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  1. Hi all! I managed to write out a script that achieves the effect I'm looking for! Thanks for all the help! I'll put down the code I wrote below. default { state_entry() { integer linknum = 2; llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast (2, [PRIM_OMEGA, <0,0.1,0>, PI, 0.25]); } } Effect: https://gyazo.com/4fbd5fec8982db59b072b7d2298cbf8e
  2. Ah, that's unfortunate! If I can't choose the pivot point of the texture to rotate on then it is what it is. If I separated the face depicted in the Gifs from the mesh and created a child object linked to the main mesh would I be able to rotate the child object specifically by using llTargetOmega? That would give me the effect I'm looking for without the need to rotate the entire object itself, as the outer ring of the object needs to remain stationary!
  3. I'm not sure I understand where the two scale figures are being set in the script? I tried putting in the line you gave me earlier and specifying the Face as 2 however the compiler threw me a "Function call mismatches type or number of arguments" error below. So I went ahead and added 0,0,0, and that caused the texture to move similar to how it was moving in my initial post. - I'd like the texture to remain centered on its face and rotate clockwise in place. The script seems like it's making it move around an axis that's not shown on the face itself. Thanks for the second script! I was able to get it working and can definitely confirm the face I am attempting to rotate is defined as 2. I just don't understand why the texture is moving like the way its shown in the gif instead of spinning to the right in place. Is there another parameter or value I'm not specifying correctly in the script? Function Call Error: https://gyazo.com/dc68d08b9c9459ba30d6c5b1a7a50d40 Adding 0,0,0, https://gyazo.com/2d5b612683cda35bc3d7837c94be5748 Second Script Face: https://gyazo.com/1cd3d32ffe47a10fe1f3467c0ff77e97
  4. Hello everyone! I'll be short and sweet here, I'm completely new to scripting and am attempting to figure out how to get a texture to spin clockwise on the face of an object. Kind of like in a spiral or hypnosis pattern in the direction the arrows are going in the image attached. I've tried using scripts from the marketplace to see if I can find something I can break down and understand myself, but the scripts I've found don't move the texture properly. - On this particular object the Face I am attempting to spin the texture on is Face 2. I have tried specifying the number 2 in place of ALL_SIDES in the script provided below, but that doesn't change how the texture moves on the object. I've been channeling my best Google-fu for the last couple of hours and I've come across a few posts on here suggesting that I can rotate the mesh object/prim instead of the texture itself. I figured it'd be best to reach out here before trying that for some advice, as I don't want to rotate the entire object itself, I think I can create some extra faces as child objects to spin over the main object if that's the case? Any pointers would be greatly appreciated! Here's an a GIF showing what one of the scripts I've found is causing the texture to do: https://gyazo.com/98abb559729c517bbb79d4a814fe95f9 And the exact script written out here: //Rotate a texture. //Drop this script into the prim you want to rotate a texture on. //Adjust settings as needed and hit "Save". //For a simple texture rotation, delete this script after running. //For more advanced scripts, you may wish to turn the rotation on and off or change speeds. //To do more than one side, unless it is ALL_SIDES, you can put the face number directly in the function below, and use one function per face. //You can select one face number or use the constant "ALL_SIDES". integer side = 2; //A positive number rotates counter clockwise. A negative number rotates clockwise. float speed = 2.0; default { state_entry() { //Start rotation by using 1, TRUE, or ANIM_ON. llSetLinkTextureAnim(LINK_THIS, ANIM_ON | SMOOTH | ROTATE | LOOP, ALL_SIDES,1,1,0, TWO_PI, 2*TWO_PI); //Stop rotation by using FALSE; //llSetTextureAnim(FALSE | SMOOTH | ROTATE | LOOP, side, 1, 1, 0, TWO_PI, speed); }//End state_entry event handler. }//End default state.
  5. Hiya! I was wondering if anyone had a copy of the hairs Rain or Shine that they would like to part with or trade, the hair is a Gacha item from last years "The Arcade" (Which is going on now!!!) And I desperately want to own one, preferably in black buy any other color is great too. If you have this hair or know where to get it please contact me here or inworld!
  6. Can someone help me find a hair like this or something similar? Also a jacket that's kinda similar for females would help too. Thanks!
  7. I checked already, some look similar but not 100% the same. I wish it were that easy though! I've looked up and down for this hair.
  8. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Jeweled-Chopsticks/4707539 I'm looking for the hair in that picture, Can someone tell me where it's from?
  9. Ooof! I forgot entirely about all of that in my frantic search for a similar outfit, That's probably why no one bothered to reply except now. Oye....I feel stupid.
  10. Bare Rose? I figured they might have something similar, But I haven't thought to check back with them lol. Which is odd considering how I get the feathers for my avatar from one of there outfits. I'll give it a look again.
  11. Hiya, I'm a SL roleplayer looking for a specific outfit or something like it (Here:) http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-bQvxVSfdwhs/UAF9oBQQuhI/AAAAAAAANLU/My5MwB0xqhU/s1600/Blade_And_soul_Wallpaper_1920x1200.jpg That specific outfit is from a Korean MMORPG called Blade and Soul, and I happened to stumble across it. Now, SL RPers who roleplay in fantasy sims are always in constant demand for new outfits, so if It absolutely comes down to it I'd like to have someone create a similar replica of the aforementioned outfit if need be. But is there an outfit that resembles the one I'm talking about on the MP? I've looked everywhere and cannot find a suitable one piece outfit like hers. And what's killing me is the cloak coming off of her. I can't seem to find a suitable one. Though I did find some feathers! I'm asking for the impossible here, What I really need is a dress like hers, below I pointed out the main outfit (In red) that I absolutely need to find/have made. Other pieces marked in blue I can probably find similar of in the marketplace. IN SHORT!!! I'm looking for an outfit that's the same as the one marked in Red on the picture below and would like it if someone had a store they could reccommend me too. If not, Then I'm willing to pay someone to have this made in SL. Probably even the whole outfit for some Lindens. Thanks for taking the time to read and deal with my over finickyness xD I hope to hear from some people soon!
  12. Looking for a builder to create a cyberpunk pyramid, The build must be atleast less than 64x64, More details will beprovided upon contact, Please reply her or send me an IM inworld. -Thankyou
  13. Im looking for a highly experienced person who works with mesh/sculpts, Im looking to have a cyber armor created for roleplay purposes, one that has lights attached to it and the lights can be changed. Down below is the armor I am trying to have built, or a picture of it atleast. http://scarletblade.aeriagames.com/guide/classes/shadowwalker#image-2 Here is a video of the armor, Later in the video the armor is viwed from behind to show what it looks like. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZ0p0kQHpfA The video shows the armor I want built, (The one with the blue lights) I would like it if those lights could be changeable to different colors. If you are interested then please reply here or contact me inworld. We can discuss this further from there on, Thankyou. ::Added in:: There will be a pay of course, We can discuss the price should you accept the build. Thankyou again for taking the time to read this and possibly consider it. As above you can either reply here or contact me inworld
  14. Im looking for a highly experienced person who works with mesh/sculpts, Im looking to have a cyber armor created for roleplay purposes, one that has lights attached to it and the lights can be changed. Down below is the armor I am trying to have built, or a picture of it atleast. http://scarletblade.aeriagames.com/guide/classes/shadowwalker#image-2 If you are interested then please reply here or contact me inworld. We can discuss this further from there on, Thankyou.
  15. Im looking for a good builder who is able to build cyber armor for roleplay purposes, That also lights up and can change the lights to different colors, This can be discussed more of course, If interested please reply here or contact me inworld.
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