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Diane Soulstar

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  1. marketplace sort by relevance is fully messed up. shows old products which not even pouplar products.
  2. yes marketplace search is now fully messed up. Please roll back.
  3. Thanks for all help.. What I see that issue got resolved when you verify email ID. Earlier prior of 28 Oct 2020 marketplace maintenance, sales confirmation email used to come. But after maintenance somehow you got to verify again, and once you do, emails start coming. Even though you knowledge base says as below. A verified email address is required in order to: Receive offline instant messages Receive offline friend requests Participate in land auctions So at last it's working again..
  4. Thanks for your reply. Yes even after Maintenance Work done, still emails not coming. I see in order report in MP that customers getting the products. I did test buy, all fine. But email notifications of each sell is not coming till now in my gmail.
  5. Are you anyone getting your secondlife marketplace store's sell notifications in your email? I see yesterday 28 Oct 2020 there was marketplace maintenance. After that I am not getting marketplace sell emails. Can anyone please confirm? Also even by mistake SecondLife emails NOT BLOCKED not Marked as SPAM in my email.
  6. Store names are alphabetically ordered. Ofc I love more stores..... just that written few here not much space to written all Who doesn't love shopping
  7. Hi! All We at STAR OUTLET are looking for bloggers who are passionate about SecondLife fashion blogging. Star Outlet focuses on designing women's clothing for mesh bodies. We make beachwear, intimate wear & pantyhose/stockings. Find our store at: Marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/125182 In-world: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/TSO Restoration/61/209/23 Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/starfashionsl/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StarFashionSecondlife Payment for these positions are the 'our products' that you will be blogging. If you are interested, please drop a notecard inworld with your portfolio URL (Flickr, Blogs, Instagram) to me. Whoever selected, we would let that person know separately. Knowledge of advertising, concept design is a plus. Thanks Diane Soulstar
  8. Hi! Are you looking for the UI designer for your HUD with no Scripting Experience. OR you are looking for a person who can script your HUD?
  9. yes but making multiple alt is also cumbersome.. in single AV, multiple store is easier. You do not have to logout and manage inventory separately in each AV...
  10. Wish Linden Lab, would have allowed to create multiple stores per avatar. Maybe limited to 2 or 3 stores per avatar. Many times a creator has multiple talents and they could have segregate their builds. Ex. Clothing, Shape/Appliers to Decor items. A Creator can design cloth same time also create appliers or make decor items..... wish Linden Lab listen to this idea some day soon In this way, they can get more commission also. :-)
  11. Time pass so fast 10 years, long time.... I love #SecondLife I started just for fun, then learnt how to build here, met the love of my life...came up with own clothing stores. Learning and creativity has no end..... so much to do in SecondLife. My avatar also changed... old system clothing & system skin to rigged mesh cloths, mesh head & body. Its a wonderful journey. Ty Linden Lab for creating such a collaborative and creative zone for all of us.
  12. I am glad that they think of the creators and only raised 5% more just and kept 10%. Please understand, that 30% is industry standards. They charging way way less. I don't understand why people even complaining. People are using a service. If one not happy on 10% then unlist MP store and be happy with in-world store then. Imagine how Amazon, Google, Apple charge... way way more. As a buyer, I personally feel its way way easier to buy stuff in Marketplace. Ex, you want to buy a dress, you can see multiple products together in marketplace.. you dont have to hop around multiple sims, no lag at all, no mesh heavy sims... and you can relax at one place and buy the desired products from MP. As a creator, I feel 10% rise is nothing. Actually Linden did very good to create an online store like Marketplace. 100 times easier with direct deliveries from Inventory. No packing.. simply connect and sell. So why not pay for using the service. 10% is nothing at all.
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