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Wallace Wirefly

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Everything posted by Wallace Wirefly

  1. I was not championing other worlds. What my point was they are able to allow for more for less. Yes maybe they do this because they do not have what you describe but what it does do is to show what is possible. Now the LL has "given" land owners more prims, and if they did do "buy in" at reduced cost than was before. What remains to be seen is whether SL can sustain this world even though it does have more people for now and yes content creators. As we know prims are the "spice" of SL and land equates to that. I still believe SL can move forward because of it's people but form what I read and hear Sansar is to be a "closed" system so is this the direction we are headed? Is this more prims a way of keeping SL around while new platform is implemented? Like is say... remains to be seen. Optimism and hope is all we have because it is not clear yet where this virtual world is headed. Stay tuned :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  2. Ok I will respond to correct what is stated as incorrect. If one is to go around mainland presently there is more Abandoned land then ever has been in SL. Also if one looks at map the Mainland areas have been changed to accommodate more "sea" fairing functions then exsisted before. These are owned by LL. Prices have not varied and are still ridiculous in pricing. The addition of extra prims MAY increase mainland occupation but remains to be seen. Second: as to Canadian Grid the price is still (to be exact) $11.37 US fir single 256 x 256 region 15000 prims. Region can be upgraded to 90,000 prims if want at additional cost.Look up site is simple to do.Might check InWorldz when there. Third yes Homesteads are be given a 33% increase in prims while full regions and Mainland will be given 50%.I am not sure why Homesteads are not allowed same increase guess Homesteads are not bread and butter for LL though I believe that if LL would offer Homesteads to people who want to buy WITHOUT having to own Full region they could pull in more revenue. As for what LL is making we really do not know, They stopped putting out any real numbers or data about 5 years ago.As for creators I have seen quite a few who have left and as for sales I see the economy shrinking. The reasons are not clear but as for any Mature business that is what happens if "new" or "improved" product is not introduced or one has a niche market which as we know virtual worlds is not niche. One may also see that value of $L to the $US is inflating for many years it was 255-260 I believe it has increased lately to around 268-270. Inflation is not good when trying to pay to convert to real money. As I said remains to be seen what this move will do. Is this marketing "new" or "improved"? will it bring more revenue to LL? Will the opening of Sansar( Not sure when) help? So let me know where I am incorrect please.
  3. As of this post LL has announced Prim increases for Mainland of 50 % as well as increase for Linden Home owners. This is to be "shortly" followed by increase in private regions.Those who have been around SL a long time know that Mainland has always had an issue with keeping land occupied.That coupled with "lag" created by close proximity of land owners makes mainland hard to sell. Those who looked around at "other" virtual worlds can see that "Land" is very much cheaper than here in SL. Prices range from $12 for Canadian Grid 15,000 prims to InWordz $40 for mainland 30,000 prims to $75 Estate with 45,000 prims.Also notice that once again Homestead users will be cheated out of this 50% increase. So this increase in prims as well as recent reduction of price for "buy in" for large land owners is no give away for Linden. It probably is made as a way of trying to hold onto what is already at stake that is survival of SL. Whether this will keep people here and revitalize Mainland remains to be seen. We have heard about project Sansar or sometimes referred to as SL 2.0 but have yet to know exactly what this project will give to virtual users and how it will effect SL users. From the above we know it is capable to have more prims at lower cost. Of course this effects bottom line of profit and ability to provide good service to virtual users.SL has come far in last 13 years it remains to be seen if this virtual world created by ITS users will remain on forefront of the virtual space. Stay tuned for more
  4. Try searching here: https://support.google.com/websearch/troubleshooter/3111061?hl=en
  5. After reading most of the comments concerning $L buy I believe there has been a recent shift in $US to $L. For sometime now from the time I started till end of last year the open buy for $L was in the range of 245-260 (2008-2015). The recent open buy is now around 270$L to 1$US. Highest level in sometime. This, I believe, was caused by LL policy change in allowing large landholders to "buy-in" at the older Sim land cost. The $L was stabilized when gambling and banking was restricted or removed thereby setting the $L price to cost of Land charged by LL. Land is what sets the price and with land comes prims the "spice" of SL. Whether the $L will continue inflate remains to be seen. LL is probably looking to generate some immediate dollar gains from this pricing strategy and it will take landowners sometime to see the return on their investment IF they buy into this One Time buy in. The continued weakening of the $L could create havoc for creators and slow down the landowners recovery of this buy in. I imagine some are trying to cash in quickly as possible to try and recover this ONE time cost they pay to LL. So it remains to be seen where SL and it's creators will go from here. Going to be a long hot summer for sure .
  6. Having wandered throughout SL and attended a few musical events I began to wonder how the interaction between the music played by "Tribute" bands and the venue where they are held. I also noticed many postings (photo&video) on the Internet of these events. Putting aside the issue of SOPA,DCMA,etc. of the music content played...what I looked at was LL policy concerning policy of Snapshot and machinima. Looking through I noticed this: c) Other Intellectual Property LicensesIt's important to remember that the Licenses are only copyright licenses for the 3D content we created that is displayed in-world. They do not include any permission to use the trademarks of Linden Lab or Residents, and they do not give any copyright permission to use music or sound recordings that may be performed in-world. They also do not give any copyright permission to use any website or video content that may be streamed from outside the Second Life virtual world environment. If the content that you capture is subject to any trademark, service mark, trade dress, publicity rights, or other intellectual property or proprietary rights, you must obtain the necessary licenses and permissions to use the content, and you use it at your own risk. So IF one was to attend a "Tribute" concert AND take photos or video AND post outside of SL would one need to obtain the permission of those pretending to be a group or person OR actually obtain permission from the ACTUAL artist who is being represented? Also what about the capture of content? The floor is now open for discussion. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  7. I know that there differences in how this is used in SL. Some third party viewers already have a form of RLVa installed in viewer. Inworld there is Open Collar which is as it states and open source for use with RLV. Which is better suited to work with this code? In looking at say Catznip it states: RLVa shares no code with Marine Kelly's RLV implementation. Also there it states: RLVa has been in majority use since 2009 and is what most users experience as or equate to being RLV even though that refers to a different specification and implementation. So compatibility, it seems, can be an issue and am wondering will this cause the scripting used in devices Inworld to create conflict or even override some preference's or not allow one to control? So which would be best to use: RLVa in viewer or to install RLV on computer.? Thanks.
  8. Okay finally we se a response from LL : [updated 8:21 PM PST, 21 December 2014] We continue to work on restoring any content lost from this issue. Many assets have already been recovered, and we anticipate that process to continue. Please continue to keep an eye on this blog for further details as we have them Followed by this: [updated 2:15 PM PST, 23 December 2014] We continue to work on resolving this issue and restoring the removed items as quickly as possible. The problem has proved to be somewhat more complicated than we initially thought, and we've been digging much more deeply into our system and testing all restores very carefully to make sure nothing is missed. we're more than halfway done at this point, and we thank you for your continued patience as we complete the process. Hmmm complicated.. another words easy to do but damned hard to undo.Once again I say the system of how these issues are handled needs to be reviewed on what isDMCA here inSL for and howIP replacement is issued and handled. Lets please learn form this.Thanks to all that participated in this Happy holidays and lets hope a better New year. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  9. I placed a ticket ine about this and here's the response I received: Thank you for contacting Linden Lab Support. The IP Complaint process can be complicated, and even though you bought something from a vendor, vendors do not always upload original content and the item you bought may be infringed property. Here are some links for your information so you can review the complaint process and be more informed about possible infringing property http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Frequently_Asked_Questions_on_the_IP_Complaint_Process http://blogs.secondlife.com/community/community/blog/2009/12/09/testing-improvements-to-our-intellectual-property-complaint-process Guess one has to hire an attorney to get this resolved. Maybe part of ones premium membership should include access to a IP attorney As I have stated before and say over and over this IP and DMCA needs to be resolved. One wonders how this will be handled on the new SL 2.0 platform. If it is the same then I doubt it will get very far. It's complicated :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  10. Okay its the holiday season I know but we just had the usual region restarts and this problem STILL exists. I don't know who started all this (probably will never find out) but for those who did...a BIG lump of coal in your stocking! I finally got smart and stored all my animations in a nice little prim hid away from the spying eyes of IP police ...ho ho ho. So now when I log on and my Firestorm AO has me spinning around I just delete the old..poof... and copy all over to my inventory drag card over and easy peasy my AO works again. Guess this is new way of using Firestorm AO :matte-motes-big-grin-evil: So guess whoever is in charge of weekly restarts missed the "where in process of correcting" thingy. Hasn't these people something else to do?? How about fixing some bugs in SL or go work on SL 2.0. Thank you creators for making life a headache here in the virtual. I beginning to think DMCA is like the 2nd amendment "its our rights!!" Ok back to trying to enjoy whats left of a free virtual world for now. Laters all :matte-motes-dead:
  11. This goes to my original issue though no one has come forward to say who!! When we receive an intellectual property complaint, we investigate it and look for copies of the content identified in the complaint. Our investigation found that you had some of this content. We replaced the content with generic placeholder item(s), as described in our FAQs on our Intellectual Property Complaint Process. LL has what I call a 3 monkey policy which I think works well for this world.Every time LL has instigated a "review" whether a IP,Grief,Ban,or account they have received a complaint. Soooo who wants to hold up their hand ??
  12. In reply to my mistake yes the viewer only is open source BUT as it is anyone with knowledge of the coding can and will COPY anything in this virtual world. In fact all one has to do is do a search for COPYBOT or mention any site that may contain a non approved LL viewer that would allow this they would probably get banned from this forum. We all know that the reason this IP replacement happens is because of this very problem. As for DMCA if one was to actually read what it involves it has grown into something that it was not intended for. IE: Media property rights DVD's. The law was written in 1998 to address issues that arose from pirated media.So the fact that the code (viewer) is open source there are ways to circumvent and therefore copy ALL content in SL. Yes one can not copy others inventory but once one obtains a copy it becomes public so in that sense most everything in SL is open. LL TOS on this is hard to discern for example : Except as prohibited by law, you hereby waive, and you agree to waive, any moral rights (including attribution and integrity) that you may have in any User Content, even if it is altered or changed in a manner not agreeable to you. To the extent not waivable, you irrevocably agree not to exercise such rights (if any) in a manner that interferes with any exercise of the granted rights. You understand that you will not receive any fees, sums, consideration or remuneration for any of the rights granted in this Section. Just one section of the complex rules. So the fact that "law abiding" people get caught up in the "crap" shows that this does not improve the virtual world. Creativity can not be stopped no matter how many laws are interpreted. Nor can can a thief be stopped in a virtual world.
  13. I would like to take time from ranting to thank both Akeyo and Vista (artoo Magneto& Vista Barnes) for contacting me and sharing their concerns and offering help and replacements if needed. Hopefully there will be some lessons learned here from this but.....well.. looking at past happenings one does not get hopeful about LL handling of such things. One wonders is LL cutting to close to the bone for staffing?? Should not the creators of content, as well as large land holders, have some inside track or at least a "hot line" to LL ?? Who does LL consult when matters of IP or Land or Conduct are taken?? IF LL think they can pull off SL 2.0 without this input they may as well retire and call it quits. Get out while the getting is good because it will not fly. I wish everyone a Happy Holiday season, even those at LL :matte-motes-big-grin: and please NO more rest of the year crapola....PLEASE. :smileyvery-happy:
  14. Is hard to know ALL the ones effected since once the server pulls it replaces with IP Replacement ########. What I can say is I use the VISTA ANIMATIONS *HUD3.9d* DANGEROUS MAN V5 in my Firestorm AO. I have used most of theses for long time. I also purchased individual Animations form Vista and installed these. I would say about a third of the animations in this HUD were pulled. So if you keep records of what in DANGEROUS MAN V5 then you can ask LL WHY were these IP'd ! What I find hard to believe is that LL would just up and start pulling these without outside input. interestingly everything in the HUD is fine. BUT as we ALL know wearing a HUD for AO adds scripts! And as well we all know SL land owners are going crazy over script counts. SOOoo whats one to do..well for one take the PURCHASED animations from HUD and place in Firestorm viewer AO this reduces my script count by 16. May not sound like much but EVERY little bit helps reduce lag....according to certain people in SL. Replacing the animations for free will NOT help cause as soon as the asset server cycles it will IP the same animations again. Why ohh why this happens is beyond understanding. As i stated at first..I am getting really tired of this DMCA crap and all that it does to SL. Understand LL TOS ..read it. Anything that comes into this world belongs to this world. Its the way the system was written. If one does not like it..go play another game where you can only buy things..or quest for or whatever. Here in SL people create...and yes people steal.. fact of life. But don't punish others for lazy, though at times creative in ways they steal, people. Okay steps down off soap box.....thanks to all that contribute and may the force be with you ..hopefully not the dark side.
  15. Thank you all for letting me know I am not going crazy. Yes this was a IP replacements issue....AGAIN! Luckily I had my original AO HUD from Vista that contained the animations I was using in my Firestorm AO. So I just had to Reload a new card as well as replace the IP ones and so far is working fine. I agree this blanket IP thing is as stupid as it gets. I blame both parties. LL and I assume Vista for calling out the replacement. As I have said before in SL the idea that DCMA works is a fallacy because as we know in the virtual world of Second LIfe(open source) it is impossible to lock down. I know people make money of of their work and this is good but they should know that eventually things get taken. To cause everyone to suffer because of a few bad apples just frustrates. As I would say the spice must flow so stop messing around and lets get on with the show
  16. Okay logged on today and suddenly I see a third of my AO animations I installed in viewer have been replaced! Does anyone know why something like this occurred?? The animations I use are from Vista ( which I paid for!) These animations are copy only so one is able to move them from HUD into Firestorms viewer which is a great thing when trying to keep script count down now that all of SL is obsessed with scripts and lag. Now I will have to go back into HUD and replace those that have been replaced and as for ones I bought separately??? I had this happen once with a Dance pak the dances were suddenly replaced without even a word had to struggle to get those back now looks like will go through same thing. I am so tired of this DMCA crap. Has anyone else had this happen lately ? Okay rant is over...now back to fixing my AO in viewer. Thanks LL.
  17. Might try this store.. also look for any Asian store they carry lots of anime type characters.. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/68045
  18. Thanks Dora for the reply. Tried working with collision and the issue is using a non-physical object to start (example a simple box prim moving along a keyframe) one needs to have a Physical object (collision) set in order to trigger. Which of course is a pain to deal with. Is to bad that when keyframe coding was setup that at each keyframe (waypoint) a bit could be set that would allow an event to be triggered. Will give the at_target thing a try. My only concern there is looking at the coding will one need to do "math" to establish each targeted "waypoint" to establish when the object is at_target? or can the simple vector setting for each keyframe be used? Thanks again for help. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  19. When setting up Keyframemotion for an object along a predetermined path list (waypoints) is it possible to PAUSE and START motion at each of the defined waypoints? Does one use a script to "call" out this PAUSE or is there an ability within the Keyframe system? (say a flag set for each point?) This has me a bit confused as to meaning selected....deselected: As with dynamic objects, objects moving using this function are paused when they are selected by an avatar with adequate permissions (object owner, passenger, etc). When such an avatar deselects the object, motion resumes, even if the object had been paused using KFMCMDPAUSE. If the Keyframe system does not have flag events i was thinking of using Collision event to trigger PAUSE in motion is this possible? Thanks
  20. I am using Firestorm 4.5.1 (38838) beta and have noticed that every time I click on anything behind me my avatar turns toward it when I click. I have searched for a way to prevent this but can not find. Is this something that is inherent in the way avatar movement is setup? Is it Firestorm issue? Or is there something in Preferences that I do not see that will disable this? Has me stumped. Any input would be appreciated short of gluing my avatar to ground. Thanks
  21. Tried doing this: Log on to Second Life. Click My Profile. Click the Subscriptions & Notifications tab. Change your settings and click Save Changes. Did not change anything. Still getting same message. Failed! Apparently the latest roll out of server updates has done something to linking secondlife.com to the web. As profiles for flikr is nice idea but I do not have account nor page. Was nice while it lasted thanks Linden for at least trying to establish a place where people can post besides profile sorry it did not last. :matte-motes-frown:
  22. Is it just me or is there a problem with posting photos to secondlife.com form inworld? I have tried numerous times to upload photo to Web and continually get message that FAILED. I am using Firestorm latest beta release is there a bug here or are other people having issues? Any help appreciated. Have tried logging off.On., changing photo settings etc. Thanks
  23. Thanks KarenMichelle for a more in depth look and understanding. It is interesting from the stand point of a "Member" created world. It seems that when LL first laid the ground work for SL, I feel, their intentions were good. Being the first , or one of the first, to establish this ground breaking idea one would expect bumps along the way will and would happen. Sadly the "policing" of Terms of Service seems to always be a gray area. As with any Contract "we the party of the first part" agree to these terms by clicking Agree and moving on WITHOUT really reading what it entails. It is today's technology. Now when something happens and ones "Agreement" is canceled only THEN do we go back and parse words. One would hope that this world we call second life will not become like first life where we find fault was not mine. I think no matter which life one "lives" there are these basic principles RAR. Responsibility, Accountability , Reward. When one 'Clicks" each should think of what that action entails and IF we follow the first two then I think the last one will be given. Lets hope LL and each one here can keep our second life a real reward for all. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  24. So it looks like after a long long time this case has finally been settled. Now one wonders what if any effect will this have on SL , Linden lab and its community. Would have to say from quick reading it looks like someone is making out well. Not sure if plaintiffs or lawyers. SO for anyone interested here is the link to courts opinions and settlement: http://docs.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/california/candce/4:2011cv01078/243627/128 One wonders how many are in "class" and what effect will this conversion of $L , which by the way is no small amount $L 43,337,311, will have on lindens. Am sure this is why we see the changes happening in new agreements. As one hears a lot."Read the fine print" :matte-motes-agape:. Good reading
  25. THe discussion of "age play" is not so much an issue as the change in what LL is able to "collect". THe question really is "How will LL KNOW that this is occurring?" Lets look at this one section 6.2 (viii) Post, display or transmit any material, object or text that encourages, represents, or facilitates sexual "age play," i.e., using child-like avatars in a sexualized manner. This activity is grounds for immediate termination. You may review our full Age Play Policy here. You understand and agree that we may report any and all such incidents -- and any and all of your corresponding personal information -- to any authorities we deem appropriate, whether or not it in and of itself violates the law of your (or any) jurisdiction. Now "any and all" ! Well this must mean that LL is collecting ALL ones data. Lets look at Privacy Policy as to WHAT LL collects: We collect two basic types of information – personal information and anonymous information – and we may use personal and anonymous information to create a third type of information, aggregate information. Aggregate Information means information about groups or categories of individuals which does not identify and cannot reasonably be used to identify an individual. We may share Aggregate and Anonymous Information with other parties without restriction. Understand this is also : Information sent either one-to-one or within a limited group using our message, chat, post or similar functionality, where we are permitted by law to collect this information. If one reads through this whole section it is saying that LL is and will collect ALL. So by using "The Service" you are allowing LL to "mine" this data however they choose. In essence there is no privacy once one logs onto "The Service". I doubt that LL has plans to restrict what is happening in World. It is not about "Sex" and/or "Minors" it is more about LL's ability to harvest the data and use as they see fit to protect their investment. Plain and simple. As we all know from recent events the World of Technology has taken away ones thought of "PRIVATE". Just ask Edward Snowden :matte-motes-big-grin-evil: >Welcome to the Wide World of Openness. :catvery-happy:
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