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Exocet Kungler

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Everything posted by Exocet Kungler

  1. Half of these comments are why SL is the broken mess that it is today. No offense to any of you of course. Why is it that my 11 yo son can make friends by adding them to a "Contact" list, "Friends List", or "Rolodex" depending on your current vernacular position, without even trying. With a friends list that has either been disabled, or is only full of 5 people and you don't add more, I won't even waste my time. Just like your new neighbor that moved in or that person across the table from you, you have to put yourself out there. Friendship takes work. They don't just appear. For those that think they will, well, there are reasons your "contact list" is so short. Friendship isnt a right, its an opportunity. An opportunity to express interest, and mutual desires, hobbies, or likenesses. Friends then come knocking at your door once you make yourself approachable, and available. Having an awesome personality goes a long way as well 😁
  2. Half of these comments are why SL is the broken mess that it is today. No offense to any of you of course. Why is it that my 11 yo son can make friends by adding them to a "Contact" list, "Friends List", or "Rolodex" depending on your current vernacular position, without even trying. With a friends list that has either been disabled, or is only full of 5 people and you don't add more, I won't even waste my time. Just like your new neighbor that moved in or that person across the table from you, you have to put yourself out there. Friendship takes work. They don't just appear. For those that think they will, well, there are reasons your "contact list" is so short. Friendship isnt a right, its an opportunity. An opportunity to express interest, and mutual desires, hobbies, or likenesses. Friends then come knocking at your door once you make yourself approachable, and available. Having an awesome personality goes a long way as well 😁
  3. If you need something made up feel free to reach out to me. I can also be found at Jays Tattoo Shop working 99% of the time. 😁 Jays Tattoo Shop
  4. One of the things I personally strive for, and have a motto of, is if you're in my friends list, I try to reach out at least a couple times a week. Even if its simply to say hello, or ask how your day is going. I have brought in lots of real friendships by trying to be the one to help make SL a better place by actually communicating. Kind of an old school mentality if you will. If you're looking for a good one in your friends list, don't hesitate to reach out. Always chatting and always looking for great people to get together and do things with. Just have to keep the fire alive and make a point of it.
  5. Brilliant idea!.. I kind of wondered about that. Thank you soo much!.. I knew all you smart people would know about these little tricks!.. I owe you a coffee sir!. 😁
  6. Hey guys, tough one I can't seem to figure out that Im sure you all, the community will be able to solve instantly. Ive made a pretty cool fountain, with animated water. However, the water on the face or outside of the fountain is going in the normal direction gravity would take it, "Down". However, the backside of the fountain the water is going "UP". What in the world is wrong with my coding? Any help would be greatly appreciated to get all faces / sides going in the same direction. Here is what I have. integer face = ALL_SIDES; float rate = 0.200; default { state_entry() { llSetTextureAnim(ANIM_ON | LOOP | SMOOTH, face, 1, 1, 0.0, 0.0, rate); llRemoveInventory(llGetScriptName()); } } Thanks again for all the help.. I know im missing something, just can't figure out what during playing with it as im a bit new to LSL scripting.
  7. I have a ton of old scripts and pads that still work perfectly, for generating traffic from back in the old SL days. Any reason to keep these around? I don't see them used anymore in that typical fashion or anyone dancing on pads for L$ anymore. These wern't banned for some reason were they? Not a single parcel I've seen has them anymore nor on the marketplace. Having an inventory full of all "Old Life" SL is a little daunting to sort through and readjust. Finally getting there but, these are sitting there looking me in the face everyday. Appreciate the responses in advance.
  8. You're right that was mentioned!. My apologies, so much information!. Ok mainland searching it is for me it looks like for a little bit. See what kind of trouble I can get into ðŸĪŠ
  9. Wow, you all bring on such amazing aspects of Mainland that I had never thought about at all before. As many of you have mentioned at least mainland i can grow and shrink. I think however due to the house from Maven that I'm using it would require pretty flat to be able to accomadate it properly or just large enough parcel, that part of its flat. Now, correct me if im wrong, I can't terraform Mainland right? Its a what you see is what you get, scenario?
  10. Ill check a few of these places out. Sounds like I have some more research to do before buying / renting. I appreciate every one of you responding and offering excellent advice. You've given me a ton of info to work with. Thank you all my Second Life Avi's / Friends.
  11. Everyones reply has been amazingly helpful thus far, and I appreciate everyone whom has weighed in on the topic. You all have me debating now far more than I ever was before 😋 haha. Let me ask you professionals this. I have a great list of private sims that offers all the nice things, water view, "affluent looking", privacy, basically ticking all the bells. Would any of you by chance have a particular Mainland location I might be able to check out and explore that might tick a few boxes? To be honest, I don't know a lot of nice mainland locations, mainly because, even since creation, I never really ventured there and that was over a decade ago. Here is the home I'm going to drop on the land to give you all a little better idea of "Style". https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/The-Berkeley-Furnished/21444235
  12. Love the idea!. And the thought process behind it. Which would be an optimal situation. But, 8 years is a long time. 😁. I'd hope to find good parcel or starter parcel of 4096 size before that timeframe elapsed hahah.
  13. Yeah that is really bad. That would be horrible. Wouldnt be renting with them at all!
  14. My apologies on somewhat blending them together, I already have my business on a seperate private sim that is already established through the Azure family monopoly. I was meaning to kind of put the PP comment in there as to perhaps, use its perks in some way that all of you friendly folks would advise as a better use scenario. I'm definitley keeping my home and business seperated, (Different Parcel) for advertising, and marketing purposes. 😃
  15. This 100%. I guess it just looks ugly, but admittedly I don't know where the hidden gems are hiding either.
  16. Excellent breakdown. With a Maven home I certainly don't want any eyesores. In all honesty I'd probably prefer a more affluent looking area to place it in. Not sure how many of those exist on Mainland however.
  17. I can totally see this as being one of the main reasons to live there. I have been looking at fully furnished Maven homes, so pretty much a rez it, click, and its done. So even if a "Simmer" had a bad day, I could just relocate. I will say however, the number of guests being limited is something I certainly have not taken into account. Had no idea they even limit that. Sure, im not going to have club parties, but I would like the occasional get together, and would hate to be limited in Avi's able to be present. A 4096 plot home can have a hell of a party technically.
  18. Morning everyone! Have a quick question I was thinking of last night. Lately I have been debating on owning a home and oddly enough going Premium + for my business in game. However, I struggle to understand the desire to live on mainland. Sure, PP gives me 2048 tier credits, but they have to be on mainland of course. Is this why so many people navigate to mainland? Personally for me, I find mainland very laggy, and overall sluggish compared to private sims, even with a new beefy PC with 3080. I've also found that I can rent land cheaper if not the same as the typical tier costs per month on private sims vs mainland. Is there something I'm missing here that would drastically change my perception upon what I see at face value? To me, private sims seem like a better deal for a 4096 plot for just a house. Thanks in advance!
  19. Might be able to assist with this, right up my alley. Have any more information you can provide me by chance? 😁
  20. Then in that case, I couldn't agree more! My apologies for the confusion as well. ðŸĪŠ
  21. I guess im a bit confused by your post. But I have read it many times. Not once does it state how to disable. Just how to "Hone" your search. To add insult to injury, I am new player coming back after 14 years. So there's that too. However, if you know something I don't, I would love to learn more about how to actually rid of this special annoyance. Also in the interest of SL's future, its futile to help new and returning players, get up to speed without ridicule. That being said, I could totally be off with your post positioning.
  22. Thank goodness!. I hate seeing this thing everytime I do a search, at least the bare minimum should be some sort of tooltips setting, to turn it off. Look forward to this fix.
  23. Not to worry Karl im an equal opportunity arsehole lol. There's room for all. Rumor has it I can have 200 friends muahahah.
  24. I'm about to open this said metaphorical box, with my virtual hands, because a hypothetical no, or even a hypothetical yes, doesnt really exist unless the answer is discovered. 😋
  25. I can totally understand not wanting to have a bunch of permanent acquaintances. But, most everyone is usually an acquaintance before they are a friend. See, the way I figure, the more I keep this thread going, the more likely one of you are going to fall prey to my trap. 😈. In essence, I am already creating a small curated set of people, with all the same features and qualities my original post was going for. ðŸĪŠ I will add to this and say I have a great set of people already starting to reach out, which is awesome. Now to keep the momentum going.
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