreneurs" at the time was rubbish. was like they couldnt count or something. still cant by the sounds of it seems like i specially loooove teh conclusion "There is more to it than money. The once-harmonious relationship between Americans and Europeans has come under increasing stress because of discriminatory pricing. The issue ran like an open sore for months as European entrepreneurs bled out of the game – never to return because of the recent rise of the dollar against European currencies. If SL is to be an American game, no problem, but unless LL reverses its policy of discriminatory pricing, it’s nonsense to pretend Second Life will become a ‘global village’ in the face of massive regional disincentives. A restaurant that turns away customers to save electricity is bad enough, but one that does so by setting higher menu prices for foreigners is unlikely to remain convivial." lol. which part ot 1.00 to 1.37 was stressing them out ??? even more lol. like lolololol was some EU "entrepreneurs" at the time even try argue that linden should keep swallow the VAT to compensate the "entrepreneurs" who cashed out of SL in US$ and had to repatriate them to their own country and "lost" money on doing this when they convert to their own currency the euro was nutso when i heard that one lol + even with all the problems in EU today the US$/euro is at 1.24. more than the VAT even now still. so yeah the EU "entrepreneur" still doing pretty good compare to their US counterparts. well them that can count anyways
  11. ps i just want to make more clear about the VAT invoices if we both are VAT registered and i pay you for a service and can show to tax auditor that i paid the money then even if you dont provide me with a VAT invoice then i can still claim the VAT back on my return. you still have to pay the VAT to the taxman. the tax liability is not dependent on you issuing a actual invoice or not if you are VAT registered edit: this actual is what i meant to say above which i wrote wrong (:
  12. Phil Deakins wrote: 16 wrote: is another thing that sometimes gets missed in countries that got VAT-like laws then the tax code says is only payable once on any goods or service. so is no double-taxation. which is fair so a VAT-registered taxpayer can claim back any VAT that they have paid for goods and services against any VAT that they are due to pay in some tax periods it means that can even get a VAT credit and the tax department actual pays you money + so if a VAT-payable land baron gets their VAT paid by linden then they are still able to claim a VAT credit on the amount that linden paid so lets say: pay $100 include 11.11% VAT. then the baron can claim the VAT as a credit and only pay effective $89. so they get cheaper land than say a USA baron who have to pay the whole $100. and also get the social/society benefits of the taxes paid by linden + is this kinda thing that we can sometimes forget or disremember when we get stuck in our own personal o.m.gs That's not right. A VAT registered person/business can only claim the VAT back if a VAT invoice has been received (an invoice that itemises the actual VAT paid). VAT can't be claimed back if it hasn't been invoiced for and paid. For it to happen, LL would need to provide a VAT invoice to the user, as they do now if the user is VAT registered and requests it. When LL paid the VAT from company funds, no such invoices were offered, issued, or existed, so the user didn't pay any VAT to LL. What LL paid as VAT could not be claimed back by the user. yes thats right if i am a VAT registered taxpayer then LL have to provide me with a VAT invoice when i ask. i cant make a claim without it. and if i was a VAT registered EU land baron then i would ask linden dont have to provide a VAT invoice to anyone who doesnt ask for one. VAT registered or not + just on linden having to must collect/pay VAT from services provided to their EU customers. they still have to collect/pay the VAT even if they dont have a physical presence in the EU. they got no choice here is article about why http://www.nytimes.com/2002/05/08/business/worldbusiness/08iht-ecomm_ed3_.html dont think the EU law specfically targetted at companies like linden been changed since. maybe but dont think so
  13. is another thing that sometimes gets missed in countries that got VAT-like laws then the tax code says is only payable once on any goods or service. so is no double-taxation. which is fair so a VAT-registered taxpayer can claim back any VAT that they have paid for goods and services against any VAT that they are due to pay in some tax periods it means that can even get a VAT credit and the tax department actual pays you money + so if a VAT-payable land baron gets their VAT paid by linden then they are still able to claim a VAT credit on the amount that linden paid so lets say: pay $100 include 11.11% VAT. then the baron can claim the VAT as a credit and only pay effective $89. so they get cheaper land than say a USA baron who have to pay the whole $100. and also get the social/society benefits of the taxes paid by linden + is this kinda thing that we can sometimes forget or disremember when we get stuck in our own personal o.m.gs
  14. ps i find the whole argument that someone else should pay your taxes instead of you to be wrong on any kind of ethical basis in that whole argument on that blog is this huge contortion to make it seem that the person/company/org paying your taxes for you means that somehow they will be better off + is the exact same argument that "investors" make when justify why they should only pay like 15% of their income in taxes. and the person working for wages has to pay 28%. that somehow the wage earner is better off bc of the "benefits" that the 15% taxer can accrue for the whole society is rubbish
  15. Deltango Vale wrote: You did not read the article. I recommend you sit down and read it carefully. Those who have actually read it, got it. and i recommend that you not extrapolate the argument into something thats it not like "LL initiated a program of discriminatory pricing that drove the Europeans out of the market"
  16. sometimes (like quite often) i see things that arent what they actual are. and start to wonder and go wut??? wut???. i got a bit of a leaky brain sometimes (: like i see something like this post name: "Broke Girls Guide to SL" and i read it as "Broke Girl Guides to SL" and i start to wonder why they maybe going broke and will there soon be zillions of Girl Guides come to SL and knock on our pixel doors and sell us biscuits jejejjejee (:
  17. Dora G is da bomb (: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Scripting/NO-Camera-Position-Control-in-mouselook/m-p/1744423 can help mitigate this by zoom the mouselook camera: Ctrl+8 Ctrl+9 Ctrl+0 + Ctrl+0 is the one. it move the mouselook camera downwards past the clipping region. \o/
  18. Perrie Juran wrote: The issue is Scalability. While I don't understand all the technical aspects I think I understand the basic ideas here. http://www.cs.cornell.edu/people/~wmwhite/papers/2009-ICDE-Virtual-Worlds.pdf "Abstract—Networked virtual environments (net-VEs) are the next wave of digital entertainment, with Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOs) a very popular instance. Current MMO architectures are server-centric in that all game logic is executed at the servers of the company hosting the game. This architecture has lead to severe scalability problems, in particular since MMOs require realistic graphics and game physics – computationally expensive tasks that are currently computed centrally. We propose a distributed action based protocol for net-VEs that pushes most computation to the computers of the players and thereby achieves massive scalability. The key feature of our proposal is a novel distributed consistency model that allows us to explore the tradeoff between scalability, computational complexity at the server, and consistency. We investigate our model both theoretically and through a comprehensive experimental evaluation." Second Life, as explained in that article, has a very high computational complexity. It is simply it's nature, especially when compared to other MMO's. The data has to be broke down into manageable pieces relative to the available computational power available. Both Server and Client have to be taken into account. While it may be easy to say, "just make the SIM larger," all the data still has to be managed and processed. And while having fewer SIMs per server might possibly improve things Server side, there still will be the Client to deal with. A low end computer will still "lag" just as bad. like it says in the paper one of the models is to move to more client side computation. like with the new gfx cards capable of doing quite advanced computations now the main hole in doing this has been the games that require combat and leveling. if to much control specially over movement and physics is depend largely on client side computations then the people with more powerful computers will always/mostly win. it also makes it easier to hax the game mechanics so can get big advantages over other players has been soemthing that lots of people over the years have tried to find a fix for. so far nobody really has solved it from engineering pov + in a environment where is no leveling or competitive game play then would be ok to do this way i think like the server side only just keep track of each character/avatar on the world scene. and handle world point assets ul/dl and comms and inventory and scripts (without the physics). everyhing else done client side mostly the physics so could then have like big oceans and waves clientside for them with computers that can handle it. like if is other person on your boat then on your screen you and them and the boat go up and down on the waves. and at same time is flat water for them without (say your passenger). so the boat for them just goes like in SL now
  19. Czari Zenovka wrote: 2. To announce a laissez-faire policy on buying and selling the official in-world currency on the open market for real money. seems like linden gave up on that one quite a while ago. seems they been manipulating the money supply for quite a long time now. nobody like a linden has ever said but people like Desmond Shang and other barons and L$ money market dealer people not silly and have commented at times on what they see happening like massive inputs and outputs of L$ on the lindex at strategic times that they think/know that only Supply Linden has the capacity to do
  20. Deltango Vale wrote: Not content with this devastation, LL initiated a program of discriminatory pricing that drove the Europeans out of the market, essentially killing SL's European expansion. i seen this one a lot argued over all the time. is a rubbish argument linden is a realworld compnay bound by the tax laws of the sovereign states they operated in linden as a company cannot evade pay taxes if citizens of soverieign states not want to pay their own taxes then they can change their own laws through the democratic/gov process that apply in their own countries is total wrong for sovereign nation citizens to ask another to either help them evade taxes or even ask the lindens to pay the taxes for them so is somehow"more fair that they only have to pay same total price as americans or others for linden products USA and other countries not get any benefit from other nations VAT that pays for social services and responsibilities in those countries where VAT applies
  21. Phil Deakins wrote: That's how the old multi-user scrolling text games worked - and single-user adventure games. People didn't move to locations as they moved around the place. Instead they were simply provided with the data that was relevant to the location they 'appeared' to move to. As a programmer, it used to puzzle me until I decided to write one. Then the method became obvious. Using the same method, I also wrote a simple graphics one that I had online with multiple users, but only for testing and demonstrating. It could be done with a system like SL but it would be a completely different way of doing things. So different that it probably isn't worth LL doing it just for the sake of smooth passage around the various suitable areas like seas. I don't know though. Maybe it would be worth doing, and creating special areas for it. the scrolling games usual only bi-directional. like up down or left right some move complex like they work from a limited number of fixed pov cameras. flat 2D or 2.5d pov compare to them tho SL way more complex (same other 3D game/worlds bc is 360 degree camera in 3D spacetime then is the raw power needed to do the calculations that hold them back at the moment
  22. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: As a programmer, it used to puzzle me until I decided to write one. Then the method became obvious. Using the same method, I also wrote a simple graphics one that I had online with multiple users, but only for testing and demonstrating. It could be done with a system like SL but it would be a completely different way of doing things. The entire structure of SL is badly designed... Its not ideal for a multi-user world on so many levels... Whoever came up with the underlying logic didn't really think it through. yes they did really. think it through the way SL got designed was the only feasible way to do it on the hardware botn server and client side way back then. feasible meaning practicable and affordable even if seems a bit outdated now SL was engineering masterpiece for its time. like realtime dl of assets in a contiguous setting. in many ways is still really amazing that they even managed to make it + the simless/seamless world we talking about is not easy to do even now like how to move a world past a fixed point not just for one avatar but 100s or even 1000s all in the same space point makes the calculations required go up by orders of massive magnitude probably need at least one server core for each 4 or 8 avatars based on todays hardware. bc each avatar would be a sim all by themselves
  23. the secret to community building in any public place is to be consistent i find consistent meaning that you are always in the same place at the same time. dont have to be every day. or even regular days. just same time same place whenever you can then be chatty in local, always say hi to everyone who pop in and chat them up about anything and everything. and for linden homes be a bit knowlegeable about how to set them up. is the no. 1 problem that for new home owners after a time, other people who like you will stop by bc you always there at same time. the know you will be there at that time if you are logged on. after a time (like weeks) some will stop and stay for a chat and even start hang with you word spreads that is this person(s) at this one place who is nice person and knows some stuff is how all the infohubs and even public places that arent infohubs also work all it takes to start is one person who attract other people and then it goes from there
  24. the bit about how the unregulated SL banking industry was going to be awesome is pretty funny like somehow it was going to end up different than unregulated RL bankers jejejejjee (: + also how taxes was going to curtail the depletion and advance the better use of resources. bit like how the RL carbon tax is working really well to do the same thing (not) (: + still it was worth a go i suppose even if to show that laissez faire for the peasants and not for the king dont really work out very well
  25. this happens at pretty much every height. has to do with the clipping region. seems the clipping (edit: is done by reference to) the avatar bounding box (i think) and not on the avatar image. so if your avatar is deformed or animated in some way that push it forward and up outside the box then cliippo if your avatar raise its hands in front then they get clipped as well + can only turn off I think: Preferences \ Move & View \ Show me in mouselook but this not what you asked. so sorry cant move the Mouselook camera in the official viewer. is not documented if you can + so only ways i know is: a) dont deform/animate your avatar or b) find out if any TPV has done a mod for this. i dont know any myself tho. maybe someone else can help with this part + edit ps and c) if you do your own animations for your avatar (or know the maker) then maybe can remake them so that the deform/animation in Mouselook plays slightly back from the bounding box center
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