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Ardy Lay

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Posts posted by Ardy Lay

  1. Boom?  Boom!  Host at in Pheonix just vanished from the network leaving region Lusk offline for a few minutes.  Host, also in Pheonix, seems to have Lusk now.  Go go gadget Region Director!  No, this didn't feel like your typical rolling restart.

  2. I think dual GPUs will NOT accelerate a single Second Life session.  I have two nvidia 8800GTs in a Dell XPS 630i with an Intel Q6600 CPU and 8GB of RAM.  I find that no amount of fiddling with SLI has improved SL performance on anything but a totally empty scene.  Lots of people have posted otherwise but not a one has offered to reproduce their "sucess" for me.  They just babble at me like snakeoil salesmen.


    I would like to add that running a second session on that machine worked fairly well until memory bandwidth became saturated.  I used one monitor on each GPU but, under some conditions, would get a bad bake that looked black  or transaprent.  Fix that by moving the affected session to the primary display and rebaking.  Be aware that some drivers behave poorly when a GL window is moved from one GPU to another. 

  3. Something like this?

    string music_url = ""; // leave music_url blank if set in object's descriptionkey HTTPRequest;string feed;string URL;string currSongTitle;string lastSongTitle;string lastSaid;list feedList;integer toggle = FALSE;fetch() { HTTPRequest=llHTTPRequest(URL + "/7.html HTTP/1.0\nUser-Agent: LSL Script (Mozilla Compatible)\n\n",[],""); }output(){    lastSongTitle = currSongTitle;    if ( toggle )    {        llSetText(currSongTitle,<0.7,0.9,0.7>,1.0);        if ( currSongTitle != lastSaid) // don't say the title if it has already been said and somebody gets click happy        {            llSay(0, currSongTitle);            lastSaid = currSongTitle;        }    }    else    {        llSetText(currSongTitle,<1.0,0.1,0.1>,1.0);    }}default{    state_entry()    {        if(music_url) URL = music_url;        else URL = llGetObjectDesc();        fetch();        llSetTimerEvent(15.0);    }    timer() { fetch(); }    touch_start(integer num_detected)    {        toggle = !toggle;        output();    }    http_response(key k,integer status, list meta, string body)    {        if(k != HTTPRequest) return;        feed = llGetSubString(body,llSubStringIndex(body, "<body>") + llStringLength("<body>"), llSubStringIndex(body,"</body>") - 1);        feedList = llParseString2List(feed,[","],[]);        currSongTitle = llList2String(feedList,6);        integer length = llGetListLength(feedList);        if(llList2String(feedList,7)) // in case there are commas in the song title        {            integer a = 7;            for(; a<length; ++a) currSongTitle += ", " + llList2String(feedList,a);        }        if (currSongTitle != lastSongTitle) { output(); } // don't send object updates if title hasn't changed    }}


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