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Teagan Tobias

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Everything posted by Teagan Tobias

  1. No, I am getting the same lag as you. Never see more than 15fps. I am playing with it, but as it stands I can't use it. I do like the way you can move the buttons around, put them out or not. I don't like the IM setup, I get a dark line across the middle of my snapshots and that with the lag make it a "no go" for me. I will keep looking at updates and hope.
  2. I don't use YIM or AIM and I don't use Firestorm. Phoenix and Firestorm, IMHO, are too green around the gills for me and I don't like some of the things they do. But the sad thing is, if you look at what you just said, it amounts to: Second Life is doing a lot of monkey see monkey do now instead of innovating. I guess I like the way they innovated instead of the way they followed blindly. And I understand that when I log off, my chat history is gone, and when I log on again it will start over again. The same as it was for IM's in the past (V1). The IM's tabbed in the “Communicate” window, again IMHO, worked extremely well. It made it so you could “Communicate” easily. But then it could just be me liking how it worked in the past and now stuck on TPV's. But hey, I NEVER expected to see the sidebar disappear, maybe “Communicate” will come back too. With a few tweaks, the landscape of V3 is looking more like V1 than V2, could be there is hope yet.
  3. The "Me --> Preferences --> Privacy tab --> Save IM logs on my computer" is checked, yes. If I "minimize" all my IM's then I have to many things open, that just makes no sense at all. I guess each one you minimize would be another tab someplace on your screen. There needs to be a way to get back to IM's, a way to "communicate" without missing part because you had to close a window. The same way you don't need to keep the chat window open to see chat, open it up and look back to see what has been going on while you went to... uh, went out of the room. I really thank you'll for your help. I will keep loading updates and keeping an eye on it and see how it progresses. But for now I am going to get on Imprudence and have some fun.
  4. Ok, reloaded V3 Beta and went in world. I got an IM about voice being down from a land owner. I closed the IM and opened People. Clicked on RECENT and this is all I get. No way for me to get to IM's after they are closed (I guess)
  5. That's very interesting, I will half to reload and take another look. Because after I closed several IM's, like I said, there was nothing there, as in, nothing there to click on, no list at all. Maybe a reload will help, now I really don't know what to make of it. But thanks for the pic, at least I know what I am looking for now.
  6. When I looked at your snapshot I was expecting to see what I see in my snapshots and saw nothing at first, it's not even close to what I get. I get a dark black line across the snapshot, your line is thin, very thin. Still unacceptable though.
  7. I dropped back to 244443 and get the same thing. Not on the low resolution but on higher resolution snapshots. I use custom settings and that still gives me the line across the snapshot. I will play with turning off antisaiasing, I think that can be shut off. : ) thanks
  8. People, Recent tab is not the place to get back to IM's. I closed an IM and opened People and opened Recent and there was nothing there. So, still don't have a way to get to IM's like you could in V1. Looks like once you close an IM there is no getting back to it, and I have been just closing them if I was busy thinking I could get back to them. Some people must be thinking I am just rude.
  9. Not sure if this is where to post this but could not see another spot. Two things, ONE: when I open Snapshot and set it to how I would like it, the settings are not saved. Is there a way to save the settings that I set so next time I open Snapshot I don't need to set it up again? TWO: Every snapshot I have taken has a thin line across the middle of the photo. I have used different settings, I have updated my graphics driver, I have tested my graphics card, I have taken snapshots with another viewer (and get no line) but V3 Beta still has this line right across the middle of each photo I have taken. It makes the photos worthless. NVIDIA 8800 GTS 512, AMD Dual Core 6000+ 3GHz
  10. Thanks, the People thing looks like what I am looking for. I keep that button up as a kind of radar but had not looked at the Recent tab.
  11. For the most part I like V3, I am using the latest Beta. But I have a problem with IM's, once the window is closed, how do I get back to it. Before, you could open Communicate and click on the tab for any IM and open it up. Now Communicate is gone, there is only Chat, and you can't see IM's from there. So once I close an IM window, how do I open it again if I don't remember exactly how to spell the name, or exactly what group it was, if it was a group at all. Is there a way to put the IM tabs in Chat? Is there a way to open an IM window for the last IM or IM's?
  12. I have a duel core CPU (3GH) and an nVidia GTS 8800 512. 4 years old and not top of the line but working well. With LL V3 latest beta I am getting between 9 and 15 fps with around 12 most of the time (for this test). I use Imprudence most of the time so I checked what I was getting with it and in my skybox at over 3000m I am getting between 60 and 95 fps and when going to the same store as V3 I was getting between 45 and 80 fps. I was wondering why I was getting a headache when I was using V3 but I never thought to look at the frame rate. Tested both viewers in the same places but also went to another store with Imprudence that I know is busy and still got around 50 to 70 fps. I checked the anti-aliasing setting and it was at 4x. Before the test I set it to 2x for V3 and relogged. I keep my graphics settings set to High, that is where it is set automatically when I install the viewer. Just some info to add to the post.
  13. I said welcome, now its time to get to work. The first thing is reinstating surnames. WHY IS YOUR NAME “RODVIK LINDEN” AND NOT “RODVIKLINDEN”? Ow, was that a slap in the face I just felt. What was that I just heard, were better than you are. Great start RodvikLinden, NOT :-( Sorry if I am harsh but a very very special part of Second Life was lost when the surnames were taken away, but then I'm betting you will never even see this post.
  14. Welcome Rod, Its good to see your in world and doing what we do. But I must say that some times it seems like the people at the Lab just don't get it. So here is an idea for you, have your morning meetings in world once in a while, once a week at least. Put HR in world, post things to the employees in world, use Second Life. Some times it seams like the conductor I back in the caboose having a sit down and not running the train. (I said nothing about viewer 2) Could be I am off base on this one but still think about the suggestion, if you and everyone uses it, you will know more about the things the residents complain about, and boast about. You said you like the trees and plants, well think of a large clearing in the middle of a forest and the morning meeting comes to order. When you done no one needs to go back to there desk, that is where they were all along. Complaining closes the ears, suggesting opens the eyes. Best of luck to you.
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