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Charlemagne Allen

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Everything posted by Charlemagne Allen

  2. Most of the noobs I have come upon either have been referred to SL by someone they know or they saw a video on it. Also, most try to do their own av because they saw a YouTube video with how to create an avatar. LL really needs to invest more in good YouTube-- as usual, third parties do the best ones.
  3. Oh my god, Anche Chung. Remember when she was going to pay people in China pennies to flood the marketplace with stuff?
  4. LOL https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1085536/TOM-RAWSTORNE-Living-Second-Life-fantasy-world-awash-sex-porn.html
  5. Speaking of corporate builds. Reuters had a Second Life News Bureau in 2007. https://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/16/technology/16reuters.html Sion chickens were a thing. https://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2009/08/chicken-run.html There is a random kid named Linden. https://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2009/08/a-baby-named-linden.html LL tried to kick all adult content to Zindra before giving up. https://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2009/03/red-light-segregation.html
  6. That's just a regular day of the week, though.
  7. Oh that's awesome. Poke me inworld.
  8. LOL https://web.archive.org/web/20110519143830/http://www.informationweek.com/news/199701944
  9. LOL https://web.archive.org/web/20110519143830/http://www.informationweek.com/news/199701944
  10. It's all mesh now. You could do it easier now than ever before.
  11. Back when SL required a subscription, you would have to earn Lindens via creating things or having popular places. You would also earn real money by being popular. "Philip Linden: NO! You will not be able to buy Linden Dollars for US Dollars. BUT, if you are a resident who makes lots of [Linden] money or generates lots of traffic [onto your in-world property], you WILL be able to get real money for your efforts. So this is the reverse of the kind of things we've seen other companies try. We are not allowing forward-conversion, but are instead starting with reverse-conversion. Allowing money to flow to the best content and experienced creators is consistent with SL's vision of a world built by its users. The alternative of just collecting more money from casual users who then frenetically spend it on a small number of goods... we don't think that makes sense given the nature of Second Life. As the economy grows there will naturally be more consumer spending and third-party trading, etc. But we wanted to start by getting real money and the right pricing plan to our most serious creators. You know, some people out there think if you spend a hundred hours a week doing something like Second Life, that means you are crazy. I think those people [who say that] are very shortsighted. We want people to be able to dive into SL as much as they like. Making real money is a logical part of that." https://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2003/12/the_price_of_a_.html#more A bunch of people in the old Jessie sim got into a cold war for years on end. http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/18/67/16866/1.html Megaprims were originally created to crash sims by causing massive physics collisions. The old Mentor program was "interesting."
  12. Weird stuff that happened in SL that people forgot about. In 2006, a company would 3D print your avatar for $100. https://web.archive.org/web/20061019122235/http://fabjectory.com/ Stroker Serpentine was playing with teledildonics in SL. https://www.wired.com/2007/03/sex-drive0330/
  13. All the fashion blogs and Second Life blogs I followed are dead. Any recommendations for new ones? Thank you.
  14. That’s a good idea. People whose name starts with J, buy a yacht.
  15. The rules of the game: If someone mentions your name, you are recommended to do the thing and then post back. Not forced to, but it would be fun. I'll start. Jessica, buy a sail boat.
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