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Ardy Lay

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Posts posted by Ardy Lay

  1. 8 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:


    Some creators manipulate things in ways things were never meant to be manipulated resulting in weird results at a later date.  I could describe a few instances for you but would be accused of picking on "creative geniuses" that were well aware they were causing future problems.

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  2. Don't create a new demand for specific creator's prims that were somehow illicitly obtained.  We already had that problem with some now defunct security systems.  They are defunct because somebody was selling illicitly obtained transferrable prims that could be used as keys to disarm them.  We discovered the prims had been obtained after some hooligans put much time and effort into defeating Second Life's permissions system.  When I reported this, I was told "When there is a will, there is a way.  When a sufficient reward is at stake, someone will find a defect and exploit it."

    • Sad 1
  3. 17 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    From one or more of the responses - I am surprised there is some possibility of returning the items if they are not "technically encroaching" with the root over your land.

    Today I learned! 

    (I had thought something just "hanging" over your land was not returnable.)


    Oh yeah.  I remember testing that with Simon and Andrew many years ago.  There is a setting in the simulator to allow some returning.  Open the Region Debug Console with Control Shift ' then type help parameters into the command line at the bottom.

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  4. 1 hour ago, AmeliaJ08 said:

    WSL2 is indeed very useful and for most purposes is a more than enough, highly convenient tool that is just a little more cleanly integrated than firing up a VM. Can be installed on Windows with a single command.

    If that annoys the purists then so be it :) they've never really understood the idea of the best of both worlds.


    Yup.  Let's us Windows sheep do a Linux thing when we want to without having to do much to get there.  I already deal with almost 13,000 Linux systems.  I don't need to add another.

  5. 22 hours ago, Henri Beauchamp said:

    Because you really think that a pseudo-Linux running under Windoze would auto-magically solve the issues with routers blocking tcp probes ?... 🤣

    @Henri Beauchamp  Hey Henri.  WSL2 installs a hypervisor which the previously installed Windows and the selected Linux operating systems run on, side by side.  Mostly.  It's a little more integrated than some people like.  For example, I don't see a way to start the hypervisor and Linux without also starting Windows.  I chose to put Debian on my home computer using WSL2.  After playing with it for a while I find it quite useful.  However, some will prefer other implementations that are more obviously demarcated.

    In order to run tcptraceroute I had to first install it.  Simple.  Just do it the Debian way:  apt worked fine.  I may keep this to tinker with.

  6. I have never had to disable Windows Defender, "whitelist files", or rig a firewall or router to run Second Life.  What sort of weeds are you folks walking through to use the Internet?

    1) Move or rename C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\.  It contains settings and chat logs you might want to refer to later.  If you are not running Windows, then you probably know where that directory is located because you had to fix stuff manually.

    2) Uninstall SecondLife.  Answer to the affirmative when asked if you want to remove all files and registry entries.

    3) Optionally, reboot.

    4) Install SecondLife.

    5) Try to remember SecondLife password.

    6) Scream because all your settings are gone!

    7) Return to this forum and demand we tell you how to fix your settings that we made you delete.

    I generally find the uninstaller in the menu under all apps or something inane like that:  Here is a clip from Windows 11 for you viewing pleasure:


  7. If I had to pick one of the common answers to this question, I would say they are playing a game via a scripted object and placement is to stay out of everybody else's way.  I hear Tiny Empires is a good game and has events where teams of players interact with each other.  I would guess these "fairy circles" of avatars appear to participate in the events.

  8. I am not sure what all stimuli are still active.  Avatar looks toward mouse is definitely still in there.  Another is avatar looks at speaking avatars and objects. Avatar looks at selected objects.   Some that were in there but seem to be missing now are avatar looks at colliding objects and avatar looks at touched objects.  Like the breathing motions and various body motions exhibited by an avatar not otherwise compelled to play animations, these were all implemented to mimic life.

  9. 1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    I may be confusing "LookAt targets" with something else..But:

    When I logged in to use my neglected Alt (LoveXiaoying), I saw that her gaze follows whever I move my mouse.  How do I turn that off?  Is it the same thing (LookAt Targets), and I just didn't shut it off for LoveX yet?

    (I have the "Advanced" menu "Show Lookat" options turned off for Love Zhaoying, and didn't notice his gaze following my mouse lately.)


    That should be called "Dead Eyes Mode", I do hate the resulting appearance.  Looks like the person has backed away from their eyeballs.

    There are two indicators.  One shows you where your camera is looking, in case you can't tell.  This is not ever sent to anyone else.

    The other shows where your avatars eyes converge.  This is sent to others in the area and is responsible for telling their viewers what to point your eyes at so your avatar doesn't look like it's dead or stoned.  Turn this off and I ignore your avatar, because I don't interact with dead people.  😉

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  10. /me comes in and starts a fire:

    14 hours ago, Henri Beauchamp said:

    Time to upgrade... Or switch to Linux ! 😜

    Linux is not THE solution, it is, or, should I say they are, a sea of solutions looking for users.  Do publishers of viewers for Second Life provide lists of Linux distributions and versions on which their viewers run reliably?  The person that chimes in with "compile it yourself" might be in for a ride.

    I remember pitching a fit when Second Life would no longer run on Windows 2000 without tricks.

    Now we are living in dread of the death of Windows 10, are we not?  I'll hold out for a while on a few machines I use around the office because they still do their little duties okay, but, for Second Life, I am one of the weird ones that buys new hardware every few years just for Second Life Viewer to run on.

    Wow, we need Python to launch Second Life Viewer?  Was that really necessary?  I suffer constantly at work because of thousands of systems running R.A.D. puke instead of compiled-for-target applications.  The stacks of interpreters and the chains of scripts they run, all passed off as commercial products make my work life hell.  Now consider that we put the target platforms in the hands of people that want an appliance to "just work" and witness the complete failure of a rickety R.A.D. demo released into the wilds.

    I would suggest replacing that version checker with something that doesn't add unexpected dependencies.  Second Life Viewer is very much already a dependency nightmare without it.

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  11. This month, our Inventory Extensions Viewer version got promoted from Release Candidate status and is now the official viewer available from the main download page.

    Some of you have noticed that some inventory items are unexpectedly appearing in your Lost and Found folder. On occasion, an item in your inventory becomes ‘parented’ to a folder that no longer exists -- they are, effectively, ‘orphaned’ items. Previously these items did not appear in your inventory at all. We have fixed this issue and now they appear in Lost and Found. You can then delete the item or move it into your main inventory, as usual. Thanks again for your feedback and bug reports.

    -- From:


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  12. 2 hours ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:


    It's simple.

    Imagine somebody with a Steam account, a decade old, who has spent thousands of $ on recreational software, out of their own pocket.

    Then some marketing clown comes along and tells them they should spend 50% more than the cost of a brand new top of the line REAL PC with a grown up OS, on buying the "Wakibaki 9000 with Metal Arms", a machine that will NOT run ANY of their 200+ back catalog of well loved games, games mod loaders, games modding tools, etc.


    All they are offered is the "amazing new SirLagALot REAL PC to Metal Arms emulator" which runs like molasses in wintertime, and doesn't support ANY of the graphical API's used in the software, and results in degraded graphics.

    The moment the PC user sees the word "emulator" they will back away quickly. so, you LIE and call it a "translator" hoping they won't spot that its basically the same damn thing.


    And then of course, you'll get cultists saying "But why would you want to play games that are MORE than 3 months old? If the Wakibaki takes off, eventually there will ne NEW games, delete all your old faves with over 1000 hours of gameplay each!"


    It's simple, if recreational PC users who pay for their own software, rather than having it rented by their employer, can't run all their preferred existing apps, they will NOT pay through the nose for some overpriced Futureness Propriatory Lock-In- Fail-Tech.

    They didn't buy NEXT, they didn't buy Amiga 500, they mostly haven't bought Metal Arms Mac, and probably won't buy this new thing, unless that "run your old software at least as well if not better" issue isn't solved.

    Telling people "We know you love [game title] 4, but IF you all buy this new thing, maybe the publisher will release [game title] 6 on ARM in a year or three" just does not cut it.




  13. 58 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Treehouses wants me to bring back my old "Tarzan" look and loincloths!

    But, you are a cat of the savanna, not a cat of the jungle.  Hmm, one of the early Linden Homes areas looked kinda like a savanna area with developments around it.  

    • Like 4
  14. 11 hours ago, Henri Beauchamp said:

    The 3D-V cache would not bring any benefit to SL viewers. The latter are already small enough to fit all the critical parts of their code into the L3 cache on non-3D counterparts, and the latter boost higher in frequency (the SL viewer is very sensitive to mono-core CPU performances).

    I myself bought a Ryzen 7900X for my new main PC, which replaced one with a 9700K. I'm not interested in a 7900X-3D; the 7900X performs beautifully in SL, and is a beast to compile large programs. E.g. the Cool VL Viewer compiles in less than 3 minutes on it, which is a huge time savior, when compared to the 10 minutes it took on the 9700K. Even CEF (the embedded browser library used for the viewer web plugin) builds (from scratch, with downloads, git ”deltas” etc, which take about 35 minutes to complete) in less than 1H35 (against 2H10 for the 9700K)...

    Ah, so now it's the opposite of what I remember from running Second Life Viewer on the ICE I had access to.  It was functionally equivalent to an Intel W3550 and was reporting around 40% cache misses when running Second Life Viewer on Windows XP and around 44% cache misses when running Second Life Viewer on Linux.  Looking that CPU up I see it had 8MB of "Intel Smart Cache".  I currently run on an i9-13900k which apparently has 36MB of "Intel Smart Cache".  I see 32MB of L2 cache listed too.  Very different environment.  Foolish of me to assume the contemporary CPU cache is still too small.  I no longer live in a design lab and don't know how to get CPU cache hit/miss statistics on my home computer.  I may try to look that up.

  15. 5 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    I apologize, but every time I read this I wonder - do you know if the light stays on when the refrigerator door is shut?  That is the age-old question.

    I do.  In SL, I fit inside the refrigerator, and, although the "light bulb" is switched off, there is still a heck of a lot of light in there when the door is closed.  The light changes as the day cycle progresses.  What I am seeing is "ambient" and "fog" and something else, which are applied to everything.  I assume this is because SL can't have nice things like objects being lit directly and indirectly by light reflected off of other objects, so they fake it with that pervasive "ambient" that illuminates everything, including surfaces that should not be illuminated via reflections.  It's a performance compromise that I wish could go away.  It triggered Henry, presumably because the release candidate has greatly increased ambient light levels to the point that shadows are filled with ambient light.  And yes, I can edit environment to reduce ambient but then we still don't have the indirect lighting that ambient is faking.  I will have to wait for PBR to work on my land to learn how it works.  Maybe then I can get some sleep.

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